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South Dakota Crybaby Ranchers Embarrass State in Joan Jett Macy’s Float Fracas

Let me see if I have this straight:

  1. South Dakota gets a float of its own in the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade.
  2. Our Department of Tourism suggests a whole list of artists to perform on our float.
  3. None are willing or able to appear on the South Dakota float.
  4. Macy's finds Joan Jett is willing to perform for us.
  5. Joan Jett is a big-name classic rocker who has brought her show to South Dakota numerous times (State Fair 1987! Sturgis 1990, 2000, 2003... Rock on!).
  6. Joan Jett doesn't eat meat.
  7. Joan Jett is thus an unacceptable performer for South Dakota's float.

Good night. Joan Jett wasn't planning to use the South Dakota float to make some alienating political statement. Check out her statement about choosing not to stoke controversy and removing herself from our float:

“I’ve decided to switch from South Dakota to another float because people’s political agendas were getting in the way of what should be a purely entertainment driven event,” Jett said in a statement released Friday. “I will remain focused on entertaining the millions of people watching, who will be celebrating a great American tradition” [Dirk Lammers, "Macy’s Moves Jett off SD Thanksgiving Parade Float after Ranchers’ Complaints," AP via Washington Post, 2013.11.15].

I'm no fan of PETA, but the animal lovers' organization is right: the silly uproar stirred up by South Dakota ranchers makes us sound like crybabies.

So I guess the State Fair and the Buffalo Chip and other major concert venues in South Dakota had better put up new gates with automatic meatball dispensers. To get in, you have to prove your South-Dakota-ness by eating animal flesh. No carnivore, no carnival.

What you eat is your business. Rejecting and ridiculing people for what they eat is bad business for South Dakota.

Related: Here's a list of non-meat-eaters whose South Dakota passports we must immediately revoke:


  1. Rick 2013.11.17

    Joan Jett handled this with grace and integrity. Perhaps the appropriate replacement would be Ted Nugent to appease the crybabies and the spineless screwballs in Tourism.

  2. Jerry 2013.11.17

    Good one Rick, Better yet, just leave it empty so as to signify South Dakota tourism and ag thinking. Ranchers better get a grip as to what they are doing with exclusions. Unless that million bucks through donations is enough, I think they want a FARM BILL passed. No better way of inclusion than to show that our state means business and that business is not only tourism. Ranchers need leadership that is a little more business like and less ideologically idiotic.

  3. Porter Lansing 2013.11.17

    Cry babies? More like extremist Tea-Babies trying to lead the mild and tolerant people by a nose ring of falsely-indignant proselytizing. South Dakota Democrats..."Sometimes 'ya gotta stand up and punch the bully in the nose. Don't be concerned with what others think of you because they rarely think of anyone but themselves."

  4. Shane Gerlach 2013.11.17

    So last year on the South Dakota Macy's day parade float representing South Dakota tourism we had Don McLean.

    Don is anti-war and anti GOP, he is a Pantheist.

    He says this about Sarah Palin "She reminds me of a pet rock. It has no particular purpose but people like them a lot." He went on to say this "She is a dumb person. But we have, in America, an unfortunate trait where we have an ever larger group of people that are very proud of being ignorant. They just go off in the corner and stomp their feet and say, `We ain't real smart but we know what we like. But you're one of us."

    He calls Bush and Chaney "Laurel and Hardy".

    Very little of that falls in line with Red as Red Booze! Guns! and Jesus! GOP run South Dakota. But not one single person raised a stink about him representing the state.

    Put a lesbian, vegetarian who supports PETA on there and the state goes nuts and complains until she is taken off the float. I wonder how many knew her beliefs prior to the news going nuts about it? Just freaking ridiculous. She just performed at RibFest in Sioux Falls and no one said a word...and guess what she didn't say anything about her beliefs either. She did her damn job and entertained people.

    We try to teach kids not to throw fits to get their way, to be good humans and the example we give them!?!?

    The float doesn't represent South Dakota represents South Dakota tourism. Pathetic and sad.

    On one of the TV stations sites I saw people suggesting The Secret Services favorite nutbag Ted Nugent and Tea Party darlings Big and Rich...that speaks volumes just as loudly as getting rid of Joan Jett.

  5. Douglas Wiken 2013.11.17

    South Dakota raises soybeans too. They could have had her toss some of those golden nuggets out to the crowds so they had an idea of what those beans look like. Not much imagination in the imagination divisions of Daugaard government.

  6. grudznick 2013.11.17

    What this young woman chooses to eat is her own business. It's her PETA support that we South Dakotan's can't have associated with our good state's name. She could eat taters with no gravy as far as I'm concerned but those PETA slobs are as bad as the Greenpeace ones.

