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Kristi Noem’s Birthday Plans: Fundraising for Next Campaign

Last updated on 2012.12.01

Responding to questions about Mike Rounds's formal announcement that he's running for Senate, Rep. Kristi Noem says she's too busy doing her job to think about the 2014 campaign:

Noem, who is celebrating her 41st birthday today, was asked by reporters whether running for the Senate was something she has considered. "It’s too early for that. People are tired of campaigning," Noem said. “They really want to see our elected officials get back to work now that the election is over.”

She declined to say when she would make a decision as to whether she would run. "That’s something that I’m just not looking at right now as far as making any major decisions. That election is two full years away" [Christopher Doering, "Kristi Noem Says It's Too Early to Decide on Senate Run in 2014," that Sioux Falls paper, 2012.11.29].

Noem's getting back to work, all right... the only work she's good at: raising money for her next campaign. Here's an invitation from Bryon Noem to Kristi's birthday fundraiser in Rapid City Saturday:

Kristi Noem 41st birthday Rapid City fundraiser invitation, 2012.12.01
Kristi Noem 41st birthday Rapid City fundraiser invitation, 2012.12.01 (Click to enlarge!)
Note from Bryon Noem, inviting donors to Kristi Noem's 41st birthday political fundraiser in Rapid City, 2012.12.01
Note from Bryon Noem, inviting donors to Kristi Noem's 41st birthday political fundraiser in Rapid City, 2012.12.01. (Click to enlarge!)

Oops—I hope I didn't spoil the surprise. And dang it: Kristi comes to Rapid City for a party, and I'm in Yankton!

The next time you see Kristi on the phone at a committee meeting, you know she's doing her real job: raising campaign money for 2014.


  1. Michael Black 2012.11.30

    Every day we hear on the news how Congress can't agree on how to fix the fiscal cliff...or anything...

    Get back to work until you pass a budget.

  2. DB 2012.11.30

    Have anything important to cry about Corey?

  3. Jenny 2012.11.30

    She's establishing her base West River in preparation for her Senate run. She could have had it at at ranch and given pony rides for all the kids.

  4. Jenny 2012.11.30

    at the Noem ranch (I meant).

  5. JoeBoo 2012.11.30

    Nothing says fixing Washington like a Rapid City birthday party

  6. Wayne Gilbert 2012.11.30

    DB: I guess I think it's important that an elected official says “It’s too early for that. People are tired of campaigning," while kicking off a fund-raiser for 2014. Besides, it's funny.

  7. Rorschach 2012.11.30

    My birthday wish for Rep. Noem is that she work a bit harder in her 42nd year than in her 40th and 41st years, and that she put the public good ahead of her political party.

    If Democrats and Republicans all agree that 98% of the public - those who make under $250,000 - should not have a tax increase, well then by all means pass the damned senate bill preventing said tax increase. Don't hold 98% of the public hostage to that 40% of the richest 2% who oppose their taxes being raised for the good of the nation. What in the hell are you house Republicans thinking?! When one of your own (Tom Cole - R Oklahoma) says the obvious you throw him under the bus. So Kristi, are you going to fall on your sword for the greediest of the wealthy, while the US stands on the "fiscal cliff" or are you going to represent the majority of voters from both parties and get this done for the middle class?

  8. DB 2012.11.30

    "I guess I think it's important that an elected official says “It’s too early for that. People are tired of campaigning," while kicking off a fund-raiser for 2014. Besides, it's funny."

    I'm glad you have your priorities straight on what is important.

  9. larry kurtz 2012.11.30

    Kristi Noem: Mike's Invitation Like Fundraising.

  10. Joan 2012.11.30

    My opinion is that for her birthday she should give us all a gift by taking a flying leap off a tall building. I feel like a cranky granny tonight. lol

  11. mike 2012.11.30

    This will probably be Noem's last term as an elected official in SD. She is done either by challenging Rounds and losing or losing to Brendan Johnson. People do not like Kristi. They just dislike Dems more...

