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Among Women Denied Abortions, More Welfare, More Poverty, Less Work

Denying a woman an abortion can kill her. It can also increase her chances of ending up on welfare, living in poverty, and not holding a job... or so say preliminary findings in the first longitudinal study of women who are turned away from abortion clinics:

[Researchers] found that 76 percent of the women who were denied abortions were receiving public assistance, compared with 44 percent of those who were not. Sixty-seven percent were living below the poverty line, 11 points above those who received abortions.

Women who did not receive abortions were also less likely to be working — 48 percent versus 58 percent of those in the group that did receive abortions [Sarah Kliff, "What Happens When a Woman Is Denied an Abortion?" Washington Post: Wonkblog, 2012.11.17].

The researchers find women denied abortions have more anxiety a week later than women who get abortions, but those negative feelings fade within a year.

The study continues, but these initial results suggest we are more likely to see a post-abortion-denial syndrome manifesting itself in practical policy impacts than we are to see the post-abortion syndrome figments of Allen Unruh's fervent medical and political imagination.


  1. Roger Elgersma 2012.12.01

    You say, "Denying a woman an abortion can kill her." I say, "Allowing a woman an abortion does kill the baby." Both are true. So we do not live in a perfect world. So what is more important, family or money.

  2. Taunia 2012.12.01

    Another reason to trust women with their own bodies, their own decisions and letting them be in control of their futures and their families.

  3. Taunia 2012.12.01

    Abortion rates are at all time lows because of "more effective contraceptives women are increasingly using."

    Keep birth control accessible and affordable and abortion rates diminish. What a concept.

  4. Jenny 2012.12.01

    Repubs are just obsessed with abortion.

  5. Bree S. 2012.12.01

    I bet if a woman would use a condom (last time I checked they were handed out for free) that would go a long way to lowering her anxiety levels.

  6. Bill Fleming 2012.12.01

    Bree, please tell us exactly how a woman goes about using a condom. Your 'anima' is showing, doll face. (see Freud/Jung anima v animas).

  7. Bree S. 2012.12.01

    Do I need to provide you with step by step instructions Bill? And in case you've forgotten, they do make female condoms. They also make diaphragms, sponges, and spermicides. All of those would excellent for female stress.

  8. Bill Fleming 2012.12.01

    Relevant excerpt:
    Like all birth control methods, the female condom is more effective when you use it correctly.

    If women always use the female condom correctly, 5 out of 100 will become pregnant each year.

    If women don't always use the female condom correctly, 21 out of 100 will become pregnant each year.

  9. Bree S. 2012.12.01

    And what is the effectiveness of a condom used correctly? Or a diaphragm? Are we going to get into another 200 comment two day debate on the same topic?

  10. Bill Fleming 2012.12.01

    Nope. Nothing to debate.

  11. Bree S. 2012.12.01

    Bill, I am curious to know what you are implying about my "anima." I don't follow psycho-babble.

  12. larry kurtz 2012.12.01

    sometimes a cigar is just a cigar.

  13. Bill Fleming 2012.12.01

    Bree, that's okay, it's good to be curious, Bree.

  14. Bill Fleming 2012.12.01

    Given that primer, you should be able to take it from there, Bree. No doubt you will have more questions though. It's a deep subject. Maybe consider seeing an analyst?

  15. Bree S. 2012.12.01

    Bill, I glanced at that wikipedia article. I didn't get much from it. I don't suffer from the typical human desire to name and categorize everything. I guess I will never understand what you are talking about.

    On another topic, the Dipshit Crew accused me of being Stace Nelson with an Ipad 3 today. Are you sure you've thrown in your lot with the right people? If I were you I'd join up with Larry. At least he knows what he's doing.

  16. larry kurtz 2012.12.01

    Bill and i are twin sons of different mothers, Bree.

  17. Bree S. 2012.12.01

    Bill, how does a deer find new water in a strange land? What part of the mind tells the deer which way to go when there is no scent? Truth requires truth. I am sarcastic and I misdirect, but I do not lie. My name is Bree, and I am female.

  18. larry kurtz 2012.12.01

    onus, anus: let's call the whole thing off.

  19. Bill Fleming 2012.12.01

    What is the difference between the deer's mind and the deer, Bree?

