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Senate Bill 29: No Lying to Cops!

Last updated on 2011.01.09

I assumed lying to cops was bad, but AG Jackley wants to make it a crime. At his recommendation, the Judiciary Committee is floating Senate Bill 29 This bill would slap a Class 1 misdemeanor (that's the hard one: up to a year in jail, $2000 fine) on anyone who "knowingly falsifies, conceals, or covers up information that is material to a criminal investigation, or makes a false statement that is material to a criminal investigation and makes the statement to a certified law enforcement officer."

In other words, felonious fibsters, you'd better just take the Fifth.


  1. 2011.01.11

    He should re-word the bill to include politicians lying to their constituents. Of course, then they would propose legislation to raise their salaries to pay for their fines.

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