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Posts tagged as “Ben Nesselhuf”

Nesselhuf Helping Mowrer Score Campaign Cash, Still Facing Uphill Fight

Ben Nesselhuf is doing good work in Iowa. The former South Dakota Democratic Party boss left last summer to run Jim Mowrer's campaign to unseat Republican Congressman Steve King in Iowa's Fourth District, around Sioux City and the northwest corner…

Adelstein’s Ticket to Beat Daugaard in 2014: Nelson-Nesselhuf?

Kevin Woster gives Senator Stanford Adelstein (R-32/Rapid City) some ink to muse about running for governor. Senator Adelstein uses his blog (which pays good money to advertise here... as should you!) to foment further discussion of an Adelstein statewide candidacy.…

SDDP Cites Wrong Bill; Lederman Voted to Cut Veteran Service Funding

Last week the South Dakota Democratic Party sent a postcard to District 16 voters urging them to replace Senator Dan Lederman with challenger Mike O'Connor. The postcard, sounding distinctly like the anti-GOP-big-dog postcards and robocalls launched earlier this year, says…

SD Democrats Dropping Ball on Voter Registration

South Dakota Democratic party chief Ben Nesselhuf has been doing a good job getting party finances on the rebound. However, his focus on fundraising appears to have kept him from boosting Democratic voter registration. Mr. Powers gleefully points to Ryan…

Varilek Edges Barth in Meade Dems Straw Poll; Both Can Improve

South Dakota Dems have their first straw poll numbers in the Democratic primary race for the privilege of sending Congresswoman Kristi Noem back to the farm in November. Jeff Barth and Matt Varilek made their pitches to fifty West River…