  7. caheidelberger Post author | 2013.11.17

    Joan Jett performed at Ribfest? That's wild! And that's such a good point: she shows up and does her job. If Macy's was able to recruit her in the first place, she obviously would like to have appeared on the float, and didn't think twice about how performing to promote a state where (gasp!) people raise meat. I hope we haven't turned her off from a state that she apparently enjoys visiting.

  8. caheidelberger Post author | 2013.11.17

    Soy burgers! Oh! Good point, Doug: missed opportunity!

  9. joelie Hicks 2013.11.17

    ow did the tea party get involved in this? I see no mention of the tea party officially, why do people have to make a leap to pick on whatever group they don't like? If you want to find someone to blame go after the group advocates for agriculture that are always going after businesses and people they think are 'against them'. Chipotle restaurants and Yellow Tail wine are 2 examples. They are still angry at Michael Pollan and his books. Like or loathe whomever you want, but don't make the blame leap to make your point.

  10. caheidelberger Post author | 2013.11.17

    I can see the South Dakota ad now:

    Scene opens, two nice people sitting at picnic table, eating burgers.

    Close-up left: Toby Keith (or some such big American patriot dude with a straw hat, sleeves torn off his checked shirt) wrapping a big handle-bar mustache around a thick Angus burger, dripping with cheese, BBQ sauce, the works. Heck, put a fried egg on top. Big noisy chewing and groans of gustatory ecstasy. Beef Check-off button clearly visible on cowboy hat.

    Close-up right: Joan Jett (or some such rocker/alternative girl, pierced, punk, what-have-you), wrapping sensual lips around massive soy burger, sprouts raining out from under the bun, similar dripping, similar ecstatic noises. South Dakota Soybean pin clearly visible on denim jacket collar.

    Jett (looks at Keith, enunciates around big burger bite): "Hey, what're you eatin'?"

    Keith: "Angus burger! 100% pure beef! Yeehaw!"

    Jett: "Real meat?!" (makes suitable expression of distaste)

    Keith: "Yeah? What-choo eatin'?"

    Jett: "Soy burger! 100% soybeans! Yeah!" (makes rocker hand gesture)

    Keith: "Soy?" (makes suitable expression of distaste) "Where's that come from?"

    Jett: "South Dakota."

    Keith: "South Dakota?!"

    Jett: "Yeah, South Dakota. Where's your burger come from?"

    Keith: "South Dakota."

    Jett: "Really?!"

    Keith: "Yeah. South Dakota."

    [Enter Dusty Johnson and Dennis Daugaard, in aprons and chef hats. Dusty struggles in, dwarfed under the weight of two trays, one heaped with soy burgers, one heaped with Angus burgers. Dennis carries two spatulas, to keeep meat from touching soy.)

    Dennis Daugaard (with biggest goofy farm-boy grin he can muster): "Who wants another burger?"

    ALL (to camera): "South Dakota!"

    Dennis Daugaard: "Something for everybody!"

    (Keith and Jett each take one more enormous bite.)

    Voice over: "Paid for by the South Dakota Stockgrowers and the South Dakota Soybean Association."

  11. gordon 2013.11.17

    When i travel, I don't say I'm from South Dakota, because this is the impression. "proud of our ignorance" sad isn't it.

  12. Lynn G. 2013.11.17

    Wow! Well if Joan Jett or anyone else are vegan or vegetarian chances are they will consume soy products then whether it be soy cheese, tofu, tempe, soy milk or all kinds of other soy products that are grown and possibly processed in South Dakota. Some of those products mentioned can be quite tasty too and I'm sure the South Dakota Soy Council would be thrilled! Talk about over reaction! Joan Jett would have been great on our float! Let's rock and roll!

  13. Lynn G. 2013.11.17

    I had a roommate years ago who was vegan and came from a family of German ancestry. She would cook up traditional dishes not telling anyone is was all made not using any animal products. No one could tell and it was delicious! Much of it was made from various soy products. I learned a lot cooking tips from her. We in South Dakota need to chill a bit and be a bit more open minded. People outside the state already know we have some of the best beef in the world but we produce other great products too. Too bad Joan Jett was removed.

  14. SDBlue 2013.11.17

    Maybe we should change our state motto from the Land of Infinite Variety to the Land of Infinite Intolerance. I didn't realize the world is going to end if a musician on a South Dakota float is allowed to have her own personal views. Ignorant and petty. How can anyone be proud of that?

