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Posts tagged as “protest”

Oglala Sioux VP Poor Bear Tells Obama to Stop Keystone XL

The press gave some attention to some protesters who interrupted President Obama's speech at the University of Colorado in Denver Wednesday by raising a banner and shouting for him to block the Keystone XL tar sands pipeline project. The President…

Median Income Drops for Top 1%; Oh! the Risk, the Agony

Dr. Newquist and Mr. Wiken offer their perspectives on the Occupy Wall Street movement. Together they posit that the Occupiers are not dirty hippies (I certainly didn't see any Occupying Rapid City) but citizens responding to the dangers of undemocratically…

Folks Following Occupy Wall Street Movement Work More, Vote Indy

I sniffed around at 6th and Main yesterday for lazy jobless Rapid City hippies. I didn't smell any. A new online survey on the main Occupy Wall Street website suggests that you might have a better chance of finding slackers…

Occupy Rapid City: South Dakota Voices

My daughter and I went to Rapid City to engage the capitalist beast with our dollars. Several of our neighbors were at 6th and Main engaging the beast with their First Amendment Rights. Let's hear from five of our neighbors…

Cantor Dodges Public; Howie Cusses Protesters

Double pol treats for breakfast! First Frank Kloucek wakes me up with advocacy for his redistricting amendment; then I find Gordon Howie blowing smoke from his Black Hills hookah to obscure Republican chickenness with charges of Occupiers unruliness. The failed…

Occupy the Pasture!

These Occupiers are out standing in their field: Steph Larsen and Brian DePew stake rural America's claim to membership in the 99% with their occupation of a pasture near Lyons, Nebraska. Lyons... hey! Isn't that a French name? They must…