  12. Bree S. 2012.11.30

    Larry, you're a dirty old man.

  13. larry kurtz 2012.11.30

    When you're done with that loser text me.

  14. Bree S. 2012.11.30

    I have never before in my life met a "political figure" like Charlie Hoffman. He is the figurehead of everything wrong with the SDGOP.

  15. Barry Smith 2012.11.30

    Bree The irrelevancy of your posts to the subject at hand is greatly increasing.

    All in favor of Bree starting her own blog say Aye.

  16. Bree S. 2012.11.30

    Barry Smith, I can personally guarantee you that my posts are always entirely relevant. lol

  17. Michael Black 2012.11.30

    I know Barry Smith and he uses his full name.

  18. Bree S. 2012.11.30

    And I don't. What's your point?

  19. Bree S. 2012.11.30

    Michael Black and Barry Smith, I am well aware of the fact that I have made enemies lately. Luckily for me I am pretty much untouchable and any monkey business will be repaid tenfold. I am comfortable with having enemies. You are welcome to dislike me, I am not feeling the least bit conciliatory at the moment.

  20. Barry Smith 2012.11.30

    My friend Mike is right.With an name like Barry Smith who needs a pseudonym. LOL

  21. Michael Black 2012.11.30

    I dislike the use of nicknames and initials for identification. Opposing opinions are always welcome. They help broaden our horizons.

  22. Bree S. 2012.11.30

    I have explained my reasons for using an initial for my last name. I am protecting my in-laws from harassment. That is the only reason. I really care who knows who I am, but the more random people who know, the more likely some jackass is to call them up. I have made my name as clear as I can, as my name is Bree and my last initial is S.

  23. Bree S. 2012.11.30

    That should be "don't really care" lol (Freudian slip?)

  24. Barry Smith 2012.11.30

    Ha -At least your honest Bree. Seriously though why don't you start your own blog? It's free and would give some needed context to your multitude of opinions.

  25. Bree S. 2012.11.30

    That would take a lot of time and effort when I can just mooch off of Cory's hard work.

  26. caheidelberger Post author | 2012.11.30

    Dan, take the point from Wayne and me: we offer a p;rime example of Kristi Noem saying one thing and doing the opposite. But you tell me what's important:

    (1) I should do something about the federal fiscal cliff;
    (2) Congresswoman Noem should do something about the fiscal cliff;
    (3) Kristi Noem should hold fundraisers immediately to avert the fiscal cliff that she will hit when Mike Rounds takes all of her local donors?

    Ah, yes, priorities.

  27. Bree S. 2012.11.30

    Cory, you should be pro-Noem because if she runs for the Senate that makes Brendan's chances a whole lot better.

  28. Stan Gibilisco 2012.11.30

    Rounds just announced his candidacy for Senate. Thune ain't going nowhere. Noem would not have a chance against Rounds in a primary.

    What I'd like to see is Rounds vs. Herseth-Sandlin for Senate. Now that'd be a great contest!

    Bree, I don't have any problem with your comments here at all. If you start a blog, please let me know.

    I should say that all this fuss about Noem's appearance just puzzles me. She's okay-lookin', but hey, I've lived in South Beach Miami, hung around Hollywood, swum in Kona ... and now I've got Low-T from having fried my senses for so long.

    Pshaw. Kristi, keep me and the other struggling billions in this hapless world from falling off that freakin' cliff. That's all I care about anymore.

    I use my full name (and real one) on all my media activities ... Facebook, LinkedIn, YouTube, blogs ... because I want people to know who I am. But of course I have commercial reasons for that.


    On Ken Blanchard's blog I suggested that we, the people of the United States of America, start a nationwide epidemic of recall petitions for every last one of the 535 bozos who would sacrifice us like lambs on the altar of Baal.

  29. Charlie Hoffman 2012.12.01

    Bree no one believes that you are a woman. Baiting me to comply with your lunacy is making me laugh out loud yet I feel sorry for you at the same time.

