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Posts tagged as “jobs”

NBP Business Plan Low-Balled Costs, Exaggerated Jobs

A January 2008 business plan prepared by Agrifood Solutions International for Northern Beef Packers in Aberdeen offered this estimate of the construction costs then anticipated to put a slaughterhouse in operation by August 2012: As we well know, Northern Beef…

Keys to Twin Cities Jobs Growth: Tech, Cooperation, Immigration

While South Dakota concentrates on recruiting gunmakers and failure-prone beef plants and mega-dairies to boost its economy, the Twin Cities continue to draw the big money. Here's the WonkBlog's take on metro-Minnesota's pretty good job opportunities: Minnesota unemployment usually tracks…

South Dakota Last in STEM Pay

Speaking of jobs, Governor Dennis Daugaard has made a big deal of promoting jobs in science, technology, engineering, and math—the STEM jobs toward which we are supposed to retool our education system.... because who needs literature, anyway? But as with…

South Dakota Ranks 13th for Job Creation under Governor Daugaard

The Business Journals' On Numbers blog ranks U.S. governors on their states' job creation rates. South Dakota Governor Dennis Daugaard comes out 13th, with 16,200 more jobs in South Dakota than when he took office in January 2011. That's 900…