    Larry quit playing with your onus.

    You'll get tapeworms.

  20. larry kurtz 2012.12.01

    Bree: we welcome your enthusiasm for change. Madville Times is a community where the War Toilet is, well...a toilet.

  21. Bill Fleming 2012.12.01

    P.S. I am the walrus. Kurtz is the walrus. You are the carpenter. The people on SDWC are, by and large the smoked oysters. There are a few exceptions.

  22. Douglas Wiken 2012.12.01

    onus, anus: let's call the whole hole thing off.

    Fixed that.

    Republican polititions really don't give a tinker's drat about abortion. It is just another social issue they can exploit to blind Catholics and fundamentalists to their real issues. Part of Nixon's "northern strategy" and it is still making fools of fundamentalists and wasting space in "news"papers.

    The real problem with the GOP reproductive mythology is that it convinces mentally and socially immature girts that they must carry some jackass's baby to term. Then we get another child and mother on the welfare rolls and fifteen years later, another generation living on welfare.. Credit also those who promote "abstinence" as a government policy.

    Republican and fundamentalist mouth breathers push policies that generate waste of lives and taxpayer money and then howl because other policies support the consequences on their brutal nonsense and disregard for privacy rights.

  23. Bree S. 2012.12.01

    I don't like to have to think that hard Bill. I am over such things as math and poetry. And remember, Aladdin has never shown me the world.

  24. Bree S. 2012.12.01

    And Larry.. that better not have been you harassing me again on the SDWC. I am not interested in your Super Spy games. I am a very direct person.

  25. Bill Fleming 2012.12.01

    All of that is pretty obvious Bree. Hope things pick up.

  26. larry kurtz 2012.12.01

    ooo, nice cast, BS: haven't been able cleanse my devices of PP's drones or would have been leaving copious piles.

  27. Bree S. 2012.12.01

    Okay, well if it wasn't you messing with me that means Rounds' people really are that dumb. Hard to believe.

  28. Bree S. 2012.12.01

    Douglas, if they spread their legs for some jackass and stupidly choose not to use birth control, then they should carry the baby to term and give it up for adoption if they don't want the child.

  29. larry kurtz 2012.12.01

    btw: have only hassled julie over there...very curious.

  30. Bree S. 2012.12.01

    Had to have been an operative. I'm sure of it.

  31. Douglas Wiken 2012.12.01

    "Douglas, if they spread their legs for some jackass and stupidly choose not to use birth control, then they should carry the baby to term and give it up for adoption if they don't want the child."

    Seems a tad bit harsh for the crime of ignorance or teenage passion. Also does nothing to control the absurd and needless costs that nonsensical "conservative" policies generate.

  32. Jenny 2012.12.01

    Oh, so blame it all on the woman's fault she got pregnant, Bree? So typical.

  33. Bree S. 2012.12.01

    She engaged in a free will decision to have sex, the known consequence of which is children. If she jumped off a cliff, I would consider it her fault when she goes splat at the bottom.

  34. Bree S. 2012.12.01

    No takers Larry. You can breathe again.

  35. Joan 2012.12.01

    Bree, there is another way to prevent pregnancy and that is for men to keep their pants zipped. It works two ways. There is absolutely no way to 100% prevent pregnancy. It happens even when men have had vasectomies or women have had tubals. I am 72 years old and 100% pro choice. There just plain shouldn't be any law against abortion. The matter should be strictly between a woman and her doctor.

  36. Bree S. 2012.12.01

    Joan, and if a man impregnated a woman and then strangled the child after it was born, I would be upset with him. If a man impregnated a woman and then beat the crap out of her until she miscarried, I would be upset about that as well. He should have the common sense to put a rubber on. Just like a woman should have the common sense to use some kind of birth control. If she doesn't want the child then she can give it up for adoption. Innocent children should not be murdered for the convenience of lazy irresponsible adults.

  37. Les 2012.12.01

    Aaah, but the egg of the great Bald Eagle, as tasty as they are, one will get you ten.

  38. Jana 2012.12.01

    Bree, I understand where you are coming from...I really do. But that does not mean I agree.

    This is about power and control more than anything know...that authoritarian streak that seems to be the expanding dogma of the current GOP.

