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Weiland Taps People Power for Latest Campaign Video

Rick Weiland continues to have fun on the campaign trail. In the process, he integrates his populist message into his marketing strategy, turning the webcam spotlight on the voters he's meeting in every town (now up to #287!) in South Dakota.

In this morning's e-mail pitch, Weiland says a gal he met in Bowdle sent him a quick little video where all she said was, "I met Rick Weiland in Bowdle." This supporter suggested Weiland collect similar clips from the thousands of folks he's meeting at the Red Line Tavern, Jake's Corner, and elsewhere. Said the voter, "That would be a great way to show the difference between your take it back campaign and all the other politicians."

Rick's verbatim response:

Well DUH!!!! I guess so. Wish I had been smart enough to think of that 287 towns ago.

I wasn't smart enough back then. But at least I'm smart enough to recognize it when a fabulous idea gets in my face [Rick Weiland, campaign e-mail, 2014.02.19].

And the video response: lots of your neighbors saying they've met Rick, and some even saying they'll vote for him (Rick nearly has to mug one guy from Canova to get him to say it, but he says it):

The metaphor is apt: Weiland's video shows he wants regular South Dakotans to have a voice in the Senate.

Also helping: Weiland gets some headline photo exposure in the national press as part of what ABC News calls the Elizabeth Warren wing of the Democratic Party. Are you listening, national Dem donors?


  1. John Tsitrian 2014.02.19

    The Elizabeth "If You've Got A Business You Didn't Build It" Warren wing of the Democratic Party? If Rick had a hand in identifying himself with Warren I think he blundered--in this small business-dominated state it's a fatal attraction.

  2. Nick Nemec 2014.02.19

    I think you are misstating Senator Warren's comment or at the very least removing all context from what she actually said. She was making the point that you had help from the government in establishing your business. The government provides infrastructure like roads and loans to utility companies, those things are essential to your business' success. The government provides an education to the vast majority of Americans thus providing an educated workforce. The US government provides a stable currency that is the envy of the world and makes doing business in our country much easier by removing many of the currency woes that plague other parts of the world.

  3. John Tsitrian 2014.02.19

    Though I disagree with your conclusion about contextuality, Mr. Nemec, I believe it's irrelevant to begin with. Sound bytes drive the political process, and I think this one will be turned against Weiland with some effect if Rick tries to build on his identification with Warren.

  4. caheidelberger Post author | 2014.02.19

    John may be right about sound bites and diminishing attention spans, but let's post the context. Here's Elizabeth Warren, September 2011:

    “I hear all this, you know, ‘Well, this is class warfare, this is whatever.’ No. There is nobody in this country who got rich on his own. Nobody.

    "You built a factory out there? Good for you. But I want to be clear: you moved your goods to market on the roads the rest of us paid for; you hired workers the rest of us paid to educate; you were safe in your factory because of police forces and fire forces that the rest of us paid for. You didn’t have to worry that marauding bands would come and seize everything at your factory, and hire someone to protect against this, because of the work the rest of us did.

    "Now look, you built a factory and it turned into something terrific, or a great idea? God bless. Keep a big hunk of it. But part of the underlying social contract is you take a hunk of that and pay forward for the next kid who comes along.”

    I'd love to hear Rick Weiland or any other candidate have the guts to say the above to South Dakota voters, whose livelihood depends on roads, schools, cops, and other public goods paid for by all of us, by government, and a darn big chunk by the federal government that many Republicans want to hack to bits.

  5. John Tsitrian 2014.02.19

    Cory, I expand on this in my blog, just posted over to the right under the Constant Commoner. Irrelevant to the political discussion as I think it is, contextuality is also something I address.

  6. Jerry 2014.02.19

    I think Weiland's recognition of Elizabeth Warren is going to be a good thing for him. South Dakotan's have shown they support Medicaid Expansion (to the point the legislature voted to deny petitions) and they support raising the minimum wage. We are liking us some Obamacare, so what Rick is doing is just what the situation needs here, to shake it up to take it back. Me, I just rang his tip jar, so to speak, and he did not even mug me.

