And from the Tacky Marketing Department, this unpleasant juxtaposition on the Madison Daily Leader's SD-AP feed: At least it wasn't an ad for a local funeral home....
Posts tagged as “journalism”
So I'm spending my Saturday afternoon reviewing the Madison Central school district website, trying to find information about curriculum, class size, building layout, etc. I come upon the online student newspaper, The Maroon. A worthy institution, that school paper: I…
Doug Wiken also gives Noem's Know-Nothing vote a due pounding on Dakota Today. David Newquist discusses public broadcasting's vital cultural mission on Northern Valley Beacon. As usual, Congresswoman Kristi Noem did what her bosses told her yesterday and voted to…
Journalism and marketing shouldn't mix. But our flagship East River TV news station keeps doing it: Water is flowing over a bridge in southern KELOLAND and it's now closed to traffic [, 2011.03.16]. Really? We have a flood, a major…
Hey, before Steve Jarding sucks up all the progressive oxygen in South Dakota with the new and epic South Dakota Alliance for Progress e-paper, The Antidote, I figure it can't hurt to remind you, dear readers, of the Madville Times…
A commenter seeking to distract from the issue at hand grumbles that the Madville Times is too negative: All that ever comes from this blog is negativity without all the facts. I challenge you to write about something positive for…
Some statistics of interest, Web and otherwise: 245: hits received by the Madison Central New Gym/Renovation Project website since launched earlier this month. Superintendent Vince Schaefer crows about this popularity on the front page of last night's Madison Daily Leader.…