    "Authoritarian conservatives are primarily anti-government, except where they believe the government can be useful to impose moral or social order (for example, with respect to matters like abortion, prayer in schools, or prohibiting sexually-explicit information from public view). Similarly, Republicans’ limited-government attitude does not apply regarding national security, where they feel there can never be too much government activity – nor are the rights and liberties of individuals respected when national security is involved. Authoritarian Republicans do oppose the government interfering with markets and the economy, however – and generally oppose the government’s doing anything to help anyone they feel should be able to help themselves."

  39. Bree S. 2012.12.02

    I am willing to consider social cost when it involves children. We do not allow the murder of adults, and we should not allow the murder of children.

  40. caheidelberger Post author | 2012.12.02

    Bree, in my youth, I condemned those I perceived to be slutty women with the same language you're using. Living with one very intelligent woman and creating a second with her has not changed my attitude about what we perceive to be irresponsible behavior. My minority-male status at the dinner table has changed my attitude about turning my personal judgments into public policy.

    It's pretty easy for me to pass judgment in the abstract. In real life, I have yet to know a woman who's had an abortion after having sex that I would find objectionable. But even if a woman in my personal circle chose to share with me the details of her sex life and an unplanned pregnancy, even if I had the chance to look her in the eye and say, "You know, since you've asked me, I suggest you consider carrying the child term," and even if she replied, "No, I lack the time/courage/money/physical stamina to submit to nine months of pregnancy," I don't think I could respond with the kind of easy rage we gin up here in black and white. I'm positive I would not respond by trying to martial the forces of the state against here to force her body into the service of my moral judgment.

    Speaking of abstractions, I heard a student deliver Margaret Sanger's "The Children's Era." That speech considers the abstract question of the choice the unborn child might make if it had the chance to interrogate the prospective parents.

  41. Bree S. 2012.12.02

    Cory, I stopped at your first sentence. Once again, you implicate a value judgment on my part in regards to other people's sex lives. I do not care how many men (or women) a woman sleeps with; nor do I care how often, where, in what positions, at what locale, with however many props, she chooses to do so. It's not business. The only thing I care about is the life in her womb she wants to kill because she was too irresponsible to use birth control; because the murder of innocent children is everybody's business.

  42. Bree S. 2012.12.02

    That should be "it's not my business."

  43. larry kurtz 2012.12.02

    the myth of christian libertarianism rears its ugly head...again.

  44. larry kurtz 2012.12.02

    that smoking household of yours, BS: toxins on your clothes are akin to poisoning your children who, in fact, enjoy civil rights while a fetus before the third trimester does not.

  45. Bree S. 2012.12.02

    Larry, the nonsense of public safety over secondhand smoke causing cancer is related to smoke inhalation, any smoke inhalation. In which case we should outlaw fireplaces in people's homes. However, I don't allow the smoking of cigarettes in my home due to nasty chemicals put in them by tobacco companies to make them more addictive. Cigars on the other hand are hand rolled tobacco leaf, the only danger the smoke itself which makes no more dangerous than a fireplace. As you can see Larry, my views on protecting the lives of children are based solely on logic and reason, not current popular fears or social mythos.

  46. larry kurtz 2012.12.02

    Nicotinoids are among the most effective neurotoxins out there: they are responsible for colony collapse disorder and are linked to white-nose syndrome in bees and evolved naturally in plants to repel insects.

  47. Bill Fleming 2012.12.02

    Bree, you have revealed your real problem in this thread. As per your own admission, you don't want to think too hard and have no interest in science or the arts.

    Now, with Cory, you stand in denial of making value judgements of others even as its clear to everyone excel you that that's all the deeper you're willing to go on this topic.

    Given those parameters, there's really nothing more to discuss with you until such time you are ready to drop your intellectually lazy position and engage in rational conversation.

    Your assertion that every human cell that has the potential to become a fully realized person has a legal, government sanctioned right to appropriate and commandeer a woman's body toward that end, only to subsequently be turned over to an adoption agency is absurd in its face.

    But if that indeed is your position, fine.

    Good luck getting such draconian measures passed into law (not to mention subsequently enforced).

  48. Bree S. 2012.12.02

    Larry, you are fear mongering to change the conversation from the simple moral truth above - that the murder of children is everyone's business.

