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Verchio, Rampelberg Tip Their Tinfoil Hats to Bircher Agenda 21 Hysteria

The Displaced Plainsman finds Rep. Mike Verchio (R-30/Hill City) flecking John Birch spittle all over the Custer County Chronicle about Agenda 21, the non-binding United Nations document created in 1992 to offer guidelines for countries trying not to die from environmental degradation. Rep. Verchio, like other Birchers and nutcases with too much time on their hands, thinks Agenda 21 is a nefarious United Nations plot to turn us into Soylent Green.

Rep. Verchio says he's disappointed that all the Legislature did about Agenda 21 is pass the "useless" and "toothless" House Concurrent Resolution 1008, a silly measure by which big majorities of both chambers of our Legislature declare combatting poverty and pollution "destructive and insidious". Rep. Verchio says he wants real legislation, something like this year's HB 1190, which would have forbidden South Dakota governments from acting Agenda 21-ish.

Mike Verchio and Bruce Rampelberg, the Tinfoil Twins
Mike Verchio and Bruce Rampelberg, the Tinfoil Twins

Senator Bruce Rampelberg (R-30/Rapid City) joins the madness as well, telling the Custer County Chronicle that Agenda 21 ideas like walkable cities, urban housing, resource conservation, and decisions made for the greater good are all evil. But read carefully: in neither the Custer article nor in HCR 1008 do we hear one specific example of South Dakota state or local government implementing one specific policy that (a) can be tied directly to the Rio 1992 UN document or (b) has done harm to a single specific South Dakotan.

The Displaced Plainsman aptly skewers Verchio, Rampelberg, and the rest of the tinfoil hat club by pointing to Rob Sisson, former mayor of Sturgis, Michigan. Sisson says he implemented sustainable development policies to lower costs and conserve resources. That's real conservatism, not the baseless, time-wasting conspiracy theory with which Representative Verchio and Senator Rampelberg are embarrassing their district and the state of South Dakota.


  1. Steve Sibson 2013.03.20

    Cory, just because you are involved with implementing Agenda 21, you have the right to personally attack those who disagree with it?

  2. Chuck 2013.03.20

    Oh, and the Earth is Flat, isn't it?

  3. Nick Nemec 2013.03.20

    Double post, a sign of pending Agenda 21?

  4. Dougal 2013.03.20

    As long as stupid people drive the legislature in South Dakota, why would anyone with any common sense invest serious money in this state? If these boobs knew the dark matter science being researched in the old Homestake Mine, they would unleash their Hounds of Heck to shut it down. Why would sensible investors build wind towers and solar installations here? Or allow serious research money enter a state where an embarrassing backward view is the prevailing attitude of the legislature?

    Cory, your vitriole here is well founded.

  5. Steve Sibson 2013.03.20

    Dougal, not all of us want to be controlled by the New World Order's corporatists.

  6. Steve Sibson 2013.03.20

    OK, please provide evidence that none of this is true:

    The agenda for education. In the fall of 1994, President Clinton's Council on Sustainable Development (PCSD) came to the Presidio - the former army base in San Francisco that now houses the Gorbachev Foundation USA and dozens of other globalist and environmental organizations networking with the United Nations. Here, overlooking the Golden Gate Bridge, they met with The National Forum on Partnerships supporting Education about the Environment.

    Their joint report, "Education for Sustainability," became a model for sustainable education. According to the Santa Cruz Action Plan, it focused on 6 themes:
    • Interdisciplinary approaches

    • Lifelong Learning

    • Systems thinking (See "World Heritage Protection?)

    • Partnerships

    • Multicultural perspectives

    • Empowerment

    To understand these terms and the new international education system they represent, you may want to read Brave New Schools. Those who don't realize that today's change agents hide globalist ideology behind traditional words, can easily be drawn into the web of deception by the noble sentiments. These arguments from the Education section of Santa Cruz Local Agenda 21 show how persuasive their propaganda can be to an unsuspecting public:

    "In light of the current world situation, including the obvious degradation of the global ecosystem, population crisis, outbreaks of violence... there is an obvious need for education that puts forth a clear vision of a whole system of ecological thinking. In recent years, there has been a great deal of emphasis on environmental education and nature studies, but little has been done to teach about eco-efficiency, sustainable lifestyle practices, and the worldwide movement concerning sustainable development.

