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Russell Olson Votes to Cut K-12 Aid 10%

Russell Olson and family
My kids don't need any stinkin' money from Pierre; neither do yours!

Even though he insists he doesn't want to, even though he told my wife in an e-mail it won't happen, even though the people would rather he raised taxes (oh, but I keep forgetting, we're a republic, not a democracy), Senate Majority Leader Russell Olson (R-8/Wentworth) has voted to cut state aid to K-12 education 10%.

Now sit tight: there's some kind of political maneuvering going on here. During debate on SB 185, Senator Corey Brown moved to amend the bill to remove the words "kindergarten through," making "average daily membership" count only twelfth grades. This is a deliberate error to guarantee the bill has to come back to the Senate floor, at which time we are to trust the senators will have concocted a scheme to support a lower reduction in K-12 aid.

But if senators haven't settled on a budget number yet, and if they need to bring the bill back for further discussion, couldn't they just as easily have amended the aid figure? Couldn't Senator Olson and his colleagues have found a way to put in writing their aversion to forcing the Madison Central School District to fire 18 teachers and coaches? If yesterday's vote was just a placeholder or a joke, couldn't Olson simply have scribbled in some funny idea from those silly Democrats across the aisle (whom he says in Tuesday's MDL never have any realistic ideas at all)?

It's simpler to look past the excuses and parliamentary games and take this vote at face value: Senator Russell Olson thinks our schools should get 10% less money next year. He's willing to vote aye for such a cut on the floor of the Senate. He proves with this vote he does not support education.

Senator Russell Olson: he'll bring your teachers donuts, but not dollars.


  1. Eve Fisher 2011.02.24

    And then he'll whine about how hard his job is in the Madison Daily Leader. Monday's "Legislative Report" was one of the biggest self-pity jobs I've ever seen, and didn't report on anything but how misunderstood he is. Basically, Olson doesn't support education and he doesn't listen to the people who elected him. (And you should hear him on trying to make sure Madison residents don't shop in Sioux Falls! Talk about a return to the 1950s!)

  2. Rod Goeman 2011.02.24

    This is truly disappointing news for K-12 Education. To balance our eight-year budget deficit on the backs of our children and elderly is a sad statement of our values. To ignore any use of reserve funds is short-sighted, and to not include any type of new funding source, such as a short term sales tax increase seems foolish. There is no reason to eliminate this long-term deficit in one fiscal year, other than an ultra-conservative ride-em and rope-em mentality. I believe State Government cuts are needed, but there's no need to be so disruptive and affect our students and grandparents so harshly. I'm also disappointed that we're all verbally complaining, but nobody is marching on Pierre, which seems to be working everywhere else in the world. Set a date and let's go!

  3. moses 2011.02.24

    Amazing that some one who has choldren would vote to cut funding for education.He is part of the reason we export our kids to other states to finf jobs.The republicans should name their campaign we came to die not to buy.

  4. matthew siedschlaw 2011.02.24

    Olson seams to be just a tool for the Republican power brokers in this state. With his time in Pierre as he introduced or sponsored any really good legislation? He really seams to be a yes man...without any original thoughts in his head. Tough luck teachers your severance was the box of doughnuts I brought you before you got me elected....

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