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South Dakota Housing Market Rocks

...of course, for me, this just means higher property tax.

The Portland Cement Association finds South Dakota is one of five states where the housing market will rebound fastest.

Rebound? From what? PCA says our housing prices still increased 0.5% from 2005 to 2010. Since we built in 2006, our house on Lake Herman has increased in value a good 6% or so each year. If you look at a house as a mere financial investment, increasing home prices are thrilling. But if you take my position that a house is a home, not portfolio padding, you shrug at increased home values and wish the state taxed income instead of property.

The PCA finds the housing market even better in North Dakota. Their mortgage delinquency rate of 0.9% is the lowest in the nation (we're second at 1.5%). House values in North Dakota have increased 7.2% since 2005.

One Comment

  1. larry kurtz 2011.01.19

    Be careful for what South Dakota wishes, Cory. White flight does not a happy state make. The announcements of the North Dakota congressional delegation to flee is a warning sign, not a message of hope.

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