    "The overall understanding is that we must learn from nature how to create sustainable communities--- observing: interdependence and organization, form and substance, the pattern of life, cooperation and partnership, and diversity.... A broader perspective (beyond schools) must be encouraged, including proactive learning opportunities throughout the community.

    "Educational and rewarding volunteer opportunities exist throughout SCC. Most Americans are ill equipped to make the lifestyle changes necessary to turn the degradation around. Our collective experience over time has shown that knowledge alone does not necessarily change behavior and incite people to action. Support structures and incentives are also needed."

    This UN directed education plan has already become familiar to many of us. The international system - built on the UNESCO goals that our government embraced with the introduction of America 2000 and the adoption of Goals 2000 - has already transformed our schools. Listen to these familiar policies listed in the Local Agenda 21.

    "Educational systems encourage relevant, experiential learning and promote a sustainable, healthy life for all beings. Students embrace. global interdependence and the need to adopt fully sustainable practices locally and globally.... Focus is placed on teaching how to learn and how to enjoy learning. This involves:
    1. Cooperative learning in groups which is learner-directed, empowering and participatory

    2. Development of an integrated core curriculum at all levels which emphasized the theme of unity and interdependence of humanity, all species and the Earth.

    3. Development of an integrated core curriculum at all levels which emphasized the theme of unity and interdependence of humanity, all species and the Earth.

    4. Student participation in developing their own curriculum.

    5. Mixed age groups in the learning process."

    Learning that seems "democratic" (in contrast to authoritative) and cooperative (in contrast to individual) is key to winning the consent of the masses. All ages must participate, and each group member becomes accountable to the group - and to the politically correct "science" information used by the trained facilitator to move the dialogue toward the "right" choices and actions. Few realize the extent of the manipulation. See Brainwashing in America

    In the Soviet Union, this Hegelian dialectic (consensus) process was used to shift the loyalties of Soviet children from absolute truths to the evolving soviet ideology. Today it is used in American schools, communities, and workplaces - with support and direction from the President's Council on Sustainable Development and other NGOs that share its global vision.

  7. Owen Reitzel 2013.03.20

    Back to your bunker Steve, back to your bunker.

  8. Dougal 2013.03.20

    Steve, Steve, Steve. You are so bright and resourceful. I truly wish would do some traveling and experience the world outside the shell. Blessings on you, my friend.

  9. larry kurtz 2013.03.20

    D: Sibby is hardly alone. White supremacists like he is use dehumanization as a bludgeon.

  10. Owen Reitzel 2013.03.20

    so Steve we're supposed to beleve your source???

  11. Rorschach 2013.03.20

    Nut job, conspiracy theorist, outliers. District 30 will probably secede from SD pretty soon because we're a raging liberal state led by a raging liberal governor. That shortage of ammunition? It's all hoarded in District 30.

  12. bob newland 2013.03.20

    As a card-carrying resident of District 30, I quote Senator Craig Tieszen, who responded after I mentioned to him that Dist. 30 is the most under-represented district in the state: "It appears District 30 is getting exactly the kind of representation it desires and deserves."

  13. Steve Sibson 2013.03.20

    "so Steve we're supposed to beleve your source?"

    Why do you not believe? What research do you have that calls to question their research?

    "I truly wish would do some traveling and experience the world outside the shell."

    I am here (at Madville), so does that take me "outside the shell" or not? Again, the only responses I get from you people is name-calling or Cory deletes my argument and the research I use to support my arguments. Very seldom do I get substantive responses.

