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Save Big (Local Economic Development) Money at Menards…

Speaking of "reasons to go out of town for almost everything"...

Construction on SBS bldg, MadisonConstruction proceeds on new Secure Banking Solutions building,
Schaefer Plaza, Madison, SD, 2010.12.06

Some hardy fellows were out in yesterday's cold working on the new Secure Banking Solutions building in the Schaefer Plaza—you know, the little biz/rez district by the Second Street Diner that the Lake Area Improvement Corporation and your tax dollars have helped develop.

Menards vapor barrier on Madison buildingIs it still called house wrap when it's on an office building?

Note where the project gets its Typar HouseWrap. It's not Pro-Build up the street.

Not that I'm complaining: I'm getting ready for another big cereal run to Hy-Vee myself. And that big telehandler on the job says "Amert Construction," so the project is putting local guys to work.

But, as my commenters have pointed out in our discussion of supporting main street renovation, local economic development requires offering goods and services of real value. The LAIC's record on that score is pretty weak.