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Where Are Tim, John, and Kristi? Report Your Sightings!

Senator Tim Johnson takes a little heat from the Aberdeen American News for telling the press not to publicize his visit to Aberdeen yesterday. I agree: Tim, you don't make my job easy when you create any appearance of keeping your events out of the public eye.

Senator Johnson also doesn't do a much better job of posting events online than our Congresswoman Kristi Noem. I check his Senate website and find I can schedule a meeting with the Senator, but I cannot find a page listing his upcoming public events. Senator Thune's website (which always loads slowly for me) links to the Senate floor calendar but no calendar of public events (at least not that I can find while scanning over my McMuffin). Rep. Noem at least has an Events page... although it remains distressingly un-updated since May 20. She must have left the sticky note with her Web password on her Ronald Reagan photo back in the Washington office.

So I'm curious: which Congresspeople have you seen during this August recess? Senator Johnson spoke at the Maroney Center grand opening in Howard last week. Rep. Noem held her show trial of the Army Corps of Engineers in Pierre the next day. She joined Senator Thune at an ag roundtable in Rapid City Monday, where Senator Thune complained to a group of industry elites about a "policy elite" writing regulations (see also: irony).

Given these appearances and others you've caught, which of our representatives do you see making the best hustle to get in touch with us voters this recess and take our ideas back to straighten out those characters in Washington?


  1. mike 2011.08.26

    John Thune has clearly out worked Noem or Johnson.

    Senator Thune is very accessable.

  2. john 2011.08.26

    Saw Thine at Riverboat Days. Mighty Orange tan he was sporting. Brings back memories of his house days.

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