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Posts tagged as “journalism”

Reporter Montgomery Heads for St. Paul; Who Will Help Mercer Cover Pierre?

Last month, after Gannett axed several good reporters from that Sioux Falls paper, content strategist Patrick Lalley was bragging that remaining journalists Jonathan Ellis and David Montgomery were "unparalleled in this market." David Montgomery, who in the past six years…

Broadcast Veteran Lund Explains Different Demands of TV News

Two weeks ago, South Dakota media eminence gris Doug Lund lobbed a blog blast at Patrick Lalley, content strategist of that Sioux Falls paper. Lund got the impression that, in the paper's November 19 100 Eyes podcast, Lalley showed no…

Mote, Plank: Powers Chides Hult for Factual Reporting on Temp Arrest

This morning's review of Dakota War College finds Pat Powers wallowing in blogospherical inferiority and hypocrisy again. Powers finds it useful to mock that Sioux Falls paper for not making a headline out of where Sioux Falls police found a…

Sioux Falls Paper Changes Focus on Marketing, Not Journalism

Scott Ehrisman reports that that Sioux Falls paper has axed several veteran reporters. I read the paper's own Sunday description of its newsroom changes and find a distressing absence of specifics on actual news activities. President and publisher Bill Albrecht…

Ross Quits Mitchell Paper over Strange Sveen Retraction

Last Friday, at the behest of lawyer Jeff Sveen, the Mitchell Daily Republic retracted a single statement that it printed four weeks ago asserting that Sveen was a "partner" of EB-5 czar Joop Bollen. Sveen has worked as Bollen's lawyer,…

Curious Retraction: Jeff Sveen Not Joop Bollen’s Partner

Four weeks ago, Denise Ross posted a stunning article in the Mitchell Daily Republic that put then-Governor Mike Rounds in the room in 2009 with key players in the EB-5/Northern Beef Packers/Epoch Star financing scheme. That statement called into question…

Aberdeen Paper Concedes Headline on Gant and Elliott Incomplete

Legislator-in-waiting Lee Schoenbeck gets to shout "Wrong! Wrong! Wrong!" in my ear all night. On Sunday, the Aberdeen American News ran an article headlined, "Secretary of State: Elliott Residency Valid." Elisa Sand's article said that Secretary of State Jason Gant…