  49. larry kurtz 2012.12.02

    What Bill said. No civil rights exist.

  50. Bree S. 2012.12.02

    Bill, once again you show your subscription to the religion of current popular science. If you had lived in Galileo's time you would have been outraged at his sun-centric theory and would have joined with the astronomers against him, because you fart at the mouth popular science. There is plenty of evidence that any smoke inhalation can increase the rates of cancer. But never mind your attempts to change the subject. If smoke was known to kill children at the same rate as abortion, I would support outlawing it, including throwing any person whoever had a bonfire in jail. But that is not the case because your scientific facts are tenuous as best.

    If a strong wind causes a man to fall off a cliff, it is no-one's fault because nature did it. If one man pushes another man off a cliff, he has murdered. If nature ends the life in the womb it is no-one's fault. If a woman chooses to kill her own fetus, she has murdered. This is basic morality.

    The fact that the wind might have pushed the man off the cliff, doesn't give the other man the right to murder him.

  51. larry kurtz 2012.12.02

    Fetuses growing in Harrold or Hughes County are exposed to environmental contaminants that should cause you far more alarm than a woman's right to medical procedures.

  52. larry kurtz 2012.12.02

    Leukemia caused by Dow, Syngenta or Monsanto is god's will?

  53. Bree S. 2012.12.02

    No Larry, quit farting at the mouth.

  54. larry kurtz 2012.12.02

    Numerous American Indian tribes without reservations in the state, many of whom are sensitive to the reproductive rights of women, own land in South Dakota. Indian Country Today posted a June story of a Lakota woman fighting for full access to health care without the strictures of an oppressive legislature.

    Federal law permits tribes owning off-reservation property to adopt economic development strategies on any land that they own: that includes the sovereignty of mobile clinics.

  55. Taunia 2012.12.02

    Seen on Facebook this morning:

    Every great scientific truth goes through three phases. First, people deny it. Second, they say it conflicts with the Bible. Third, they say they've known it all along.

  56. Bree S. 2012.12.02

    Cute Taunia. There's quite a bit of truth in that.

  57. Bill Fleming 2012.12.02

    That's nonsense, Bree.

    As per your own observation, roughly 70% of all fertilizations end in natural abortion (miscarriage).

    And yet, you advocate for a law that declares full human rights to all those nascent human organisms, thus placing the onus of responsibility for their survival on the women whose body contains them.

    And should she fail, she thus becomes a murder suspect.

    That's unnaturral, unscientific and absurd.

    And 100% driven by an ethical (religious) worldview gone haywire.

    But again, if that's what you choose to believe, go for it.

    You have a constitutionally guaranteed right to give voice to your insanely dogmatic musings.

  58. Bill Fleming 2012.12.02

    I should perhaps point out that the Bree worldview is a function of a person considering oneself separate from nature rather than being wholly part of it. It is this dualism that gives rise to the draconian perversions of law for which she advocates.

    It bears repeating that a government that command women to give birth whether she wishes to or not can also demand that she not give birth given a change in regime and a shift in ideology.

    No woman's reproductive system nor any couple's gametes should ever, by law, become the automatic property of the state... a condition for which Bree clearly advocates.

  59. larry kurtz 2012.12.02

    Ouch, Bill. Go easy, my brother: she's just a child herself.

  60. Douglas Wiken 2012.12.02

    As you can see Larry, my views on protecting the lives of children are based solely on logic and reason, not current popular fears or social mythos.

    You sure could have fooled me. Looks like your views have nothing whatsoever to do with science and everything to do with acceptance of religious and political superstition and contradictory nonsense.

    If a few cells combined in a womb are justification for state control of a woman, then the half-life dumped every month is also a sin. Of course, the no-birth control and populate the earth and subdue it myths of religions aim at that. Males masturbating dumping another million half-lives should also be restrained from such waste of life.

    There is science in birth control, their is science in morning after pills. There is even science in condom design. Humans like all animals are designed to reproduce and programed to do that to preserve the species. Such intense drives are not really needed in an already overpopulated world and sensible scientific ways to reduce problems make sense if you are really concerned about science and logic.