  15. Lynn G. 2013.11.17

    Vegetarians consume dairy products too so Joan Jett could have said Rock On with South Dakota's own Dimock Cheese <<< Yummy so wholesome and good! lol

  16. Mickie Hortness 2013.11.17

    No matter what publication you read this story in, the comments from folks are not favorable toward the South Dakota Cattlemen's Association, or the state of South Dakota for that matter. Shameful and embarrassing. I think Joan Jett would have done a far better job of representing our state than the South Dakota Cattlemen's Association has done, or as the article refers to them, the Crybaby Ranchers. I have read articles in publications from one coast to the other and our state is kind of a laughing stock right now. Terms used to refer to South Dakota include “ignorant”, “backwards”, “hillbillies”, and my favorite, “the armpit of America”. Thanks SDCA.
    Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade is an annual event that is a big part of the holiday season. Personal agendas, beliefs, politics, religion and yes, eating preferences have no place here. Get over yourselves South Dakota Cattlemen's Association. Not all things are all about you. If you had kept your mouths shut this whole issue would have received a lot less attention. After all, it isn't the SD Cattlemen's Association float. It is the SD Tourism float. And how dare you think that you have the right to speak for all of South Dakota. What you have done is attract negative attention to yourselves and the state of South Dakota. I wonder what entertainer will be willing to grace our float now. This should only be about entertainment and nothing more. Thanks a lot SD Cattlemen's Association. Joan Jett exhibits a lot more class than the SDCA.
    P.S. I love the Madville Times!

  17. vikingobsessed 2013.11.17

    At breakfast yesterday morning, my family and I had fun trying to guess what washed-up entertainer we could find for our float now...who would be willing to appear for the stated $5000. Ted Nugent? One of the remaining Pips? Neil Sedaka? Cryogenically frozen Dick Clark? The CCR version that does not include John Fogherty? Spinal Tap? (actually, "The Tap" would be all kinds of awesome). We finally settled on has-been Eddie Money. Any other suggestions?

  18. grudznick 2013.11.17

    I have heard of this Spinal Tap and they would be good. The squiggy character might be a veggie but as I said before it's not what you eat it's if you support PETA or the HSUS.

    All the other people on Mr. H's list we would be better off without them ever visiting our state again. BAH to PETA.

  19. Michael B. 2013.11.17

    Why is no one asking the obvious question: why are we spending money on a parade float?

  20. grudznick 2013.11.17

    The stock answer, Mr. B, is no doubt that it is a good way to advertise. Our state has commercials on TV and at baseball and football games all over to advertise for tourists.

    I don't think we should advertise at all. Too many tourists come here already. If we had no float we wouldn't have to jettison this hippy rock-and-roll Joan woman.

  21. Bree S. 2013.11.17

    Political activism is fine as long as the activists agree with my personal viewpoint. If they don't agree with me, well, they're stupid, racist, homophobic extremists. And vegetarians, which is the worst slur of all.

    Arnold Schwarzenegger: "You hit like a vegetarian." LOL

  22. Roger Cornelius 2013.11.17

    My mother used to say that "South Dakota is a condition, not a state".

    Now about the money for a float in the parade, wouldn't all those expenses be better served if given to the underprivileged ranchers? That way it would lessen the amount Noem wants to pay them when the farm bill passes.

    As to who should perform on the float, no one. They can have a huge sign that says "South Dakota farmers and ranchers not getting enough welfare, Send Cash".

  23. Michael B. 2013.11.17

    Does anyone honestly think that people are going to come to SD based on a float in a parade? It's like pouring money down a rat hole. The Black Hills are a destination, but South Dakota is not.

    It literally is going to take years and years to recover from the last fiasco brought on by Congress and our president: the barricades on the highway pullouts near Mt Rushmore were run over and over on every news show.

  24. Paula 2013.11.17

    A minority percentage of a population decides they don't like how something is, so they kick up a big stink about it and ruin it for everybody.....hmmmmmm, sounds very familiar.

  25. Bree S. 2013.11.17

    Lol. You have a point there Paula.

  26. grudznick 2013.11.17

    Yeah. Paula has it right. The libbies in SD kick up a big stink and ruin stuff for everybody. So do the unemployed and welfare mothers. Stop ruining it for everybody.

  27. Stan Gibilisco 2013.11.17

    Somebody around here drives a Jeep with a sticker on it that says:

    People Eating
    Tasty Animals

    Whenever I see her, she don't look like she cries much.

    Anyhow, I fail to see why you're putting it all on the ranchers, Cory.

    Joan Jett does seem to have a good attitude, though. Some of those (real) PETA folks come off as pretty weird to me.

