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Poll: Kucinich Beats Palin!

Democratic Congressman Dennis Kucinich has run twice for President. When a reporter characterized him as unelectable, Kucinich said, "I'm electable if you vote for me!"

Dennis Kucinich is also electable if Sarah Palin is the GOP nominee:

Kucinich's lead over Sarah Palin if they were to face off would be 43-36. In that scenario Kucinich gets 16% of Republicans to Palin's 12% of Democrats and leads her by 10 points with independents at 42-32 [Tom Jensen, "Trump, Palin Would Lose Even to Kucinich," Public Policy Polling, 2011.05.17].

Kucinich Beats Palin! Now there's an alternate universe headline I'd love to read. Keep eating those veggies, Dennis! You need to stay healthy so you can run in 2016!