    The Republicans have jumped on social issues like this in order to separate voters from their own social and economic interests. Those who don't understand that are in a bubble of their own making and thus a danger to reason and common well as good legislation and the commonweal.

  61. Taunia 2012.12.02

    Wiken: did you mean to address someone else besides Larry? If you meant to address Larry, I think you may have misread him.

  62. Taunia 2012.12.02

    Re: gov't stifling fertility. And then we all go watch "Children of Men" and say, "Holy ____, that's what Fleming was talking about."

  63. Bill Fleming 2012.12.02

    LOL. Perhaps she is, Larry. But she's engaged in conversation with adults on an adult topic. Ya pays yer nickel and ya takes yer chances here at the Madville times, innit?

  64. larry kurtz 2012.12.02

    Doug is quoting Bree above: it's all good. Important topic as it is bound for the legislature(s).

  65. larry kurtz 2012.12.02

    Let me just add that a US Representative ringing a bell for a anti-reproductive rights cult like the salvation army is an insult of biblical proportions to those cherishing the separation clause.

  66. Taunia 2012.12.02

    Ah. I see. I skip over some posts. Apologies, Wiken.

  67. Bree S. 2012.12.02

    Just a child by the standards of dirty old men well on their way to dementia. Your posts are predicated on assumptions about myself and my belief system, and not an actual response to the merits of my post. It's the same tired, insane argument: The murder of the unborn is scientifically validated as acceptable and mother's have a right to kill their children.

  68. larry kurtz 2012.12.02

    You support spermicides above, BS: determine the time of the murder, please?

  69. Bree S. 2012.12.02

    After conception obviously Larry or your hand would be a serial murderer.

  70. larry kurtz 2012.12.02

    So, conception is your threshold, then?

  71. Bree S. 2012.12.02

    Let's not get into another argument on whether or not birth control pills affect the zygote after conception. OBGYNs can't agree, leave it at that.

  72. Bill Fleming 2012.12.02

    Right. Bree doesn't want to admit that her irrational position makes murderers out of women who take conventional birth control pills and/or the morning after poll. I don't blame her, I wouldn't either we're I she. But the fact remains, that is the precise nature of her irrational argument

  73. larry kurtz 2012.12.02

    Curious whether this core to the Medicaid expansion pending the legislature. Thoughts?

  74. Bree S. 2012.12.02

    Psst Bill... What's got your panties in a wad? You seem irritable. LOL

  75. Bree S. 2012.12.02

    Medicaid needs to be reformed Larry. It's a big corrupt mess. I remember in another state, people went to jail for stealing millions.

  76. larry kurtz 2012.12.02

    "Re-formed:" how murderous that sounds.

  77. Bree S. 2012.12.02

    Okay, it needs to be made more open about where the money is going and inspected by an outside agency of some kind, and states should take the money and run it all by themselves with no "help" from the feds. How's that sound?

  78. larry kurtz 2012.12.02

    If Plan B is murder, it would not be included for your worldview, right, BS?

  79. larry kurtz 2012.12.02

    an outside your patriarch?

  80. Bree S. 2012.12.02

    I'm over that discussion right now. Ask me again in a couple of weeks. Bill will just start going on about how irrational I am for pages and that would be boring.

  81. larry kurtz 2012.12.02

    And, over at Pat's basement you suggest that South Dakota is incapable of running itself: pick a lane, girl.

  82. Bree S. 2012.12.02

    I don't remember saying South Dakota can't run itself.

  83. Douglas Wiken 2012.12.02

    Cory, it would be nice if blockquotes worked here.

  84. Douglas Wiken 2012.12.02

    Bree spends a lot of posts attacking others personally and then whines when her nonsense mythology and assertion is picked to pieces, that her wisdom is not being responded to.

  85. Bree S. 2012.12.02

    Oh Gee, another Rounds' supporter.

  86. Bree S. 2012.12.02

    Douglas, did you notice that you don't put spaces after a series of periods....I did.

  87. Bree S. 2012.12.02

    Come on Wiken, throw some more Truth at me....LOL

  88. caheidelberger Post author | 2012.12.03

    Bree: "stupidly choose," "her fault," "she was too irresponsible"... your words make clear that you are passing judgment on the sex other people have and seeking to enforce by law pregnancy as punishment for the sex you find objectionable.

