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Senator Russell Olson Takes Up Web Space

Last updated on 2013.07.31

In the interest of equal time, here's Senate Majority Leader Russell Olson, with this informative summary of Week 6 in the South Dakota State Legislature:

Oh, wait, did I say informative? Good grief, I've issued more farts with more substance, and enjoyed them more.

Seriously, Rep. Steve Hickey (R-9/Sioux Falls) has offered more information in a single comment on the Madville Times, not to mention his own detailed updates on Voices Carry. Let's break this waste of YouTube down:

0:00–0:10—Stirring opening music.

0:10–0:16—Where we are, who I am.

0:16–0:26—What time it is (wonks know the session calendar; no one else cares).

0:26–0:36—What we've been doing (no specifics, no bill titles, nada).

0:36–0:46—General principles (also known as campaign slogans, with no statement of how we'll achieve them).

0:46–0:50—Plug our social media presence...

0:50–0:58—Hey! surprise plug for South Dakota Public Broadcasting (the best source of Legislative news in South Dakota... which we intend to gut in this year's budget).

0:58–1:01—"I'm Russell Ol—" Hey! How come you're fading out before I'm done talking?

1:01–1:20—Cue fight music from Duke Ninja IV! Roll Web info!

If I'm generous, I count 20 seconds, 25% of the video, as providing information about what the Republican caucus is doing in the Legislature. Even by this count, the credits some intern pasted together get more screen time than list of concrete results from Senator Olson's busy week of legislating.


  1. Matt Groce 2011.02.22

    What? No comment of his SB 164 to bail out Colman.

  2. caheidelberger Post author | 2011.02.22

    Point of order! Senate Judiciary killed that bill on Feb. 10, deferring it to the 41st day. Then Thursday, Colman's Senator Begalka successfully moved to take it from the table. But it wasn't tabled, it was dead! Is that a legitimate parliamentary move?

    Oops! Rule 7-19: I guess they can.

  3. John 2011.02.22

    Is this an Intern project? Or did they really pay a professional team to shoot this?

  4. larry kurtz 2011.02.22

    Permit a diversion, Cory? Different Russell.

    Can you draw a line from this:

    From the Rapid City Journal:

    “A secretive religious group linked to national cases of polygamy and the marriage of underage girls may be expanding to the Edgemont area, and there may be little Fall River County officials can do. The property in question was part of the estate of Buddy Heck and was left to Doris Seabeck and to Carolyn Fines. Seabeck is Heck’s sister and is the personal representative of his estate. Seabeck signed the purchase agreement, which is being contested by Fines in the courts. The commissioners said that as Carolyn Fines is state’s attorney Lance Russell’s mother, there may be some conflict of interest on the county’s part.”

    to this:

    This guy gives me the willyboogers.

  5. mike 2011.02.22

    Well he's a little closer to being Governor!

  6. Robert J. Cordts 2011.02.23

    "The Great Oz has spoken."

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