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Prairie Village Auction, Sunshine at the Beach, and a Wedding

This is not news. This is just how I spent my Saturday happily away from the computer.

Prairie Village held its spring kickoff consignment auction yesterday. The event was well-stocked, well-attended, and lasted well past the three hours I spent on the grounds.

Bidders at Prairie Village Auction | Lake County, South Dakota | May 7, 2011

How not to bid | Prairie Village Auction | Lake County, South Dakota | May 7, 2011Auctions are no place for dynamic characters like me who talk with their hands. Fold those arms, put those hands in your pockets...

Toilets and urinals for sale | Prairie Village Auction | Lake County, South Dakota | May 7, 2011...or you too could own a couple dozen toilets and urinals.

Men and desks | Prairie Village Auction | Lake County, South Dakota | May 7, 2011These fellas are obviously thinking about going back to school.

Skidsteer tires | Prairie Village Auction | Lake County, South Dakota | May 7, 2011Actually, it's more likely those fellas were talking about how high they'd bid these nice new heavy-duty skidsteer tires.

Hydraulic hoses | Prairie Village Auction | Lake County, South Dakota | May 7, 2011There are enough hydraulic hoses here that we probably could have refitted every tractor in Herman Township.

Rubber grips | Prairie Village Auction | Lake County, South Dakota | May 7, 2011He: "Honey, you told me I needed to get a grip." She: "I didn't mean 200 grips!"

Toro mower | Prairie Village Auction | Lake County, South Dakota | May 7, 2011My dad (orange shirt) talks to Myron Downs (seated) about this old Toro riding mower.

Toro mower with seat added | Prairie Village Auction | Lake County, South Dakota | May 7, 2011I'm not convinced that seat is factory-spec; I think some codger just got tired of walking and welded that metal wheelie seat to the back. The seat puts some spring in your yard work, but remember: this is not the zero-turning-radius model!

91-year-old Prairie Village founder Joe Habeger wasn't bidding, but he got a ride out to the Village prior to the auction from retired pastor Conrad Krahling, who now works part-time as chaplain at the nursing home where Joe now lives. Joe got to see the Village at its sunniest.

Joe Habeger Roundhouse | Prairie Village, South Dakota | May 7, 2011Here's the railroad roundhouse at the northwest corner of the village recently named in Joe Habeger's honor.

View of Lake Herman from Prairie Village | Lake County, South Dakota | May 7, 2011Folks needing a break from the rapid-fire bidding could mosey down to the far end of the merchandise lines and take in the view of the old Wentworth Depot and Lake Herman from the Prairie Village church, one of the nicest views in the county. The trees haven't leafed out yet, but on this calm, sunny Saturday, the lake looked lovely.

...lovely enough that, after the auction, I rounded up one of my favorite ladies and headed for the state park. I slapped a new park sticker on the Bug, took my gal for some tricycling...

Swimming beach, Lake Herman State Park, South Dakota, May 7, 2011...and then a romp on the beach.

Ever the attentive tracker, the Divine Miss K identified some "animal footprints" on the beach.

In the evening, the two of us roped another fine lady into a trip to a wedding reception, held in an indoor archery range. reception planners had the good metaphorical sense not to seat the bride and groom in front of the target bales. Under the watchful gaze of several stuffed pheasants, gaze, and wild bucks, I danced with the bride and told her she looked happier than I've ever seen her. She really did.


  1. Stan Gibilisco 2011.05.09

    Well, so much for the theory that liberals lack family values. I never believed it anyway.

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