Last updated on 2011.01.17
If conservatives were hoping for a Kris-Tea Party, they might be disappointed. South Dakota's lone Congresswoman, Kristi Noem, is telling Teabag gripers to simmer down:
Some tea party activists also fear their newly elected allies will weaken or break promises to dramatically cut federal spending. Tea Party Patriots co-founder Mark Meckler told CBS it's an "absolute joke" for House Republicans to back away from pledges to cut $100 billion this fiscal year.
Newly elected Rep. Kristi Noem, a South Dakota Republican with tea party ties, says critics should simmer down.
"They should stay focused on the results we deliver," Noem said in an interview shortly after taking office. "They pick little fights, but I think in the future they're going to be satisfied with the results and solutions that this Republican Congress brings forth" ["For the Heady Tea Party, Now the Hard Part Begins," AP via NPR, 2011.01.16].
They pick little fights? I know that's true for Bob and Gordon and Ed and the local 9-12ers. But cutting $100 billion from the budget doesn't sound like a little fight; it sounds like the kind of political goal that got Noem elected just a couple months ago. Is Noem just trying to sound bipatisan, or is her Tea-tamping more evidence that Kristi has already gone Washington?
Update 2011.01.17: Conservative blogger "Bungalow Bill" responds with dismay at Noem's words and other signs that the "Tea Party" candidates are already going establishment. We've got RINOs and DINOs; is Noem ushering in the era of TINOs?
If I read your missive correctly, you seem to be saying that Mrs. Noem is merely a Meckler Influenced Little Fighter.
Ms. Noem has no real answers-that is the message. Her new math of protecting spending for defense, subsidized crop insurance, farm programs, water projects in SD, etc. while cutting taxes for the wealthy, eliminating inheritance taxes, plus other tax cut spending makes her an even bigger federal "Santa claus" than Obama himself. Her new math does not add up. There needs to be a tight tally on what she votes to approve-that includes tax cut spending. In two years, the predicition will be that she inheirits the ranking of one of the most liberal spenders ever from the SD delegation.
Actually the Leftist Associated Press told Tea Party patriots to "simmer down." Rep. Noem did not say that, nor did she say anything like that.
She said, and I quote, “They should stay focused on the results we deliver."
And we will, despite your repeated and best efforts to drive a wedge between Rep. Noem and the Tea Party--which is the whole point of your little swipe article here.
You just never seem to learn the truth: conservatives are not even remotely as stupid as you think we are. Keep trying if you like, though; while you're wasting your energy trying in vain to fool us, we'll be rolling back your glorious socialist revolution.
As I said, little fights. Bob continues his stock replies filled with revolutionary fantasies. If that's the baloney Noem is asking Tea Partiers to stifle, I'm with her.
So you are aginst the members of the tea party exercising their first amendent right?
Of course not, Tim. I just wish Bob would exercise his more creatively and relevantly. Believing in the First Amendment doesn't mean I have to encourage people to speak baloney.
But hey, Noem is the one telling her Tea Party oglers to chill out and stop picking little fights. What do you have to say about her?
Statehood for Mexico is an idea whose time has come. Invitations from a populist grassroots movement instead of vitriol and the rhetoric of xenophobia from astroturf might inspire the reconciliation necessary for warm dialogue.
The Right is on its heels; there is no time like the present. The number of representatives alone would give Mexicans tremendous clout in DC and bring needed diversity to political parties. Hispanic experts abound in Montana and South Dakota; let’s engage them.
Put an end to the nonsense.
Get on board, Ellis.
Acutally Corey I have the question for Kristi.
Larry what does your comment have to do with the topic?
I seem to remember you posting about Noem's inheritance tax after her father died when she spoke about this at the State Fair debate. I remember thinking something was odd about her story. I also don't think anyone ever checked to see if she was successful at anything or if her timeline ads up. It's kind of grandiose and hard to believe once the pieces start falling into place.
Kristi doesn't like Tea Partiers because she looks down on them as simpletons like Josh Shields. They needed them to win and that is pretty much her common interest with that group.
This is typical Noem and I just don't believe the story she told during the primary to get elected.
Teaching moment, Padre.
On the anniversary of President Eisenhower's military-industrial complex speech and the celebration of MLK's lifes work it seems increasingly clear that red state failures are being perpetuated by the haters that run South Dakota. Kristi Noem is just another brick in the wall.
Kristi is bailing on Ryan's budget plan! This is frustrating. Why did I vote for her...