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Posts published in February 2015

HB 1212 Disguises Total Abortion Ban as Child Abuse Bill

The South Dakota Legislature has before it a bill declaring that personhood begins at conception. House Bill 1212 adds fifteen words to our child abuse statutes: For purposes of this section, a child conceived, but not born, is deemed a…

Sen. Greenfield: Legislators Disregard Law, Sneak Guns into Capitol

Senate Judiciary yesterday heard and wisely killed Senate Bill 162, Senator Brock Greenfield's (R-2/Clark) bad idea to authorize legislators to carry concealed weapons in the State Capitol. In advocating his bill, which Greenfield said he thunk up all on his…

Senate Appropriations Agrees Higher Pay Recruits More Legislators

The South Dakota Senate is on its way to agreeing with the House that the primary cause of shortages of teachers and other workers is low pay. Yesterday, Senate Appropriations approved Senate Bill 170, which would raise legislator pay from…

Howie Hates Bikes, Wants to Ban Pedalers from Windy Roads

Gordon Howie says House Bill 1030, which would require passing motorists to give cyclists three to six feet of space, is a stupid idea. To boost his point, Howie misrepresents the text of the bill: The South Dakota Department of…