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Job Approval Snapshot: Obama More Satisfying than Noem

Two snapshots of public opinion—first, the latest Gallup three-day average on President Barack Obama's job approval rating:

President Barack Obama, job approval graph, June 2011, GallupSecond,the current tally on the Yankton Press & Dakotan's online poll of Congresswoman Kristi Noem's approval rating (screen cap updated after closing at 17:00 CDT today):

Yankton Press & Dakotan Poll, Kristi Noem Job Approval, June 20, 2011I don't have data to back this up, but I'll bet new Czech Days Queen Emily Manas is more popular than either Obama or Noem.

Note that Noem's rating is the mirror image of the thin margin by which she unseated Stephanie Herseth Sandlin last November... and the "No Opinion" vote is the same 6% as the B. Thomas Marking vote.


  1. moses 2011.06.21

    Any one who votes against future seniors,on medicare loses my vote.

  2. LK 2011.06.21

    Emily had to survive my classes, so she's tough enough to handle politics. I'd vote for her.

  3. caheidelberger Post author | 2011.06.21

    Snow Queen vs. Czech Days Queen? No contest! 11-point spread for Emily!

  4. South DaCola 2011.06.23

    As a 50% bullhunk bohemian I am disappointed that my step-relative Becvar didn't cut the mustard.

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