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Exxon Finds More Oil; Enbridge Finds More Oil Spilled

Exxon says it just discovered 700 million barrels of oil 250 miles southwest of New Orleans in the Gulf of Mexico. That's enough oil to completely meet United States oil demand for 37 days.

Exxon may be hoping its math is as bad as Enbridge's: the Canadian oil company last month said that only four barrels leaked from its pipeline in the Northwest Territories. This week Enbridge discovered the leak was perhaps as much as 1500 barrels... from a pinhole leak.

You folks still want Keystone XL running through West River?


  1. Roger Beranek 2011.06.10


  2. Dan 2011.06.11

    Just curious......what does a landslide have to do with this blog post? I grew up 5 miles from this exact spot and I can assure you, it has nothing to do with oil.

  3. larry kurtz 2011.06.11

    Wrong post, Dan. The landslide is in the the North Dakota oil patch. This post about a landowner impeding coal development in endangered sage grouse habitat.

  4. larry kurtz 2011.06.11

    Doh, my bad. You're right. The slide inhibits the erosion of sage grouse habitat for a few more hours by forcing trucks to go around.

  5. Roger Beranek 2011.06.11

    Larry: I think calling him a patriot is reading too much into his motives. He may just like his property the way it is and doesn't need the money. Id like to think it was something sensible and respectable like that and not because he's green.
    I'm not sure what more your expecting because of a landslide. A temporary inconvenience at most in the oil patch that has been developed for 60 years now strikes me as a pretty good exchange.

  6. larry kurtz 2011.06.11

    Any idea how Mike Johanns get to the Corps, Rog?

  7. Dan 2011.06.13


    So the recorded tremors and landslides on my great grand father's farm since the late 1800's were caused by? This is the roughest area of the badlands with roughly 500 - 1000 ft cliffs on both sides of the roadway. Many times a year, landslides happen and normally they are minor. Occassionally, we do get a large one. They have fixed some problem areas with troughs to help guide rain water and other runoff. Growing up I was afraid to drive this 5 mile stretch as I don't do well with heights and there is only a metal railing stopping you from plummetting off huge cliffs. It is funny trying to watch you blame landslides on oil production when it was happening long before oil production began. You shouldn't make illogical connections just to push your agenda.

  8. larry kurtz 2011.06.13

    Not blaming landslides on oil production, blaming oil production and gluttonous consumption for degradation of critical habitat. More from the Bismarck Tribune.

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