    Bill's double-edged sword is important: if the state has authority over the use of the womb, we have problems.

  89. Steve Sibson 2012.12.03

    "Another reason to trust women with their own bodies"

    The fact that they are pregnant with a baby they don't want is proof we can't trust them with the body God gave them.

  90. Bill Fleming 2012.12.03

    The continually astonishing thing about debating this topic is that people like Sibby and Bree appear to think that comments like the one Steve just made make sense.

    Steve's comment clearly demostrates his desire to establish an authoritarian theocracy wherein, subject to a very exclusive code of ethics, the government may take possession of citizens' bodies simply because "we can't trust them with the bod[ies] God gave them."


  91. larry kurtz 2012.12.03

    Rumors that the Royal Fetus is a really a Kurtz is without merit.

  92. Bree S. 2012.12.03

    No the only thing astonishing Bill is the number of Socialist bloggers trolling around pretending to be Republicans and constantly attacking conservative Republicans and calling them Democrats or calling them crazy for mentioning the word RINO. Get out of my party you LS goon. What's sick is Wiken telling me on the War College that Hoffman is a "good dude" and you tracking people with your fake website link.

    Larry, are there really rumors that I'm you? Idiots.

  93. Bree S. 2012.12.03

    And apparently I am on permanent moderation at SDWC LOL.

    By the way Bill you and your friends finding out who I am is a waste of your time because nothing short of the Apocalypse is going to shut me up. I don't write checks I can't cash. Get it?

  94. Bill Fleming 2012.12.03

    I don't have the slightest idea what the hell you're talking about, Bree.

    And, I'll wager, neither do you.

  95. Bree S. 2012.12.03

    Well I guess Cory could moderate me too that would shut me up real fast. LOL. Then I'd have to learn how to use a computer.

    No Cory, I am not passing judgment on the act of sex itself. I am only passing judgment on the destruction of innocent life.

  96. Steve Sibson 2012.12.03

    Bree, welcome to club. RINOs are also member's of the left's tolerance to those we agree with and agree with us, intolerance to the rest.

    Bill; a proud member of the New Age Theocracy where we have to worship goddesses and hate males, except for the gay ones.

  97. Bree S. 2012.12.03

    Yawn. Sure Bill whatever you say. I won't say anything more about it. I'll just keep watching your every move.

  98. Taunia 2012.12.03

    I heart Larry and BF. Omg, BF's last comment....killer.

    Congrats on non-paternity, Larry.

  99. Bree S. 2012.12.03

    Yes Taunia Bill's last comment was such a zinger *roll eyes*

    Someone named katzy just gave herself away on the SDWC. No one could be dumb enough to think I'm on there having heated discussions with myself. LOL. So, obviously another liberal faker. Boy, I never had anything against Rounds until the last 30 days. I mean, I knew he was "moderate." I just didn't expect all this nonsense.

  100. Dana P. 2012.12.03

    "protecting life" "standing up for the child" "sanctity of life" - I wish there was that much "enthusiasm" for protecting/providing for children from the day the are born. It's the "love the fetus/disregard the baby" mentality. Where are you folks once that baby is born? (insert sounds of crickets)

    And once again, you folks that argue against gets old. Very old.

  101. Bree S. 2012.12.03

    So I guess what I'm curious about is why does Rounds have the support of gay rights groups instead of Johnson? Is Johnson against the gay rights agenda? I assume yes based on what I see but I really don't know. Have you guys considered supporting libertarian Republicans instead? Their economic beliefs may not match up with yours, but at least you would lessen the amount of popular resistance. Just a thought.

  102. Bree S. 2012.12.03

    Unrelated again... But Howie and crew really need to back off this idea of a third candidate. That's a terrible idea. We just have to throw all our weight behind Noem in the primary. That is the answer to the problem.

  103. Bill Fleming 2012.12.03

    It wasn't intended as a zinger, Bree it was a straightforward prediction based empirical observation. Your subsequent postings have confirmed my suspicions. Good thing no one took me up on the bet.

  104. Bill Fleming 2012.12.03

    Bree, you're rambling and off topic, in case you haven't noticed.

  105. Bree S. 2012.12.03

    Bill, if Larry can post stuff that is either so brilliant I can't figure it out (which is possible I suppose) or just nuts for the heck of it, then I think I can ramble. As long as it's okay with you Bill.