  28. Douglas Wiken 2013.11.17

    What a day. Bree and Cory both funny.

    We are dedicated beef, chicken, and pork eaters, but found soyburgers edible and would be eating those and even some tofu now and then if grocery stores in this food desert still carried them. Public TV's "Jazzy vegetarian" now and then seems to have foods which might be nearly edible.

    If celebrities and entertainers should be on the float, they should be the Native American band..Brule or whatever ..or a SD Jazz ensemble of some variety.

  29. owen reitzel 2013.11.17

    I see that PP on DWC is on you again Cory. You must make him nervous

  30. grudznick 2013.11.17

    That Joan Jett person is pretty darn scary looking. Especailly for a libbie. I bet you she is not only a PETA supporter but also supports things like woman on woman marriage and is anti flat-tax. We need to tax the rich people 10% and we need to tax the poor people 10% and we need to tax everybody in the middle 10%. Equal lift. So says Ms. Jett.

  31. Jim 2013.11.17

    Ms Jett has been a big supporter of the troops having done 60 USO trips to Mid East. I'm supposed to like her because of that, right? But not like her because of PETA? Can somebody please tell me if I am supposed to like this musician or, not? Maybe even get some kind of resolution.

  32. Roger Cornelius 2013.11.17

    On Thanksgiving Day when the Macy parade features South Dakota, I can already hear the announcers say,

    "And now coming up is the South Dakota float that was supposed to have featured Joan Jett, after rancher protests she was bumped off the float, South Dakota will now be featuring Fred Flintstone".

  33. caheidelberger Post author | 2013.11.18

    Stan, did anyone but the ranchers' organizations make a stink? You are right, I shouldn't huff and puff too much about ranchers in general, since a lot of those folks are probably still too busy rebuilding their herds and straightening out their losses from the October blizzard to spend much time fussing over who sings in a parade.

    Mickie, thanks!

  34. caheidelberger Post author | 2013.11.18

    Shane! You nailed it! McClean is probably one of those eco-terrorists who Pat Powers and Marty Jackley think are a bigger threat to us than those politicians and lawyers skimming the EB-5 money.

  35. bret clanton 2013.11.18

    It is not about Ms. Jetts veganism. It is about her activism with PETA. And along that line if we all became vegans in the world starvation would be rampant because there would be absolutely no way to replace that source of protein that meat consumption provides for the masses. Even in nature without any human intervention meat consumption is a fact of life.....Sorry but it is a fact of life we are the top predator in the food chain and I don't see it changing any time soon......

  36. caheidelberger Post author | 2013.11.18

    Bret, you and I and have engaged in activism against the Keystone XL pipeline and the Powertech uranium mine. Our activism stands against the livelihood of many workers and against their ability to provide the energy that the world depends on. Are you and I not worthy to represent South Dakota?

  37. Steve O'Brien 2013.11.18

    PETA never shut down the US government as a protest. Maybe I need to have "radical" defined more clearly by those that throw that label around.

  38. Mark Schuler 2013.11.18

    When I heard Joan Jett was on the South Dakota float in the Macy's Parade, I was like "Rock on"! Now she's off because she is vegetarian and works with PETA? As a cattle producer, I want my beef checkoff dollars back! Joan Jett earns her living by performing. I would guess if she gets offered money to perform, she'd take the job, to "pay the bills".. Like the State of South Dakota takes money from the Federal Government, "we'll give you this but you must give us that" and there is always risk in that! Cal wrote a nice commerial. He'd make a fine producer!! I think there is bigger problems from the EB-5 debackel to worry about! I grew up with Joan Jett music, I work, pay taxes, etc., didn't hurt me! Maybe the South Dakota Cattlemen's Association exectutives should trail of herd of cattle through the macy's parade, to show people what cattle look like and at the end of the parade slaughter a few and have a bbq!!! Just a thought!

  39. Bree S. 2013.11.18

    Bret has a very good point. If the world was vegan it would starve to death. Perfectly alright for a person to be vegan, but trying to impose that viewpoint on the whole world is madness. I wish "animal rights" groups would go back to worrying about species survival and animal population balance - they should be concerned about the herd or the pack and stop crying about every chicken that dies.

  40. interested party 2013.11.18

    Everyone is at risk to livestock producers.

  41. Bree S. 2013.11.18

    What do you think about the state of the environment in China, Larry?

  42. interested party 2013.11.18

    Can you find ranch country in this graphic?