    So can you liberals explain this 1949 UNESCO publication (is it a conspiracy theory when the words come from the horses mouth?):

  14. Richard Schriever 2013.03.20

    Good grief Sibson - you do know that the "New World Order" is a Bush family invention/policy/agenda - no? All coming from "Poppy" Bush himself - started way back when he was using the CIA to make billions off of Afghan opium back in the 70's.

    Our troops currently in Afghanistan continue to this day to stand guard over Bush family poppy fields.

    Come on man - get your tin hat on straight, your missing out on reception of some damned fine info floating around out their in the ether.

  15. Richard Schriever 2013.03.20

    BTW - don't forget - GHW was US UN ambassador in '70-'71. NWO promoter all day long.

  16. larry kurtz 2013.03.20

    Just drove through Custer County: it looks like a conflagration looking for a dry line. Yachos like Mike and Bruce have way bigger problems than the UN.

  17. vikingobsessed 2013.03.20

    There is a strong contingency of John Birchers in this area. They attend all of the various tea party meetings and give presentations. Because the general public is mostly so ill-informed there is no push-back against them. Unfortunately, some of these Birch-leaning people get elected under the umbrella of "conservatism". As much as I disagree with our Governor on a number of issues, I do appreciate his willingness to call the extremists out and support those he thinks are more "mainstream". We need more of that by people in power so the Birchers can crawl back under their ancient rock for another couple generations.

  18. LK 2013.03.20

    "Very seldom do I get substantive responses."


    To the best of my knowledge no one here is going to disagree with you when you assert that the upper echelons of both political parties are too cozy with the big banks , big pharma, and big you name it. No one is going to disagree that such cozy arrangements have an adverse effect on our nation.

    Most of us might agree that the UN has published some documents that encroach on utopian fantasy territory. I certainly believe that having nations like Pakistan on the Human Rights Council is laughable.

    That being said, your assertions that some shadowy conspiracy and obscure ideology is out to destroy everything you hold dear beggars belief. The Bible is not banned in public schools. I teach it in my world lit classes. I may have slept through most of my education classes, but I don’t remember a single student or professor mentioning UNESCO nor do I recall reading anything about or published by UNESCO in any education class. I have enough trouble trying to get students to read and engage literature to indoctrinate them in any philosophic theory. In my AP classes I make a point to illustrate the flaws I see in deconstruction. By your reasoning, most English professors should contend that I have been brainwashed by conservative ideologues.

    I graduated from high school in 1975. Most of the novels that were assigned reading then are still being assigned. (Now that I think about it, that fact seems troubling. Something good should have been written in the last 38 years.) If there’s some “New Age Theocratic” effort to subvert the minds of American youth, they haven’t written any literature. As far as history, government, and the hard sciences go, people of good will can and should disagree on the effect of Watergate or the Reagan Presidency. The fact that some may disagree with you does not mean that there is a conspiracy.

    Finally, since you and I have most recently disagreed about guns in school, the fact that I don’t want them in school doesn’t mean that I don’t believe that you have a right to build your bunker and stock an arsenal that would make Wayne LaPierre envious. Neither prohibiting guns in school nor pointing out that the 2nd amendment begins with a grammatical construction called an absolute phrase -“A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State,-means people don’t respect the second amendment.

    In short, it’s tough to provide substance to rebut conspiracy theories because those theories are composed of vapor.

  19. larry kurtz 2013.03.20

    Could Steve's ramblings be more hypotheses than theories, LK?

  20. LK 2013.03.20

    That would be a distinction I would be willing to accept.

  21. Steve Sibson 2013.03.20

    LK, when I said "seldom", it was to some of your responses that were/are substantive.

    "The Bible is not banned in public schools. I teach it in my world lit classes."

    Is it used in science to refute Darwin's "hypotheses" on evolution?

    Tonight I will provide some quotes the NEA made (that is published) in 1949 regarding teachers creating "world citizens".

    Did you know Bill Gates has an agreement with UNESCO in regard to a world-wide education system? Did you know Gates gave $25 million to the National Governors Association to help fund Common Core Standards? Or are you just gong to dismiss those facts as conspiracy "hypotheses"?