  106. Steve Sibson 2012.12.03

    "I wish there was that much "enthusiasm" for protecting/providing for children from the day the are born"

    Yeah, like living in the same house as their father. Perhaps we need to expose the lies of the anti-male feminist movement within this New Age crusade.

  107. Bree S. 2012.12.03

    So Taunia. Having evaluated at least 50 of your previous posts, your writing style suggests someone who knows computer code languages and is on twitter a lot. I couldn't find a single post of yours previous to today that used the this. It's interesting that you (and Dana presumably I haven't checked hers yet) would experience a sudden change in writing style today don't you think? I do.

  108. Bree S. 2012.12.03

    So I didn't even care who "katzy" was and I still don't really, but by running interference for Wiken since you know that element of his writing style is rare (but hardly the only giveaway) you have flushed yourselves out into the open and made yourselves the most likely candidates. Maybe you should stop with the underground Super Spy operative stuff, cause you really suck at it. LOL

  109. Bill Fleming 2012.12.03

    We need to get Bree and Sibby some of those gowns that tie up in the back, some paper slip on slippers, and two of those cool shorts with the really long sleeves.

    And then take them for a little ride in the pretty blue short bus down to Yankton.

    Kurtz, bring your lithium stash and some thorazine.

    Taunia, you drive, okay?

  110. Bill Fleming 2012.12.03 "shirts" not "shorts." Whoops. LOL.

  111. Taunia 2012.12.03

    HAHAHAHAHA! I'd been skipping over some poster's comments *coughBree* *coughUnstable*, but I just caught up. thanks to BF.

    Right, Bree. I'm the boogey-woman, baby, I'm whatever your worst fears are. Keep that in mind when you post here. And everywhere else on the internet. I can see everything you do at all times. I know your every keystroke and touchpad maneuver. I have dedicated my life to making you go insane. Short trip, but it's been fun. You're there, now get off and get help.

    I'm blaming BF and Larry for bringing the instability out. It's that simplistic but complex fun the inmates keep tripping over and banging the soft spots in their craniums on.

    We now have Sibby Frankenstein and Mrs. Bree Frankenstein, pronounced, the Fraunkensteens. Who performed this mental union made in misery?

    Booga Booga!!

  112. Bree S. 2012.12.03

    Sorry Bill. The gown flapping would interfere with my spear arm when I'm rhino hunting.

  113. Bree S. 2012.12.03

    Boy, still playing that tired old "conservatives are insane and paranoid" theme. Gee, do you think that still works? You need to calm down woman, you seem a little hysterical.

  114. Bill Fleming 2012.12.03

    No, Bree, Taunia's playing the "BREE is a paranoid, bipolar, delusional narcissist" game.

    No conservative stereotyping.

    It's all about you.

    Just the way you like it, right?

  115. Douglas Wiken 2012.12.03

    "Yeah, like living in the same house as their father. Perhaps we need to expose the lies of the anti-male feminist movement within this New Age crusade."

    Support rapist rights, Steve. That'll show those feminists.

    Bree, I have no clue what your fascination with "..."is. It is probably bad grammar on my part as a way to show a break. Usually it represents ellipsis which can mean or imply several things.

    The ellipsis is used all over, magazines, newspapers, cartoons, written jokes, etc.

    In your case, it might be used to suggest your gap, like "brain ... common sense and reality"

  116. Bree S. 2012.12.03

    Bill, Bill, Bill... Are you alright? You got a tummy ache or something. Have a Tums, you'll feel better.

  117. Bree S. 2012.12.03

    Yes Wiken I am completely fascinating by "..." I have spent years studying the inner meaning of the ellipsis. LOL

  118. Bree S. 2012.12.03

    I don't know if you've noticed this Douglas but Bill prefers to use the ellipsis ...backwards. Do you think he will change that now? Oh the many faces of the great "..." LOL

  119. Bill Fleming 2012.12.03

    I'm just fine, Bree. You, on the other hand... Have you been binging lately?

    (Oh dang, should that have been 3 dots or four in that elipses at the end of the sentence? And space, or no space after? Better check Wiken's link. Wouldn't want to be caught doing some esoteric, New Age, Masonic, Communistic, Tri-Lateral, liberally linguistic Sibby whatchamajiggy.)