  7. Jenny 2014.02.19

    John T. - I would think most business owners (if they were honest) would agree that it is the EMPLOYEES and CUSTOMERS that make a business successful or not. It's a given that businesses need to make smart choices and some of those choices are taking advantage of government incentives (tax write off, subsidies). Sam Walton didn't get rich all on his own. Of course, I'm talking to South Dakotans, one of the states that pays its workers some of the lowest wages in the nation and that don't really appreciate the hard work that low wage workers put in every day to make YOUR business survive.

  8. Jenny 2014.02.19

    "No one is big enough to be independent of others" - Dr Will Mayo, one of the founding brothers of Mayo Clinic

  9. Douglas Wiken 2014.02.19

    Anything that makes the GOP irrelevance blatantly obvious is politically "irrelevant".

    If they say it is not about the education system, not about the roads, not about the public electric utility, not about the phone and communication systems, not about the water system, not about the police protection, then it is about the the education system, about the roads, about the public electric utilities, about the phone and communication systems, about the water system, and about the police protection.

    Denying the existence of the public welfare and public good is an attempt to maintain the conservative's irrelevant economic mythology.

    Let that trickle down on their well-coiffed dyed hair.

  10. Bill Dithmer 2014.02.19

    John, for something as insignificant as a sound bite you sure are spending a lot of time trying to downplay its real meaning.

    " seem to be missing a crucial point: those businesses not only pay a hefty chunk of dough to support the government, they're the ones that create the economic foundation that makes it possible for a society to exist in the first place. "

    Don't forget it wasn't the money that actually built those things. Was it?

    Here's my point of view. You put a five dollar bill on the counter and ask for a Hershey bar with almonds. If there's no clerk to give you the candy bar, and in fact no candy bar there in the first place because nobody brought it to the store, you aren't going to be eating a Hershey bar with almonds. You could keep stacking five dollar bills one on top of the other and yell tell hell freeze s over and you still wont get your candy. Why?

    Of course the answer isn't this simple but here goes. You can do a lot of things if you have money, but none of those money making actions are possible without people to support those things.

    No one to make the candy.
    Nobody to deliver the candy.
    No roads to haul the candy from Hershey to your store.
    And no clerk to hand you your candy bar.

    It seems that it's you that is missing a crucial point not Cory or Rick.

    The Blindman

  11. mike from iowa 2014.02.19

    Is some wingnut gonna accuse Warren of plagiarizing Obama's "you didn't build that" speech? I'm voting with the Blind Man on this one.

  12. John Tsitrian 2014.02.19

    Mike, Warren's speech was encapsulated by Obama in '12, but her sentiments were identical and clear enough in '11 when she made the utterance quoted by Cory. I think it's fair to say that she can be identified with the phrase. Bill and Jenny, I think your sentiments are valid and well-stated, but I stand by my assertion that Weiland's identification with Elizabeth Warren will be a liability to his campaign, which will depend for its success on swinging a lot of Republican votes in his favor. I'm making a political case, you guys are countering with a moral one.

  13. interested party 2014.02.19

    Letting earth haters like Tsitrian draw our path is ludicrous. Make no mistake: Rick Weiland has rooters in the national party.

  14. grudznick 2014.02.19

    Larry's right. Better we let kitty haters like me and Mr. Buehl draw the path.

  15. interested party 2014.02.19

    We are urging Secretary Clinton to choose Jared Polis at her 2016 running mate.

  16. Roger Cornelius 2014.02.19

    John T. makes a valid statement about sounds bytes that can define a campaign.

    South Dakota Republicans will dislike Elizabeth Warren simple because she has a D after her name and will never get beyond "you didn't build that". Most will never read the full text of her message and Republicans will discourage them from doing so, lest they actually comprehend what her message is.

    South Dakotans tend to have a false sense of pride and will never admit their dependence on government. All those hard working farmers and ranchers in the agriculture will never acknowledge the FHA loans, conservation payments or farm subsidizes that enable their business, but remember they built that farm or ranch with their own two hands. They don't take government hand outs, you know.

    Sound bytes and shallow voters have probably gotten more idiots elected than those with legitimate ideas.

  17. Deb Geelsdottir 2014.02.19

    I think there is a way to at least lessen the bite of that sound byte, if not turn it into a positive.