  22. Steve Sibson 2013.03.20

    Bonus question: Does anybody know what the "E" in UNESCO stands for?

  23. Steve Sibson 2013.03.20

    Is UNESCO spreading conspiracy "hypotheses" here (note the link is to UNESCO's web site):

    Chapter 36 of Agenda 21, on Education, Awareness and Training states:

    Education is critical for achieving environmental and ethical awareness, values and attitudes, skills and behaviour consistent with sustainable development and for effective public participation in decision-making. Both formal and non-formal education are indispensable to . . . sustainable development.

    To achieve this vision, Chapter 36 called on governments, international agencies, businesses and civil society groups to:

    • ensure that basic education for all is achieved
    • make environmental and development education available to people of all ages
    • integrate environmental and development concepts into all educational programmes
    • involve schoolchildren in studies on environmental health, including safe drinking water, sanitation, food and the various impacts of resource use.

    Following the Earth Summit, the Commission on Sustainable Development appointed UNESCO to be its Task Manager for Chapter 36. UNESCO’s roles were to accelerate reforms of education and coordinate the activities of all stakeholders in education through a wide-ranging Work Programme whose objectives included:

    • clarifying the concept and key messages of education for sustainable development
    • incorporating education into national strategic and action plans for sustainable development
    • educating to promote sustainable consumption and production patterns
    • identifying and sharing innovative practices.

  24. Bill Fleming 2013.03.20

    Just finished reading 'Our Occulted History' by Jim Marrs. Reminds me of Sibby only more chronologically (if not logistically) linear. Have you read it Stevie? If so, whaddya think? Is it aliens or what?

  25. Rorschach 2013.03.20

    UNESCO is monitoring your blog posts Mr. Sibson. They will shortly direct President Obama to authorize a drone strike on you, because you alone are the leader of a select few who are on to their diabolical schemes. You might want to grow your hair out to disguise yourself.

  26. caheidelberger Post author | 2013.03.20

    Editorial translation of Mr. Sibson's comment at the top: "Heidelberger wears pants. Hitler wore pants. Heidelberger is implementing Nazism."

    That's hogwash, Mr. Sibson. You offer here unmitigated and irresponsible hogwash. Sibby's comment shows why this Bircher lie is so nefarious. You get to holler about some vague conspiracy theory. You then get to apply it to anyone and anything you don't like. You then gin up a thoughtless lynch mob who have no idea what they are fighting other than their own inchoate fears.

  27. caheidelberger Post author | 2013.03.20

    To Mr. Sibson's comment at 7:45, demanding proof that the things he says aren't true: it is not the job of civilized people to prove that the ravings of lunatics are false.

    Put more politely, the burden of proof lies on the individual positing a new thesis. To declare that a speaker can make any statement and then demand that the community act upon that statement unless the community can prove that statement false creates an unmeetable burden and epistemological chaos.

  28. caheidelberger Post author | 2013.03.20

    Larry makes an enormously important point at 10:43. Calling environmental protection a globalist plot doesn't do jack to reduce fire danger, deal with uranium pollution, create jobs, or do any of the other things that Fall River and Custer County need. That's another reason this conservative flogging of Agenda 21 is so destructive: it distracts lawmakers and citizens from discussing real practical problems.

  29. grudznick 2013.03.20

    Mr. H, even an old goof like me knew that about Mr. Sibby's posting of "prove what I'm saying isn't true" but I just didn't know how to point it out as good as you.

    I tell you, I do like country gravy better in the morning and dark gravy better at night and you have to prove me wrong.

  30. Douglas Wiken 2013.03.20

    "Is it used in science to refute Darwin's "hypotheses" on evolution?"

    The Bible is not a science textbook. It is not a logic book. It is mythology designed to subdue the masses in the interests of "religious" leaders and kings..of the the church and otherwise.

    The Bible refutes and supports everything because nearly some support for every position on the face of the earth 2000 years ago is enshrined in it. It thus refutes and supports nothing.