  120. Bree S. 2012.12.03

    You don't have to admit to it Bill. Just stop attacking conservatives for their "crazy" belief in RINOs. I'm tired of the hateful liberal abuse aimed at the real members of my party. So if you don't tone it down, the lot of you, I will continue to be big pain in the ass.

    By the way Bill your tactics are old and tired. So 90's. Maybe step it up a notch.

  121. Bill Fleming 2012.12.03

    On Mac computers you can generate an elipses by holding down the option key and hitting the semicolon key. It looks like this: "…" whereas typing it manually looks like this: "...".

    Not sure what the shortcut on a Windows machine is, and you know what?

    Who cares?


  122. Bill Fleming 2012.12.03

    If you're talking about Bob Ellis, and his crew, Bree, they're not conservatives. They are religious supremacist extremist fanatics.

  123. Bill Fleming 2012.12.03

    Or as Tim Johnson put it, "The Taliban Wing of the Republican Party."

  124. Steve Sibson 2012.12.03

    "Support rapist rights, Steve."

    Give then the death penalty. Right Doug?

  125. Bree S. 2012.12.03

    Ok Bill, we are in agreement that Bill Ellis and Howie shouldn't be running things. I'm not a NeoCon. But, regardless, they shouldn't be subjected to constant hateful harassment by anonymous posters. For example, katzy, even though she is wrong, wasn't incredibly hateful. I don't consider the religious right of my party to be extremist fanatics. They've got a right to be upset about what is going on in their party.

    And really, you should be able to express your beliefs without being nasty to people. I don't think liberals are wrong about everything. They have some good ideas. As you will notice, when I get upset about something it's usually related to tactics. I don't think sockpuppet trolling is going to stop. But I don't like watching conservative Republicans being constantly attacked from the shadows. Anyway, I will drop it now.

  126. Bree S. 2012.12.03

    Maybe I got a little too touchy about the anti-Noem postings. I just thought it was excessive.

  127. Bill Fleming 2012.12.03

    Thanks, Bree. Good chat. Just FYI, I never use any other name than my own. Nor do I encourage anyone else to do it.

  128. Douglas Wiken 2012.12.03

    Bill has reformed from his early days at Mt. Blogmore..........and all for the better (note all those dots).

    Speaking of Mt. Blogmore...anybody posted anything there recently? Getting charged to provide free content to a blog as a subscriber to a paper that now gets delivered anywhere from 1 to 3 days late seems just a bit greedy and senseless unless the intention is actually to kill Blogmore.... of course, Woster's Sunday School Teacher censorship is also a factor.

    Sorry for the off-topic bit.

  129. Bill Fleming 2012.12.03

    Right Doug, in the early days of Blogmore I had about 5 characters I was trying to maintain and I kept getting them all screwed up. I still remember them though. There was 25 Cent, Mohandas, Möbius Trip, Count Bracula, and my real name. I tried to give them each a different voice, like people in a play. Pretty fun, but unsustainable, at least for me. And boy did I have to take a lot of crap when I came out! Good times. Blogmore's a completely different place now, but the archives are still there I think, so those characters are still prowling around in there I suppose.

  130. Douglas Wiken 2012.12.03

    There were a bunch of conservatives too, or at least one with multiple personnas. "Bob N. Forapples" seems to ring a bell. Too clever by half.
    That name led me to search for "anonymous names". A web page had several of those posting then at Blogmore.

  131. Bill Fleming 2012.12.03

    Bob Frapples, yup. And Stan Lee, and crazy Holy Cow. A classic cast of characters. Ah blognostalgia.

  132. Bree S. 2012.12.04

    Eating a little tobacco leaf (a very small amount - this is not a medical recommendation for anyone thinking now would be a good time to swallow a cigar) is the fastest cure I know of for hard to kill parasites like pin worms. Which is why people give their horses chewing tobacco.

  133. Bree S. 2012.12.04

    I never bought into all the recent nonsense about tobacco. I knew it was all the other nasty stuff they put in cigarettes. Tobacco's not my thing though my drug of choice has always been caffeine. Dad smokes a pipe like you though.

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