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Noem Named Western Caucus Spokesmodel

Congresswoman Kristi Noem continues her career of image over substance with her latest phony position in Washington. The Republican-dominated Western Caucus has named her its "communications chairwoman." Rep. Noem will be "coordinating messages of members." What, she gets to take calls and deliver the mail? Maybe she gets to update a website that still refers to "President-elect Obama."

It seems she's more likely to serve as spin-mistress for this club of rootin'-tootin', oil lovin', gummint-hatin' conservatives. One of Noem's past odd jobs was public relations liaison, so "coordinating messages" at least appears on paper to be within her skill set. Unfortunately, as her constant stream of vacuous word-jumble pronouncements demonstrate, she's not very good at it.

Noem talks about this great chance to "educate" members of Congress. Whenever anyone in the Capitol uses the word "educate," read "propagandize."

Noem speaks of the "War on the West" that someone is waging. Here she peddles the fearful persecution complex that keeps her failing worldview going. Whenever your argument isn't winning, gin up support by portraying the issue as an "us vs. them" battle royale.

Noem tells RCJ's David Montgomery, "We truly are focused on being effective, and not just messaging the situations that we have in the Western states." But as usual, she doesn't manage to mention in that sentence anything specific she'd like to effect. Earlier she mentions drawing attention to the mountain pine beetle, but we don't hear her plan for dealing with the bug.

I could take some optimism from Noem's membership in a group that claims to staunchly defend private property rights. That means we'll hear Noem coordinating messages on the need to prevent foreign corporations from stealing land rights from private citizens through eminent domain, right?

But alas, the Western Caucus only talks about the ills of the federal government "taking" land through excessive regulation.

Kristi Noem wasn't handed this "chair" to achieve anything new. Chairman Steve Pearce picked Kristi to put a pretty face on the GOP effort to dismantle the Endangered Species Act and drill holes in every scrap of land (and sea!) we can give away to big donor corporations.


  1. mike 2011.05.27

    It's only a matter of time before Kristi's freshman realize she isn't really with them on votes as much as she's for getting ahead.

    She would seel out on any position if it meant climbing the political ladder.

  2. Roger Elgersma 2011.05.27

    Stephanie got on the ag committee, the vets committee etc. She was from Washington and realized what it takes to make a difference for the people she represented. Kristi goes to Washington, then takes a class on government and takes spokesperson jobs that make little difference other than promoting others agendas, and will some day wake up and realize she did not know what it takes to make a difference. I suspect she wanted to make a difference but did not learn that system riding a horse in a tv comercial to get elected. Anyone who wants to be a leader right away has to know precisely what they are doing and know the system of they will be made fools of. If she did not learn in high school that the seniors will make fools of freshmen who want to rule, she would not have learned in college either.

  3. Guy 2011.05.27

    Stephanie was a hard worker and good listener. She worked tirelessly to build viable and effective leadership on both committees. When she lost the election, our veterans lost a strong advocate in Congress. I have heard many good and some bad things about Steph, but, one can NOT say Herseth did not support our veterans. We need her back in the House of Representatives now! Stephanie truly understood the interests of her constituents. We have lost our voice in the halls of Congress to an extra voice for FOX News and its interests.

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