  31. Steve Sibson 2013.03.20

    "You get to holler about some vague conspiracy theory."

    Cory, no conspiracy theory...I am quoting off of UNESCO's web site. If you think it is off base, send your complaints to UNESCO. Or are you just blowing smoke so your readers can't see the truth?

  32. Steve Sibson 2013.03.20

    As promised, I am going to detail what was published by teh National Education Association in 1948. The book is titled: "Education for international understanding in American schools, suggestions and recommendations "

    On Page VI it mentions "experienced teachers enrolled in the 1947 summer session of 23 colleges and universities and two city school systems in the United states and in the Unesco Seminar for Teachers in Sevres, France"

    Page XI: "The General Assembly of 1947 unaimously passed a resolution calling upon member states of the United Nations to provide for effective teaching about the United Nations in the schools."

    Page XIV: "The facts are on the side of international collaboration. It is the high mission of education to teach these facts. If this is done, youth of today, and succeeding generations, will become increasingly competent to unite the strength of nations to maintain peace."

    Page 6: "Collaboration among nations for economic, social, and cultural welfare is being organized and given administrative instructions throught the Economic and Social Council and the specialized agencies; the International Bank, the International Monetary Fund, the Food and Agriculture Organization, The World Health Organization, the International Trade Organization, The Internationa Labor Organization, the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization, and others...."

    "The United States has assumed full obligations under the Charter and has repeatedly declared officially that it regards full participation in United Nations activities as a fundamental tenet of its foreign policy."

    Page 7: "Much remains to be done and it is the "much" that is the crux of the challenge that faces American teachers today."

    Page 8: "Since it seems evident that the firm establishment of a world organization and the achievement of a world order will be slow and gradual process, the children in our schools will be called upon to sustain, and strengthen, this movement and to lend their efforts to its advancment."

    "It is more important than ever that teachers recognize the importance of education international understanding in our elementary and secondary schools."

    Page 10: "This will certainly involve curriculum revision and the recasting of many time-honored educational policies and practices."

    "This report summons the teaching profession of the United States to unite in planning and executing an educational program for a peaceful world."

    There you all have it from the NEA's mouth. They have been revising curriculum since the late 1940s in order to set of a new world order that will create "peace". How many wars have we had since then? The utopian dream is not working so well now is it.

  33. Steve Sibson 2013.03.20

    "That's another reason this conservative flogging of Agenda 21 is so destructive"

    Oh Cory, you are such an outstanding teacher (actually propagandist would be more accurate) for "international understanding" by defending Agenda 21. Why don't you just admit that we should give up our rights as Americans and become a "world citizen"?

  34. larry kurtz 2013.03.20

    Sibby: you and the new pope need seem to have a bunch in common but he believes globalization is killing the planet just as you want to just let US do it in a final orgy of consumption.

  35. Steve Sibson 2013.03.20

    So I have proven by quoting UNESCO and the NEA that the hypotheses is true that the public schools are being run by the United Nations to set up a new world order, unlike the Darwin's hypotheses on turning a monkey into a human being. Sad that public schools treat Darwin's hypotheses as scientific fact in order to argue the Bible is only a conspiracy theory.

  36. Steve Sibson 2013.03.21

    "Editorial translation of Mr. Sibson's comment at the top: "Heidelberger wears pants. Hitler wore pants. Heidelberger is implementing Nazism.""

    Cory, your own words support my position:

    "That's another reason this conservative flogging of Agenda 21 is so destructive"

  37. Steve Sibson 2013.03.21

    "To Mr. Sibson's comment at 7:45, demanding proof that the things he says aren't true: it is not the job of civilized people to prove that the ravings of lunatics are false."

    Well Cory, now I have statements made by Unesco, the NEA, and you that proves my research is right on (not to mention the research has provided its own sources). The only way to prevent the people from knowing the truth is to marginalize those of us who speak out as "lunatics". You call that debate?

