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Farmers Union Supports HB 1230 Referendum

The South Dakota Farmers Union is throwing its support behind the drive to refer HB 1230, Governor Daugaard's economic development grant fund law, to a public vote:

"When we're cutting funds to public education, agricultural research, agriculture education, and other services, our state shouldn't be giving handouts to large businesses and corporations," said SDFU President Doug Sombke. "We need to be investing in our children and in agriculture, not giving away our hard earned tax dollars to big business. True economic development comes through education, not corporate welfare" [emphasis mine; South Dakota Farmers Union, press release, 2011.05.18].

Thank you, SDFU Board of Directors! Local Farmers Union leaders will be knocking on doors looking for signatures. If you'd like to help circulate petitions, contact the South Dakota Farmers Union.