...the end of Kopp's election victories? Now there's a pleasnat dream....
Speaking of conservatives who are really bad at predictions, State Representative and vasectomy survivor Don Kopp reads the Bible and unspecified Bush Administration documents and concludes that we'll see nuclear war with Gog and Magog within his lifetime.
My dream?
I believe God has shown me, this battle will take place in my lifetime (I'm 69), I also believe that what is described in the verses above and David's prophecy given in Psalm 11:6 that nuclear weapons will also be deployed. However the biggest lesson from my dream is this: With Jesus standing just outside your door, what have we got to fear? Rejoice as you watch the hand of our God fulfill His word [Rep. Don Kopp, "Strong Delusion IV," News in Faith, 2011.04.28].
Oh my. No bits of undigested beef here: Don Kopp's dreams are a channel straight to God and the White House war room. District 35, you vote for this guy?
Apparently not on Kopp's reading list: this FactCheck.org analysis (hat tip to Nathan Johnson---twice in one morning!) finding no evidence that Armageddon is nigh.
If Kopp says the end is nigh, we've got a long, long time to wait for the end. I used to live in District 35, but never got the chance to vote against Rep. Kopp (R-Delusional). District 35 is known for sending really kooky people (ie. Napoli) to Pierre. I look at this way---even paranoid schizophrenics and early onset Alzheimer's sufferers deserve a chance to serve in SD's Legislature.
Donald, you are far too generous. ;-)
No I didn't vote for Don K., but this is still a pretty nice place to live.