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Noem Picnics in Huron Sunday: Protest, Anyone?

Curtis Loesch of Huron wants everyone to know that Rep. Kristi Noem will be speaking at the Beadle County Republicans' Flag Day picnic in Huron this weekend. The Congresswoman still hasn't figured out how to update her official Events page in a timely fashion, but the Huron Plainsman reports that the picnic starts Sunday, June 12, at 5:30 p.m. at the south shelter in Memorial Park.

Citizen Loesch issues this patriotic invitation:

Would anyone care to join me in peaceful protest against her vote to kill Medicare for those of us 54 and younger? She has been very silent about her vote for the Ryan Plan to kill Medicare and I think she and her supporters should be reminded that they are not looking out for the average American/South Dakotan when they seek to end the Medicare Promise yet, coincidentally, give more tax breaks to the wealthiest.

I would be honored to have some fellow South Dakotans join me with signs. Please respond to my email address [Curtis Loesch, comment, Madville Times, 2011.06.08].

The Plainsman says you must buy tickets to attend the picnic (call 266-2854, 352-5040, 354-3516 or 354-4776). However, standing on the sidewalk or some nice grassy spot outside the reserved picnic area to exercise your First Amendment rights is likely free. Spread the word, and bring a friend!

Related: Noem hasn't updated her Events page since May 18, when she hastily slapped up notice her four education chats, including one that had already happened. She gave a Facebook heads-up for her gas-pumping stunt but didn't tell constituents exactly where or when.

Apparently Noem prefers the element of surprise... which leads to awkward moments like the Republican Congresswoman pumping gas for the state Democratic party chairman.


  1. Guy 2011.06.09


    I really thought that was a nice thing to do by Rep. Noem cleaning state Rep. Nesselhuf's windshield for him at the gas station here in Sioux Falls. So, in this situation, I'm happy to see Kristi getting outside her element and meeting with her constituents. That does not mean I agree with many of her stands on the issues.

  2. mike 2011.06.09

    Noem needs to post a schedule.

  3. Nick Nemec 2011.06.10

    It sounds as though she's taking a page from the Sister Sarah campaign book. Drive around and keep'em guessin' about your next stop.

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