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Vote Now: Grade the South Dakota Legislature!

The South Dakota Legislature called sine die yesterday: let's do a poll! The latest Madville Times poll asks "Overall, how would you rate the performance of the 2011 South Dakota Legislature?" Your five options in the near-right sidebar:

  • Best I've seen
  • Better than usual
  • About normal
  • Worse than usual
  • Worst I've seen

Poll runs until midnight Friday; we'll discuss the results Friday morning. Tell your friends, and vote now!


  1. Eileen Van Soest 2011.03.29

    I would give the Governor a 0. Apparently he was not willing to listen to the citizens and their deep concerns about his cuts especially in education and Medicaid. He decided he knows what is best for SD vs. what the citizens know.

  2. Eve Fisher 2011.03.30

    What's even worse than the governor's dictatorial attitude is that the legislature apparently believe he IS a dictator: he said 10% cuts across the board, and almost the entire legislature rolled over like a dog playing dead, and did not even try to come up with any alternatives. Now they're whining about how sorry they are, but still acting as if there were no alternatives. There weren't any, because they didn't listen and didn't try.

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