    What is it that happened to you growing up which has put so much anger in your current walk has all of us wondering but that is your problem. Just so you know every time you write I win political points on all the blogs you infect.

  30. caheidelberger Post author | 2012.12.01

    Bree, I'd love to see Noem run for Senate. But I won't masquerade as being pro-Noem. Rounds would be a much better Senator than Noem and thus should have no problem beating her in a primary.

    But there I go thinking like a Democrat, expecting folks to hire the person who can best do the job of Senator. I could be wrong: Republicans aren't electing someone to do stuff in Washington; they are hiring someone to keep Democrats from doing stuff in Washington. In that regard, Noem may have an advantage: her job isn't to legislate. Her job is to look good, raise money, and keep the seat from skilled Democrats. She is good at that job. She'd also be easier to boss around than Rounds.

    Under that view, Noem has a chance in the primary. And you can bet that's exactly what she's sounding out among her donors this evening at the Hilton in the immediate afterglow of the Rounds announcement.

  31. caheidelberger Post author | 2012.12.01

    Charlie, I believe Bree is a woman. She's often wrong and a thorn in my backside, but she is a woman. And this baloney about "what happened to you growing up" is cheap insult, not sincere concern or psychoanalysis. I don't ask about what awful things happened in the Arnold household to make little Kristi such a lunkhead; I just accept her lunkheadedness and point out the negative impacts of electing such lunkheadedness to co-opt our House seat for her own self-aggrandizement.

  32. Rick 2012.12.01

    'Bree no one believes that you are a woman.'

    Speak for yourself please. I believe Bree is a woman.

  33. Bree S. 2012.12.01

    Poor Charlie. His blind arrogant chauvinism doesn't allow him to believe in intelligent women - and he's too dumb to realize that he should at least pretend to be in the conservative corner.

  34. Bree S. 2012.12.01

    I wasn't baiting you Charlie. I have been blatantly threatening you. But since you are the densest person I have ever met, you don't get it.

  35. Rorschach 2012.12.01

    Charlie wins this round.

  36. Bill Fleming 2012.12.01

    Bree, what's the 'threat' to Charlie again? I must have missed it. Goofy insults maybe, but I've really not seen anything threatening. So it must not be particularly 'blatant'. Besides, why would you want to do that, anyway? Have you ever even met him?

  37. Jenny 2012.12.01

    Bree, when you come onto a democrat blog, you need to expect some baiting. I've been on worse. These guys here are nothing compared to some other blogs I've been on.

  38. Bree S. 2012.12.01

    Bill, by my standards I've been incredibly blatant. But it doesn't matter now. He has proven himself to be unsalvageable. I no longer care to "insult" him. :)

  39. Bill Fleming 2012.12.01

    Jenny, just for the record, the only person "baiting" Republican Bree is Republican Charlie. And vice versa. The rest of us are just trying to follow the conversation. Some of us are Dems, some libertiarians, some Indys an some GOPers, most of clueless as to what in the heck she's talking about and who in the heck she is. Capiche?

  40. Bree S. 2012.12.01

    It's okay Jenny. I picked a fight with Charlie the other day to flush him out on the SDWC. I guess it annoys me when Rounds' team wrongfully accuses other people of doing the dirty stuff they're doing. Like plugging their own name while posting as Anonymous, as though someone would mention them offhand when they are completely irrelevant.

  41. Bill Fleming 2012.12.01

    That's called "sock puppet trolling" Bree.

    And yeah, it's not cool.

    Neither is insulting someone and making personal attacks from behind an anonymous moniker.

    At least not by my standards.

  42. Bree S. 2012.12.01

    Pointing out the truth is not a personal attack Bill. And, I already told you, I'm no longer interested in the topic of Charlie Hoffman. He is politically dead to me.

  43. caheidelberger Post author | 2012.12.02

    Stan: recall petitions for Congress? I doubt they'll do any good unless we also mandate non-partisan redistricting. The system is rigged to produce the House we see. In South Dakota, both House and Senate are similarly rigged.

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