  43. Bree S. 2013.11.18

    The U.S. produces about a quarter of the world's food. If you go too strongly after U.S. food production, children in the third world will starve. Meanwhile you are ignoring the deplorable state of China's environment, including the destruction of the water supply and air pollution so bad you can't see. I simply don't see how any pollution in the United States could possibly compare to that, and I have to put the lives of starving children first as a human being.

  44. bret clanton 2013.11.18

    My activism against KXL has always been about the abuse of the use of the power of eminent domain. In that respect I see it as I am trying to protect my livelihood and agriculture as a whole. And I have been branded as an eco-terrorist for doing so. I do not know of any attacks on the entertainment industry that has been launched by the ag industry. But there are many in the entertainment industry doing so to agriculture Ms. Jett included. I love every living creature on my ranch. I would be all for a vegan world..... Anyone care for a helping of starvation?...

  45. caheidelberger Post author | 2013.11.18

    Oh yes, Bret and Bree, our activism is always easier to justify than someone else's. But our activism is as antithetical to the principles of certain important industries and Joan Jett's and PETA's is to your favored industry. But if Joan Jett just wants to sing on a parade float or perform at Ribfest, and if Bret Clanton just wants to make some money publishing photos in National Geographic or South Dakota Magazine (you could, Bret!), how relevant are those artists' activism to their artistic and business endeavors, especially if they aren't using those business endeavors to directly promote their activism?

  46. Steve O'Brien 2013.11.18

    Bree, I don't think anyone is going after US food production - but if we were serious about food production to feed the world, we would greatly reduce meat production (terribly inefficient food) and we certainly would stop burring food for gasoline (ethanol). Think of how the US could reduce hunger if reducing hunger were the primary goal (instead of profit).

  47. DB 2013.11.18

    "how relevant are those artists' activism to their artistic and business endeavors, especially if they aren't using those business endeavors to directly promote their activism?"

    You should ask Joan when she gave them relevance by acknowledging the protesters.

  48. Bree S. 2013.11.18

    I agree with Bret. Both my husband and I oppose Keystone XL. Our politicians have thrown away our property rights to line their own coffers, to build a pipeline that will ship the local supply to the Gulf and ultimately raise our gas prices. It has nothing to do with opposition to the oil industry. The government has stolen from landowners, and in return we all get to pay more at the pump.

  49. Bree S. 2013.11.18

    You clearly know nothing about agricultural production Steve. Land that is used for ranching cannot be used for farming. If you get rid of the meat production, you would not be able to raise grain production in order to compensate for the difference even if everyone suddenly decided they wanted to be vegan. Not to mention that the required protein replacement would probably be beans, and edible beans are difficult to grow and cannot be grown everywhere. The end result would be starvation, astronomically high food prices, and riots and civil war in less developed nations. The instability would topple nations.

  50. interested party 2013.11.18

    Karin Eagle: "At a recent protest on Capitol Hill a group of Democratic lawmakers who opposed the cuts to food stamps demanded that the funding be reinstated."

  51. Douglas Wiken 2013.11.18

    Bree, it is not the grass cattle eat that is the problem. But feeding corn and beans to hogs and finishing beef cattle with corn loaded to the point of cattle acidosis requiring continuous antibiotics is a very inefficient food production system even if I like the meat.

  52. Bree S. 2013.11.18

    I suggest you tell the housewives who refuse to buy beef not finished on corn to buy something else then. You'll probably get as far as telling them to buy electric cars. They won't buy the steak with yellow fat instead of white fat and no matter how dumb you think that is companies produce what people buy.

  53. Steve O'Brien 2013.11.18

    Bree, you focus only on land. The resources, like water and feed, needed for beef production is the part of the story you choose to ignore. In South America, deforestation continues so that cattle production can be increased - draining even more precious resources.

    You imply that the current production of cattle is needed to supply the protein requirements for people; that is not the case. Our consumption (in the West) exceeds our "protein need."

    When you start throwing around feeding the world, at least be honest about how inefficient cattle is to that end.

  54. Bree S. 2013.11.18

    And a third of every acre used to produce ethanol is distillers grains, which is fed to cattle and reduces the amount of corn fed, increasing the protein ratio.

  55. Bree S. 2013.11.18

    In Brazil a farmer has to pay full price for the land, but a majority of land has to be kept in reserve. A few places are grandfathered in and maybe they can develop 80% of the land, but most places only allow a small percentage to be developed - probably less than 20%. Please give a specific example of current deforestation for cattle production. The places I have seen booming for cattle production, such as the Chaco region of Paraguay, are semi-arid.