    Talking to middle and lower class voters:

    Point at the Citi Bank building (or a local equivalent). "YOU helped build that! Your patronage, Your property taxes, Your construction work, Your highway efforts, Your vote, Your water taxes, Your gas taxes. YOU. That is Your success."


  18. John Tsitrian 2014.02.19

    Pretty cool, Deb. Hope Rick sees it.

  19. caheidelberger Post author | 2014.02.19

    Jerry, that is cool... I just wish I could tell who's who at Daily Kos. Do you know the author?

    Deb, good turn of the theme! Crafting a thoughtful message, then pitching it relentlessly is perhaps the only way to tackle the casually informed sound-bite mentality that Roger and John warn us of... if that mindset can be countered at all. But hey, we're Democrats—that means we are incurable optimists!

  20. Kevin Weiland 2014.02.19

    And I became a physician because of the opportunities to go to a state funded school of medicine, with the aid of Pell Grants and a state funded rural health scholarship. Thank you, the people of South Dakota, I am doing the best medicine, in South Dakota, to pay you back.

  21. caheidelberger Post author | 2014.02.19

    John, I think we sound weaker if we try to say, "Oh we don't really mean that" and try to disown our true belief in the social contract than if we embrace it and say, "Come on, people, you know it's true." We must not campaign in fear.

    Kevin, you mean you can say such a thing and not experience the destruction of your ego? What are you drinking, and can we get a couple rounds for our Chamber of Commerce Republican friends?

  22. John Tsitrian 2014.02.19

    Hey, Kevin. Sorry I missed Piedmont but the weather turned nasty up here in the high country and I don't mess with ice. Rick will do a credible job just by being who he is: a straight-up South Dakota guy with an irrepressible passion for using the government as a positive force for bettering the lots of a whole bunch of people. As a Republican, when I saw that ABC pic with him and Warren, I just knew what was likely to come from it. Hope all is going well.

  23. Kevin Weiland 2014.02.19

    What ego, I'm an Internist...not a neurosurgeon. And as a doctor of prevention, house Merlot for the next Chamber mixer, two glasses (1 for women) can prevent strokes and heart disease.

  24. John Tsitrian 2014.02.19

    I'm all for shining it on, Cory, but stand by my impression that identifying with Warren is a liability, not an asset, in South Dakota.

  25. Kevin Weiland 2014.02.19

    Thanks John, the weather was awful, in fact, Jensen was late as a result of an accident delay on I-90. I know you know Rick, love your blogg and miss your Greek Cooking. Rick will keep it interesting, and, what I see, he is having a hell of a good time.

  26. Jerry 2014.02.19

    We have a huge rural area here in South Dakota, duh. I wonder when the citizens of our state will come to the realization that with this ACA Obamacare, we will be getting more healthcare providers. The dollars have been committed, about 2 billion nationwide for schooling the new bunch of medical professionals. So instead of duct tape on that cut thumb, you can actually go see a real doc and just maybe ya won't bleed to death. This is the kind of South Dakota that I think Weiland sees. I think he sees a more progressive hope for our people.

  27. caheidelberger Post author | 2014.02.19

    "irrepressible passion"—that might be the top item on my checklist for candidates. If we stand a chance of making Warren an asset (and hey, have we established yet whether Rick wants Elizabeth Warren pictured next to him?), "irrepressible passion" is a prerequisite for success. (See also: Paul Wellstone.)

  28. Roger Cornelius 2014.02.19


    Congratulations on the KOS shout out, that is second time this month they gave you a thumbs up.

    Jerry, thanks for finding the article and letting us share, it needs to get out the public. Maybe Rick can carry copies with him.

  29. Roger Cornelius 2014.02.19

    Sorry to interrupt such a lively conversation, but I have breaking news.

    For a mere $500 you can meet Bill O'Reilly and Dennis Miller on July 25 at the Rapid City Civic Center.

    Maybe we could pool our money and send one person, I'll buy the eggs!

