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Noem Ranch Site of Liquid Fertilizer Spill

Hmm... Noem... fertilizer... the headline opportunities are endless.

Rep. Kristi Noem wants to exempt one special-interest industry from environmental regulations that don't yet exist. But while Noem spreads her B.S. about EPA dust regulations, her brother Rock might be urging her to ease some other environmental rules. The South Dakota Department of Environment and Natural Resources Spill Database reports that Rock Arnold spilled 2000 gallons of liquid fertilizer at the Racota Valley Ranch in Hamlin County.

Rock, Rock, Rock, how many times have we told you, you've got to slow down with your equipment, especially with the fertilizer truck?

The spill took place March 18 and was reported March 21. The fertilizer appears to have been 9-24-3. The 2000-gallon spill at the Noem/Arnold family operation ties for the fifth-largest reported environmental event by volume in South Dakota so far this year (out of 48 environmental events total).

But not to worry: that spilled fertilizer cost only a few thousand dollars. Our tax dollars will clean that up in no time. Racota Valley Ranch makes at least that much in federal farm subsidies in one month.


  1. mike 2011.05.09

    Well I have a feeling the ground won't be growing much for a while near the spill site.

    If Medicare is so expensive for seniors why don't we end farm subsidies to Noem? she gets a lot more money that an average senior... But she's not calling for changes to her income and lifestyle.

  2. Carter 2011.05.09

    Politicians, as a rule, never offer to change how much money they are getting (other than giving themselves more, of course). But I'm not going to get into that.

    Also, Rock Gnome. Har har. No? I had a good chuckle, at least.

  3. larry kurtz 2011.05.09

    So, Marching In Liquid Fertilizer, eh? One gets the sense it's just beginning....

  4. moses 2011.05.09

    Corey got letter from Noems office you might like this one contact me , and I will send to you Moses.

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