  56. Bree S. 2013.11.18

    And none of you want to talk about the absolutely horrendous state of China's environment. Talk about methane production - their rivers are green from edge to edge with algae. Or red. The smog is so thick its recommended that people stay indoors. There you go - Marxist philosophy at work. But you want to attack the American industry that feeds the world and keeps children from starving. Yeah, you guys are so morally superior.

  57. Bree S. 2013.11.18

    Steve O'Brien:

    You imply that the current production of cattle is needed to supply the protein requirements for people; that is not the case. Our consumption (in the West) exceeds our "protein need."

    And Steve immediately demonstrates that he only cares if America eats. As long as we eat, its fine if the children in the third world starve. There you go - another example of moral superiority.

  58. Bree S. 2013.11.18

    Oh wait, maybe that was a call from Steve for government rationing and I misunderstood. I look forward to your bread lines.

  59. interested party 2013.11.18

    Rewild the West.

  60. Jim 2013.11.18

    Bree when you talk of "grandfathering", are you sure you don't have that confused with the amnesty the ag lobby recently got added into the Brazilian forest code, for those who had illegally cleared lands?

  61. Wayne Pauli 2013.11.18

    You have strayed a long way from Joan Jett...sometimes we did not did strays until the neighbors rounded up their cattle...and so ermines we never found them at all...even with JP Bar on the left hip. Oh yes, those were the days...not

  62. Bree S. 2013.11.18

    No, these are old rules that have been around for years.

  63. Bree S. 2013.11.18

    Yeah, I just checked the news for what you're talking about and that's too recent. And it looks like the amnesty included a requirement that those who cleared lands illegally had to replant trees.

    And the illegal clearing of land is done by tree thiefs mostly or whatever you want to call them, who go on other people's land and chop down trees and steal them to sell, not the farmers who would get in trouble for breaking the law. I've even heard of people stealing trees by helicopter, as crazy as that sounds.

  64. Steve O'Brien 2013.11.18

    Bree, are you saying that SD beef is exported to starving kids in the third world? That is a claim I'd love to see the evidence for. (By the very nature of them being starving, I am hesitant to think they are getting any food - muck less SD cattle.

    Spin my concern any way you please, I think we are all over fed - especially on beef. Just because it tastes good, doesn't mean that we ought to eat six servings a day. Again, IF you were sincere about us being able to feed the world, you would see that different corps would be the key to that.

    You still do not address the burning of food for fuel as ethanol.

  65. Jim 2013.11.18

    It is not all tree thieves. Many are local farmers trying to eek out a living who don't appreciate the problem of their collective action. Check out some satellite imagery from today and fifty years ago, then decide if you think deforestation may be a problem.

  66. Bree S. 2013.11.18

    That's right, let's all discuss what happened in the 1960's rather than what is happening NOW in order to support our argument that the cattle industry needs to disappear, and everyone needs to become a vegan. Excellent idea. I have a few more.

    Well, what I think we need to do is replant all the trees that have ever been cut down since the beginning of human history because we cannot allow manmade changes to the Earth. I think we should start with Ireland, Britain, and Europe. Millions of square miles of trees were chopped down. They should have to replant them all, in the process burning the towns they've lived in since the Middle Ages to the ground. They can live in the trees instead. We should also do everything we can to destroy the economic progress of developing countries so that they never leave the Dark Ages and develop into a country like the United States, which has very little pollution compared to the rest of the world. We should also turn the United States into China, because they've done such a great job in taking care of the environment with their anti-capitalist philosophy. Once we institute all these changes, become vegans, and destroy the cattle industry, the world will become a Utopia, and everyone will have Obamacare and their health policies will be $50/month. Also, Elvis will rise from the dead and put out a new album. Welcome to a Brave New World.

  67. Jim 2013.11.18

    Steve, I don't think she was actually expecting an example. Now she has to come up with some way of discrediting the link.

  68. Jim 2013.11.18

    Real cute bree. Bottom line is deforestation continues for cattle production and the sum results are negative. But dagummit, at least we don't have that Joan Jett playing on our float.

  69. Steve O'Brien 2013.11.18

    Bree, you make silly arguments and claim they are mine - they are not. In the spirit of the right, you debate an imagined foe - one created in your mind of absolutes - not the arguments set before you. I'll not be your imagined foe in the empty chair; I'll not play with your straw men any longer.

  70. Bree S. 2013.11.18

    Steve, don't be so dense. Do I need to explain to you that if Americans don't eat meat, those calories will have to be replaced from some other source and regardless of how it all pans out, it results in less food exports from the United States. Unless of course you think you can convince Americans to eat dirt. Mmmm... government rationing of dirt and bread. Sounds tasty.

