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Thune Predicts “Rifle Shots” at Health Care Law

Tone-deaf political comment of the day comes from Senator John Thune, who delivered the keynote address at the LAIC's dog-and-phony show here today in Madison. Discussing dim prospects for repeal of health care reform, Senator Thune said,

Absent repealing it entirely, we will see rifle shots at mandates that are being challenged right now in court.

I wish I'd been present to hear the awkward shifting in chairs at that metaphor.


  1. Bob Ellis 2011.01.12

    It sounds as if Senator Thune has failed to stay properly caught up on all the wisdom being bestowed on American society from the Left.

    Had he done so, he would now realize that he is no longer permitted (by the Left) to use the same militaristic terms that every political party and personage has used for hundreds of years. He would be properly repentant for being an accessory to henious crimes (even though no such connection rationally exists). He would be properly obedient to liberal demands that conservatives shut up and allow them to do whatever they want, regardless of whether it makes sense, has failed before innumerable times, or is constitutional.

    Shame on him for not being as enlightened as our liberal friends, and failing to be properly subservient to their propaganda!

  2. Creatrix 2011.01.12

    Bob, no one is saying he can't say that, only that it isn't terribly wise. Discounting the suggestion that violent rhetoric begets real world violence entirely, he is opening himself up to criticism that may have a detrimental effect on his political aspirations. I have the [b]right[/b] to say all sorts of things right now, but I, as a rational and civil person, [b]choose[/b] not to. All she is saying is that perhaps it would have been prudent had Thune exercised similar restraint.

  3. Vincent Gormley 2011.01.12

    Neither the Senator or Ellis display any wisdom in their statements. Both are beyond the pale and irrational. These are the verbose pronouncements of moral cowards. Neither knows anything regarding the Constitution. Ellis got one thing right conservatives should in his words " shut up". It has been a very long time since I have encountered an enlightened conservative. These two don't even come close.

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