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Ring That Tip Jar! Contribute to the Madville Times!

Hey, before Steve Jarding sucks up all the progressive oxygen in South Dakota with the new and epic South Dakota Alliance for Progress e-paper, The Antidote, I figure it can't hurt to remind you, dear readers, of the Madville Times Tip Jar!

We're six weeks in with the new domain and new WordPress platform, and the renovated Madville Times is working well (even without a new gym). Those darned initial slow download times appear to be fixed, and legislative session traffic is popping to an all-time high. Thank you!

I'm having all sorts of fun blogging: donations are just gravy. But if you like the new layout, if you like the new masthead, and most importantly, if you like what you read and what you say here, feel free to signal your approval the old-fashioned capitalist way: with money! Click the Tip Jar in the near sidebar and send some magic money through PayPal.

And then stay tuned for more pretty good South Dakota citizen journalism!

p.s.: Steve! Keep at it! Let's make the progressive pie bigger.


  1. mike 2011.02.15

    That is an impressive paper Jarding has put together there. I noticed he wrote all the articles... My main thought about the dems retaking any kind of power is that they need to dominate the letters to the editor for the months ahead.

  2. mike 2011.02.15

    I like the idea Jarding has but I think more people read papers that already exist so if he could just fill the paper with his opinion and have others sign letters that would make a bigger difference in my opinion.

  3. caheidelberger Post author | 2011.02.15

    Dems could certainly stand to drive the public discourse for a while. Playing defense to the Tea Party for the first half of the Obama administration was a bad idea. Liberals, progressives, Democrats, whatever we are, we need to do more shouting, and Jarding is showing a good example of how it can be done. Whether a new online newsletter, blogs, or existing print media are the right venue is open for debate (I recommend all of the above!).

  4. snapper 2011.02.16

    It is an interesting idea and it is impressive.

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