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Technical Difficulties… and New Poll! Pick Your School Board!

Dear friends and neighbors, I apologize for my multimedia failure. I have just over a gigabyte of video from Tuesday's candidates' forum here in Madison that I desperately want to post for your civic education and entertainment. Last week I was able to upload a larger amount of video overnight. This time, however, YouTube is balking, with uploads crawling out and the browser crashing mid-transfer after just one or two uploads. (I've even tried different browsers, only to have the same crash.)

Current status: about two thirds of the Madison city commission candidates' comments and three clips from the Madison Central school baord candidates' comments on one question are available on the Madville Times YouTube channel. I'll have the computer on all day plugging more of those videos. I'm very eager to share them all with you, especially the school board videos—not just because I'm one of the candidates, but because the video shot blind from the candidates' table came out great, easily the best Madison political forum video I've ever captured. Once those videos crawl up through the pipe, I'll embed them all here on the blog. I'm excited to get your commentary on Tuesday's public forum!

In the meantime, I've posted the follow-up poll that I promised in March. "Who gets your vote for Madison Central School Board (pick 2)?" You picked your early winners when the race began last month; now let's see if the public forum, the radio interviews, the thin Web use, and the ads and campaigning have moved anyone's numbers. Poll stays open until breakfast time Monday, when we'll dissect the results. Tell your friends, and vote now!