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Legi-Potpourri: New Bills on Homestake Taxes, DUI, Mental Illness Language

Still no really juicy stuff in the Legislative hopper. A few of the new bills that have popped up in the last 24 hours:

  1. Senate Bill 17 would take property leased by the Science and Technology Authority for certain purposes off the tax rolls. That seems to give reasonable support for scientific and educational projects... but I assume Lawrence County will need to find a way to make up that money. Will more scientists and workers at the Homestake Lab make up the difference with the sales tax revenues from their groceries and the property tax revenues from their new houses?
  2. Senate Bill 20 makes it a little easier to hammer a fifth-time DUI with a three-year license revocation. We still wait for fifth conviction for that? By DUI #5, you should be taking the bus or bike for the rest of your life.
  3. HB 1012 says the state can no longer call anyone a retard. Expect an amendment to apply this law to blogs and online commenters as well. The new acceptable term: "Good grief, Bob! You are such a person with intellectual disabilities."