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Heidelberger Makes the Sale! Abstract Art Goes to NYC!

Speaking of small-town economic development, I sold my first big painting this spring!

Summer Reverie, original painting by Cory Allen Heidelberger, Lake Herman, South Dakota
The artist and his work

Here I am at home in April with Summer Reverie, a splashy adventure I created outside here on the sunny shore of Lake Herman.

Painting: Summer Reverie by Cory Allen Heidelberger
The artist's work in New York City

And here is Summer Reverie happily ensconced in the apartment of its new owner in New York City, just bird-calling distance from Central Park. (Look at that chair: that's got to be Manhattan!) The painting will make its way east to permanent display in a home not far from the studio of Jackson Pollock, who had some influence in the creation of this painting.

I sold this painting through my online shop on Etsy. You can find many other South Dakotans selling their homemade arts and crafts there. The online store is perfect for reaching my narrow market and keeping costs down.

However, I could be induced to build a studio and gallery in Madison's Dwaine Chapel Earmark Plaza, if the city will give me a sales tax kickback to cover the cost of going brick-and-mortar.


  1. LK 2011.05.21

    So this is what happens when one leaves the high school teaching and coaching ranks and moves on to the ivory tower? One gets to let creativity flower? I suppose it helps to have talent and energy

    Congrats on the sale of an excellent painting.

  2. Ashley 2011.05.21

    Nice socks man! ;)
    Ohh wait...we sere looking at the painting. Nice work! Can you say one step closer to being famous?

  3. caheidelberger Post author | 2011.05.21

    Thanks, guys!

    Socks upstaging art: it's my spin on the Andy Warhol approach to celebrity.

    :-) :-) :-) :-)
    :-) :-) :-) :-)
    :-) :-) ;-) :-)
    :-) :-) :-) :-)

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