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Love Note to Commenters: Great Work!

Russ Olson can't take credit for Mount Rushmore; I can't take credit for intelligent blog commenters.

I ♥ commentersDear readers, thank you for a great day of commenting. In the last 18 hours, 22 of you have posted over 50 comments.(Just for perspective, since I launched the new domain and template six months ago, I've drawn nearly 4000 comments.)

Today some of you conducted a good old-fashioned blog wrestling match over socialism, liberals, and other scourges of the earth. Anne kindly corrected my misreading. Troy, Bill, and Curtis still found time to joke about Latin. Douglas just couldn't resist a pun.

Folks from far and wide tossed in their two cents about Madison's grocery and retail woes. Shane offered real news by explaining Hy-Vee's non-compete deal with Sunshine, then offered a boatload of practical retail recruiting suggestions. The Mayor of Orland checked in with notes on his shopping habits. Roger suggested a remarkable connection among posts. Guy repeated a question for Senator Rave.

Please don't feel left out, Sarah, Lauri, Rollin, and the rest of you dear commenters! That's not a top-ten list, just a sample of the interesting conversations happening here today.

Useful info, strong opinions, and many different voices: that's pretty much a recipe for a good blog.

And you commenters make it happen. I appreciate the effort you make to share your thoughts (and put your names to them!).

I'm glad to have you all as part of my writing life... even when some of you (Troy, Sibby) come to kick me around. Thank you. I welcome you all to keep coming back for more!


  1. mike 2011.06.29

    Keep up the great work Cory. You have become the most influential SD Political blog. I enjoy reading your commentary.

  2. Travis E 2011.06.30

    Your blog is very good at pointing out information that may otherwise be overlooked. I come here for the info and return for the wit and perspective.

  3. Nick Nemec 2011.06.30

    If you start giving out kudos to the peanut gallery for our comments I'll have to step up my game.

  4. Steve Sibson 2011.06.30

    Cory, my purpose is not to kick you around, but to enlighten your blog with truth.

  5. Guy 2011.06.30

    Yes, you attempted enlighten Senator Olson and the GOP when you testified against this corporate welfare bill, but, I don't think they were listening (on purpose). What else is knew?

  6. Guy 2011.06.30

    Steve and Corey,
    It is quite apparent that the current GOP Regime is not going to listen to us or anyone outside their circle. Oh well, keep up the pressure! I believe as time goes on and the middle class begins to feel the squeeze, they are going to find the Republican kool-aid no longer satisfies their thirst for truth.

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