    You're right. We should all just eat less, and that will solve our problems. The Government can just order people to stop eating so much. Good idea. And to get the ball rolling let's start with Mayor Ford and Michael Moore, take the trough away from them and we can feed an entire third world country.

  71. Roger Cornelius 2013.11.18

    I'll hang in there with letting the Flintstones represen South Dakota and their stone age mentality.

  72. Bree S. 2013.11.18

    Jim, I looked at the link and immediately rolled my eyes. I asked Steve to provide evidence of current deforestation for cattle production. The first sentence of the article is this:

    "The majority deforestation in the Amazon Basin since the 1960s has been caused by cattle ranchers and land speculators who burned huge tracts of rainforest for pasture."

    Exactly what does the 1960's have to do with anything, and why do you think this is a valid point to support the argument that the cattle industry should disappear, and everyone should become vegans?

  73. Bree S. 2013.11.18

    Steve O'Brien:

    "You still do not address the burning of food for fuel as ethanol."


    "And a third of every acre used to produce ethanol is distillers grains, which is fed to cattle and reduces the amount of corn fed, increasing the protein ratio."

    That response was to both you and Wiken, who brought up acidosis.

    People don't eat field corn, they eat sweet corn. And ethanol is currently the only product available to compete with the oil oligopoly. (Liberals produce nothing but pipe dreams of hydrogen cars.) And guess what thanks to the help of ethanol, the United States just became net oil producers, a significant issue as regards national security. So not only is the American agricultural industry the hinge pin of food security around the world, its a very significant part of national security/oil security.

    Meanwhile PETA activists contribute lame ideas of a Vegan Utopia.

  74. interested party 2013.11.18

    bree, honey: don't be dumb.

  75. interested party 2013.11.18

    South Dakota ranchers should support the tribal plan for an abattoir.

  76. Mickie Hortness 2013.11.18

    Practically the only person who HASN'T brought up PETA is the person who was booted from the float.

  77. Bree S. 2013.11.18

    PETA interjected themselves into the conversation when they said this to the Associated Press:

    "Thanks to South Dakota's reactionary ranchers, people across the country have learned why Joan Jett supports PETA," Mathews said. "The meat trade can't stand any scrutiny of its cruelty," he said.

    I will start shipping all my meat scraps to PETA so they cry over them. Maybe they could bury them and have a solemn ceremony, wailing about the abuses of helpless cows.

  78. Bree S. 2013.11.18

    Larry, sweetcheeks: don't be patronizing.

  79. Bree S. 2013.11.18

    You mean one of the Reservations wants to build an "abattoir" Larry?

  80. Mickie Hortness 2013.11.18

    PETA interjected themselves in the conversation after farmers, ranchers, SDCA brought the subject up. I'm not a supporter of PETA, don't really know all that much about them, but it seems to me that PETA is getting a heck of a lot of attention without Joan Jett having to say a word about it. PETA bashers seem to always be so worried that any public forum will be used by those who happen to support PETA to further their cause. (In this case, Joan Jett on the SD float.) kind of seems like they don't have to. Everyone else does it for them.

  81. Bree S. 2013.11.18

    Mickie, Macy's chose to move Jett to a different float because ranchers weren't happy with their tax dollars going to an entertainer who supports an organization that wants to destroy their livelihood. Jett released a reasonable statement, although somewhat slanted with "people's political agendas." Then PETA released a nasty statement about "reactionary ranchers" and their "cruelty." The only thing unreasonable in that chain of events was PETA's hissy fit.

    The "PETA bashing" in this thread has been over the irrational argument that the cattle industry could be done away with and replaced worldwide with a vegan lifestyle - PETA's proclaimed vision for a world. Then PETA's utopian vision was supported by more irrational argument involving data from the 1960's. Somehow the Amazonian rainforest in Brazil is somehow linked to the American cattle industry. Who knew.

  82. Jim 2013.11.18

    Bree, don't get so defensive. I never said we should do away with cattle production, or that everyone should be come vegans. I am willing though, to recognize that not all producers are good stewards, and not all practices are sustainable - like with deforestation.

  83. Bree S. 2013.11.18

    Then Jim you have a more reasonable viewpoint. Try to instill it in your comrades.

  84. Douglas Wiken 2013.11.18

    Bree, where do you get the idea that anybody here approves of Chinese air pollution from use of coal and growth in vehicle numbers? That doesn't have much to do with Jett on the float however. Pollution anyplace in the world is world pollution. China's pollution has consequences for us just as our needless pollution has consequences for even the poorest people in the world.

    As for current forest destruction, once most of the forest is destroyed, the percentage of annual destruction declines.

