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Posts tagged as “marketing”

Nelson Beats Rounds with First TV Ad

Stace Nelson dooms his candidacy by putting Heidelberger in his first TV ad... crazy cousin Aaron Heidelberger, that is. He's the guy in the red shirt. Smartly, Stace and his production crew keep the ad off full-reserve banking and…

Rhoden Sticks It to Bull in New Campaign Ad

The Displaced Plainsman is right: Larry Rhoden's new TV ad for his U.S. Senate campaign is a bunch of bull: Larry, get real. Liberals aren't out to destroy anyone's way of life. Big spenders may be, but they are the…

Weiland Ad Wins on South Dakota Authenticity; Rounds Condescending

In the Comparative Propaganda Department, Rick Weiland passes with flying colors the South Dakota authenticity test that Marion Michael Rounds flunked: Windmill, small-town bars, tire on fencepost, men in work-worn baseball caps, snowy Sioux Falls parade—totally South Dakota. The ad…

Rhoden Attacks Rounds on Stock-Photo Ad; Rounds Retreats!

On Friday, I reported that Marion Michael Rounds had posted a video for his U.S. Senate campaign consisting of himself delivering an over-polished, inauthentic pitch backed entirely by stock photographs of non-South Dakotans. On Sunday, Roll Call caught the story…

Who Needs South Dakota? Rounds Video All Stock Pix

Marion Michael Rounds's new campaign video reeks of inauthenticity: The fake smile, the fake delivery, the fake tone polished past the point of real connection to your audience... ...and the series of stock photos that shout, "I'm too busy to…

Marketing 101 for Bosworth: Know Your Market, Scrub Your E-mail Lists

Fake U.S. Senate candidate Annette Bosworth is back to botching her marketing. Yesterday afternoon, Bosworth campaign worker Daniel Freeman sent an e-mail seeking volunteers to help with the campaign website. The campaign e-mail included 22 e-mail addresses in the open…

RNC Tries to Trick Donors with False Membership Expiration Warning

An eager reader forwards a fundraising letter he received from the Republican National Committee, who insist that America is lost if he doesn't send his $25: Obama shocking, America unrecognizable, shredding Constitution, "government control over all aspects of your life"—yadda…