  38. caheidelberger Post author | 2013.03.21

    It's not debate. You're not debating. You're living a fantasy. You're not making sense, and I'm saying so. You're also making this conversation irrelevant to anyone but yourself, driving away anyone who wants to talk about real South Dakota issues. You decrease the value of this civic forum. You drive people away from the blogosphere. Stop it.

  39. Barry Smith 2013.03.21

    AMEN Cory. Steve Sibson's broken record of NWO cut and paste posts are tiresome. He seems to think much in the same way as Bob Ellis that if he repeats the same thing enough times that it will become the truth for others. Some sort of Brave New World type of hypnopaedia for the animate. It is nothing but blog pollution.

  40. Steve Sibson 2013.03.21

    " You're also making this conversation irrelevant to anyone but yourself, driving away anyone who wants to talk about real South Dakota issues."

    This thread is proof that that is not true. Just look at the number of comments and the different numbers of participants. Yes, I want to talk about South Dakota issues, instead of being pushed into a totalitarian police state on a world-wide basis with Agenda 21. And your on record supporting a totalitarian police state for our schools with you multiple and repetition anti-gun rights posts on the sentinel bill Cory.

    What is wrong, you liberals can't handle someone standing up to your propaganda? Too bad I am not one of your students huh you can flunk me out of school. You are a big man Cory when you stand behind a computer screen and personally attack those you disagree with. It really pisses you off when one of us decides to speak back at you...doesn't it? You are showing total disrespect to one who as taken the time to rebut your irrational and personal attack on those who seriously believe they are doing right for South Dakota. You died and made you pope of South Dakota Cory?

    Anybody with half a brain should understand the truth after reading words I have posted from the NEA and Unesco. And that is only the tip to the ice burg.

    Barry Smith, the pollution is in the curriculum at our public schools and Cory is one of the chief propagandists.

  41. larry kurtz 2013.03.21

    Mitchell must be such a pathetic hole.

  42. Steve Sibson 2013.03.21

    "AMEN Cory."

    So does that make him Pastor Cory from the Church of New Age Theology? And all of those who don't go to his church wear tin foil hats?

    [editorial note from CAH: See? Sibby's just playing word games.]

  43. larry kurtz 2013.03.21

    Sibby: do you have your property on the market?

  44. Barry Smith 2013.03.21

    Steve If there is one thing that I am glad for, it is that those who wear the tin foil hats are still in the minority of the minority. I personally would not spend my money on a blog to give them a voice. Your just lucky Cory does.

  45. Dougal 2013.03.21

    "Anybody with half a brain should understand the truth after reading words I have posted from the NEA and Unesco. And that is only the tip to the ice burg."

    Thank you God for giving me a whole brain so that the tip of the iceburg your misguided servant presents here is discernable as crazy babble. Apparently, the ability to gaze at the remainder of the iceburg requires possessing absolutely no brain.

  46. LK 2013.03.21


    When you write:

    "What is wrong, you liberals can't handle someone standing up to your propaganda? Too bad I am not one of your students huh you can flunk me out of school. You are a big man Cory when you stand behind a computer screen and personally attack those you disagree with. It really pisses you off when one of us decides to speak back at you...doesn't it? You are showing total disrespect to one who as taken the time to rebut your irrational and personal attack on those who seriously believe they are doing right for South Dakota. You died and made you pope of South Dakota Cory?"

    It might be time to switch to decaf.

    It might also be time to note that all of us are sitting behind the keyboard making our claims. I don't think you intended you comment to be ironic, but it certainly is.

    Finally, the whole "Too bad I am not one of your students huh you can flunk me out of school." is an ad hominem attack that goes beyond the bounds of decent civil discourse. It also has no basis in fact.

    My students have debated before Cory frequently. We have run policy positions and philosophical positions that I know he abhors. We have won those rounds. We have also run liberal positions that he would advocate here and have lost those rounds. He judges fairly and I have no doubt that he grades fairly.

    Steve, for your own health, take a walk, get some fresh air, drink some decaf. You're over the top and out of bounds on this one.