    Liberal Tom Daschle was one of the first promoters of ethanol. I have one of the manuals he distributed for building small stills. I doubt he imagined anything like Poet springing from his initial work. But now, we need to be making methanol and anhydrous ammonia locally with wind energy as well. Uranium for power production should be replaced with Thorium salt reactors.

  85. Douglas Wiken 2013.11.18

    "them at all...even with JP Bar on the left hip. "

    You might suspect that a few cattle with U over lazy S on the right hip also disappeared? A brand inspector did find a couple of them.

  86. Wayne Pauli 2013.11.18

    Whoa...sorry about all the typos in my last post. Darn iPad and it always wanting to change what I am typing...anybody know if I can turn that off? I know nothing to do with this post and at least I realize it.

  87. Mickie Hortness 2013.11.18

    Bret, thanks for the link. Nothing new there that I haven't read in multiple other publications. Except the comment about "fearing having the fierce advocate aboard". Gee, where was all this fear the numerous times she has performed in our state? And Bree, thanks for the info about PETA. I know what I've heard about them but I really don't spend any time fretting about their vision for the world. Don't know enough about them to feel one way or the other about them. And quite honestly, I don't care who eats meat and who doesn't. It just is sad, I think, that something as innocent as the annual parade that should be purely about entertainment, has now become this whole awful thing. And it didn't have to.

  88. Jana 2013.11.28

    Vegetarian band Summer Set rocks South Dakota float.

    On camera for 3 whole thrill packed seconds! You can't buy coverage like that!

    Wait...what? We did?

    How much did we pay for those 3 seconds?

    Will Summer Set be the featured band around South Dakota this year?

    Guessing the cattle growers will be stampeding the stores for the complete Summer Set album collection as the gift of choice this year.

  89. Jerry 2013.11.28

    LOL Jana, you cannot make this stuff up about the misfires of old denny and his crew of knuckleheads. From EB-5 to the rest of the indigestion follies, this crew wins the day for not only being corrupt but by governing by fiat (not the car company either). Welcome to to the gilded age of damaging politics with complete disregard for the good of the people for three putrid seconds of nonsense. In the meantime, South Dakota families go hungry and drop further into the cracks of despair. Way to go greedy guts.

  90. Roger Cornelius 2013.11.28

    And the irony is, Joan Jett got more coverage and support on the internet and parade than South Dakota, and her's was free.

    South Dakota tips the scales with their pettiness.

  91. Barry Smith 2013.11.29

    Off Topic -but thanks to Cory for the laugh in the blog roll this morning. " Dakota Ministry of Truth" Spot on my friend Spot on!
    Next we will see the DMT calling for South Dakota to withdraw from next year's Macy's Parade because they thumbed their nose at the SD elite's war on vegetarianism.

  92. caheidelberger Post author | 2013.11.29

    Darn right, Barry! We should tell Raven to boycott the parade and cancel the contracts it has for all those nice balloons. That'll fix 'em! ;-)

  93. JeniW 2014.04.12

    I thought it was amusing about the uproar of Jett being a veggan. Farmers grow vegetables, fruits, nuts, beans, and etc. Do SD cattle ranchers think that they are better than, or are more important than the farmers who raise crops?

  94. Charlie Hoffman 2014.04.13

    This is the post which keeps on giving. I disagree often and have bantered with Bree but her thoughts on this topic have been spot on. American Agriculture is coveted more by foreign countries than any other facet of our economy.

  95. caheidelberger Post author | 2014.04.13

    And that's why the Korean EB-5 investors and Epoch Star were so eager to gain financial control of Northern Beef Packers... and why the Chinese bought John Morrell's, right, Charlie!

  96. Les 2014.04.13

    Am I wrong in believing Epoch Star was purchased by NBP for 30Mil? The major component of the 35Mil loan from White Oak as current owner, senior holder of NBP assets. Made senior during the final gasping of NBP. Is that how we gain control by selling a shell for 30Mil to the party we wish to control Corey? What did Epoch Star bring to the table? Who was Epoch Star?
    Something just doesn't add up Alice.

  97. Bree S. 2014.04.13

    Epoch n. a particular period of time marked by distinctive features, events, etc.

    Star n. any heavenly body, except the moon, appearing luminous in the sky

    Sounds like some End Times BS to me.

  98. mike from iowa 2014.04.13

    Epoch Star was wholly owned by Pinestreet Special Opportunity Fund(Caymans),had fewer than 10 investors,none were bankers,financial institutes or in the business of lending.

  99. Les 2014.04.13

    Who were those ten investors. Nothing more than a money laundering op by appearance.

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