  30. Kevin Weiland 2014.02.19

    A classic "you didn't build it" example? ........ The genome project. In 1990 the mapping of the humane genome initiative began, and after over 3 billion dollars of government funded research, we were able to map the sequence of our DNA, taking over 10 years, scientist equaled this to our goals of landing on the moon. Several years later, as a result of this research, it only took several hundreds of millions of dollars and over three years to study one person's genome. Low and behold, in the mid to late 2000's, it took only several millions of dollars and one to two years to study one person's genome. Today, as a result of this government-funded genome project, Avera Institute for Human Genetics in Sioux Falls is leading, not just the nation, but the world in this new field of medicine. They are able to determine your genetic sequence, what drugs you can take safely, and what diseases and malignancies you might be prone to, saving loves on med error.....and money, all with in 48 hours , for less then 3 thousand dollars. The next year or so, we will be able to do everything, even more than the ten-year, 3-billion dollar project, for less than a couple of hundred dollars, within 24 hours. Affordable technology, in your primary care physician's office, saving health care dollars in so many ways, but more importantly, saving lives.

    Other examples of " you did not build that?......" The I-phone, iPad, lap top etc...... The next Obama initiative, equal to landing on the moon?.......mapping the human brain. Let's make the argument of defunding this initiative...let's jump over dollars to save dimes as we did with the Medicaid expansion here in South Dakota.

  31. Jana 2014.02.20

    Amen Kevin.

    I might just add that flood relief, dikes that were built, Dams that were built and managed, Elsworth, Mt. Rushmore, education funding, healthcare funding, interstate system, National Parks, farm insurance subsidy...please oh please...just one SD GOP candidate tell me you/SD built that on our own.

    As a welfare state voter, I welcome their engaging in that discussion.

  32. caheidelberger Post author | 2014.02.20

    Again, Dr. Weiland raises my question: Kevin, why aren't you on a ballot this year? At the very least, Kevin, we need intelligent, fact-based commentary like that from you on a regular basis in every newspaper in this state.

  33. caheidelberger Post author | 2014.02.20

    O'Reilly and Miller? Who's bringing them? At that price, for whom are they fundraising?

  34. Jerry 2014.02.20

    By the time July 25 comes around, the promoters will do like they did with Glen Beck, just give everyone a free pass to the freak show and hope even then, there are idiots that want to spend a hot summer day with fools.

  35. Jenny 2014.02.20

    The campaign video is a winner and looks like it was a lot of fun. Weiland is campaigning hard, and did the right thing by denouncing the discriminatory anti-gay SB 128 bill. It should be pointed out that Mike Rounds is anti-gay rights, as are all the other republican candidates.

  36. Porter Lansing 2014.02.20

    Just shows that all "older white males" in SoDak aren't "angry" as is the conservative Nat'l model. PS Tsitrian...Liz Warren is a USA gem and a liberal leader for our future. Weiland need not tailor his message to a rag tag bunch.

  37. Douglas Wiken 2014.02.20

    I might spend $500 for the right to kick O'Reilly in his shriveled balls.

  38. Roger Cornelius 2014.02.20

    The Rapid City Journal article did not list the sponsors or beneficiaries of the O'Reilly and Miller appearance.

    Dennis Miller actually thinks he's funnier than Jon Stewart, and he is, ridiculously funny that is.

  39. Jerry 2014.02.20

    Do you remember when Dennis Miller was a comedian? Me either, he was always overrated.

  40. lesliengland 2014.02.24

    questionable post, but didn't former gov. rounds (R.) build his dream house "with his own two hands" along a federally managed navigable river, likely with a great view (prolly great price too)? still he relied on government (us) to keep his investment secure, certainly. I think most of us would have thought twice about the inherent risk. and he thinks he has senatorial (?) judgment now. o'reilly and miller are merely silly, flim flam artists, par for the sound byte course, albeit effective for fox viewers.

  41. Lynn G. 2014.02.27

    So today 2/27/2014 PP posts over at DWC the Chuck Todd MSNBC interview with Rick Weiland with PP stating he is too liberal for SD. What's interesting is that a number of comments were made not only of how good Rick did in the interview but mostly about Rounds and more EB-5/Benda reports coming out.

    Does anyone else notice a pattern that when Pat posts something that draws negative comments being the opposite effect of what he desires he #1 replies that it is off topic when it really is not off topic. #2 He quickly posts more press releases and posts so that what he posted initially and claims were neutralized and countered? I've seen this happen numerous times though if the comments are going according to plan he keeps it up for a while.

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