  47. Steve Sibson 2013.03.21

    "It might also be time to note that all of us are sitting behind the keyboard making our claims. I don't think you intended you comment to be ironic, but it certainly is."

    LK, yes my intention was to give Cory a taste of his own medicine. And I would also be willing to debate whether or not that is the best approach. It used to not bother me to piss people off, but now it does. But a true pro-gun advocate knows that when someone pulls a gun, you better do the same and do it fast without giving it much thought. And if that does happen and you survive, you better feel bad that things had to get that far out of hand.

    So after the dust settles here, I hope you all take a serious read of what I found coming out of the mouths of the NEA and UNESCO and perhaps then you would better understand those who have concerns instead of just mocking them with this tin foil hat smoke and mirrors propaganda.

  48. Steve Sibson 2013.03.21

    "Finally, the whole "Too bad I am not one of your students huh you can flunk me out of school." is an ad hominem attack that goes beyond the bounds of decent civil discourse."

    There was way more truth and civility in that statement, than Cory's tin foil hat BS with all of the liberal anti-conservatives hate mongers chiming in.

  49. Barry Smith 2013.03.21

    Steve It might also be a good time to note that it is a liberal that lets you have a voice on his blog. I sure don't see any commentary from you on any conservative blogs in the State. Something to consider I would think.

  50. Steve Sibson 2013.03.21

    Barry, aren't you concerned that too many tin foil hats in one spot will throw the earth's rotation out of balance and we end up heading for the sun? Besides, they already know the truth.

  51. Barry Smith 2013.03.21

    "Barry, aren't you concerned that too many tin foil hats in one spot will throw the earth's rotation out of balance and we end up heading for the sun?"

    No Sibby putting a voice to an unfounded fear like that would only make me out to be a fool.

  52. Steve Sibson 2013.03.21

    "The concept of the “tin foil hat” was mentioned in a science fiction story by Julian Huxley, "The Tissue-Culture King", first published in 1927, in which the protagonist discovers that "caps of metal foil" can be used to block the effects of telepathy."

    Julian Huxley, the first Director General of UNESCO:

    "UNESCO is often referred to as a school board for the world and, as such, it reflects the educational philosophy of its founding Director-General, biologist/humanist Julian Huxley.

    "Huxley stated that the agency would advocate 'the ultimate need for world political unity' and would condition 'all peoples with the implications of the transfer of full sovereignty from separate nations to world organization.'... UNESCO 'can do a great deal to lay the foundations on which world political unity can later be built."

    "In the early 1950's, former Communist Joseph Z. Kornfeder expressed the opinion that UNESCO was comparable to a Communist Party agitation and propaganda department. He stated that such a party apparatus 'handles the strategy and method of getting at the public mind, young and old.' Huxley would lard the agency with a motley collection of Communists and fellow travelers.

    "In Hamburg, Germany, 1964, Huxley chaired a UNESCO sponsored conference called the 'International Symposium on Health, Education, Sex Education and Education for Home and Family living' in which the agenda was laid out for sex education.... The conference concluded, 'Sex education should begin at an early age.'...

    "Through its 'World Heritage' subsidiary, UNESCO has, incredibly, already taken over control of such U.S. landmarks as the Statue of Liberty, Yellowstone National Park, Independence Hall, and other essential parcels of sovereign U.S. property. A portion of the admission to these symbols of American freedom now goes directly to UNESCO." Chuck Morse, September 16, 2002.

  53. Steve Sibson 2013.03.21

    "No Sibby putting a voice to an unfounded fear like that would only make me out to be a fool."

    Barry, you, Cory, and others seem to have an unfounded fear of those who you claim wear tin foil hats. Do you know that the pictures Cory used in his post are fake?

