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Posts published in April 2011

Kristi Noem, Congressional Intern

Oh! Now I get it! Kristi Lynn Arnold Noem is free to demonstrate an inability to grasp budget policy, consistency, and the English language because she isn't really our Congresswoman; she's just an intern: One of the issues voters had…

White House Widget Shows How We Spend Each Tax Dollar

I filed my tax return electronically on March 8. My refund (I made out like GE) has been not just deposited but spent. For you poor souls who are still banging away at your W-2's (and there are lots of…

What Casual Abortions? South Dakota Procedure Costs up to $1500

South Dakota passed the closest thing it could to an effective abortion ban this winter. 72-hour waiting period, coercive anti-abortion lectures at religious crusade centers, all because certain elected misogynists think women get abortions without thinking properly. So aside from…

White Night Festival Moves to Prairie Village June 17

The Herman Area Arts Council may not have come to fruition, but Lake County's cultural center of gravity is shifting three miles closer to my house, at least for one night. The Madison Area Arts Council has announced that it…

Republicans Attack Women, Seniors, and Elmo, But Not Deficit

Big Mike from says a lot more things about the deficit that Rep. Kristi Noem won't understand... like the fact that she would cut $75 million to Planned Parenthood, which they would use to save women's lives, while she…

Noem: No Major Accomplishments, No Immediate Cuts, No Medicare

Congresswoman Kristi Noem is coming to town. I should be nice.... Congresswoman Kristi Noem has brought us another week of do-nothing incompetence and Newspeak. She sent out a glossy, self-promoting flyer on the taxpayer's dollar, exactly the kind of campaign-style…

State Dept. Draft Smiles on Keystone XL

I look up from my computer and see gales of snow blowing across my soggy yard and over whitecaps on the lake. The U.S. State Department appears to be getting snowed. The department has issued a supplemental environmental impact statement,…

Rotten Legal Games and Rotten Feed in Veblen Dairy Bankruptcy?

A couple of interesting court documents same across my desk this week concerning the legal aftermath of the bankruptcy sale of the Veblen mega-dairies, which we can all hope Riverview's Fehr brothers are running more cleanly and honestly than dairy…