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Posts published in April 2011

Area Arts Council Move Sparks Herman Incorporation Drive

The announcement that the Madison Area Arts Council is pulling up stakes and moving to Lake Herman has given momentum to a nascent municipal incorporation movement in Herman Township. Since resoundingly rejecting proposed county zoning ordinance revisions in a March…

Madville Times Readers to South Dakota Legislature: You Stink!

The latest Madville Times poll finds significant dissatisfaction with the performance of our South Dakota Legislature in the just completed 2011 session. I asked, "Overall, how would you rate the performance of the 2011 South Dakota Legislature?" 186 of you…

School Board Candidates Forum April 5!

...and some local media notes on the campaign. The Madison Central School Board candidates will finally all face the public together on Tuesday, April 5, at the Chamber of Commerce candidates' forum. The event starts at 7 p.m. in the…

Sinai Makes Maddow with Pronunciation

Sinai makes the national news! Well, sort of. Rachel Maddow, whom I don't watch (three channels here at Lake Herman, all PBS) but hear about from eager readers, opened her blog floor to discussion of odd toponym pronunciations. Naturally, folks…