  54. Stephanie Strong 2013.03.21

    When you sign up for the watershed programs, being put out there as voluntarily, you are giving up your water rights. This is junk science and Pennington County has spent $535,000.00 so far with a single source contractor Respec whose brother from the School of Mines Prepared by :
    Dr. Scott Kenner
    South Dakota School of Mines and Technology
    Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
    Aaron M. Larson
    South Dakota Department of
    Environment and Natural Resources
    Water Resources Assistance Program
    As you can see an testing was done 05/2002 to 05/2003
    Making the data a bit outdated.
    The major sources bar chart on page 23 comes from a study
    done in 2004 on the Missouri River I cannot find any pig farms
    in area in question.
    To determine the type of fecal matter Ribotyping ns needed
    and the 2002 - 2003 testing did not do that they only tested
    for CFU (Colony forming Units)
    On page 6, notice that the TDS (Total Dissolved Solids} and
    the conductivity are identical. This is not possible the TDS can
    be from .54 to .96 of the conductivity it can never be the
    same. The last part is informational to help understand bacteria and
    water quality.
    The waste water treatment plant was implemented somewhere around 2009 and we do not use phosphorus in soap which would have been a contaminate in 2002 or before. Why are we spending this money here in South Dakota when the United States is in debt to a Foreign Nation. This is biblically wrong

  55. Steve Sibson 2013.03.21

    Stephanie, be prepared for the hate mongers who will be lashing out at you. They are not smart enough to rebut your research, so they will just accuse you of wearing a tin foil hat, a device invented by UNESCO communists to protect themselves from those who don't agree with their one-world agenda and are willing to expose the truth to those who have been indoctrinated in the public schools.

  56. Stephanie Strong 2013.03.21

    The Clean Air Quality Act is the next thing that is going to take away your property rights by regulation. Just got to see a little bit of the information, some of said that it was going back to 1972 regulations and a property owner, who would say, have a fire going on at their place, the property could be labeled as a Public Nuisance Law, which now the legal term here in South Dakota has been changed to Blight. Will they Blight your property and take it? That is the question

  57. Barry Smith 2013.03.21

    Hide Hide the Illuminati are here they have their agenda 21 with them and they want the faucet, the toilet and all the air --- Run Run Hide--- Lock the doors!!!


  58. caheidelberger Post author | 2013.03.22

    Not one thing Stephanie Strong says clearly links real environmental regulation in South Dakota to any United Nations plot to enslave us all. All she and Steve are really doing is promoting the standard GOP/John Birch anti-government, anti-regulation line, then trying to amp up support for that line by shouting a scary name along with it. You could strike every mention of "Agenda 21" and replace it with "Bolshevik" or "pedophiles" for the same effect... and the same factuality.

  59. larry kurtz 2013.03.22

    Coming through Mitchell today at about 4:00 your time, Sib: ready for that prostate exam?

  60. Barry Smith 2013.03.22

    Steve if it was discussion or a debate it would be different, but it is neither of those things . It is merely you and your cohorts trying to shove a bunch of baloney filled propaganda down our throats here. It does not contribute to the discussion any more than talking about the ducks you see outside in your yard would contribute. I have no idea why Cory tolerates your repetitive meaningless posts but that is his business. As far as I am concerned it deserves nothing but ridicule because it is worthless.

  61. Barry Smith 2013.03.22

    Your stylus is broke Steve-That is why this keeps happening to you.

  62. Steve Sibson 2013.03.22

    ""Through its 'World Heritage' subsidiary, UNESCO has, incredibly, already taken over control of such U.S. landmarks as the Statue of Liberty, Yellowstone National Park, Independence Hall, and other essential parcels of sovereign U.S. property. A portion of the admission to these symbols of American freedom now goes directly to UNESCO.""

    So Cory wants a direct tie to South Dakota? We have Mount Rushmore on the list of World Heritage sites:

  63. larry kurtz 2013.03.22

    I can see the infrastructure improvements now, like the one crumbling between Ft. Pierre and its neighbor to the East: The T. Denny Sanford Missouri River Bridge.

    It has a nice ring to it, huh?

  64. larry kurtz 2013.03.22

    Pick a lane, Steve: you're swerving...again.

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