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SD Dems Hammer Noem on Medicare, Ethanol, Big Oil Subsidies

The South Dakota Democratic Party won't have an official candidate for U.S. House until the June 2012 primary (and by all means, let's have a primary!). But GOP Congresswoman Kristi Noem is already giving Dems plenty of material for the 2012 campaign.

State Dems chairman Ben Nesselhuf has authorized this punishing ad based entirely on Kristi Noem's voting record. End Medicare, keep tax breaks for multimillionaires, cut ethanol but subsidize Big Oil... ouch. Expect Noem's spokespeople to work overtime cobbling together Rube Goldberg sentences to paint those black marks white.

Here's the audio: Noem Votes to End Medicare -- SDDP audio ad

...and here's the transcript, coming to a radio near you:

SFX: Newspaper rustling and will do so throughout ad.

SFX: Coffee pot pouring coffee in cup.

Wife: You want some coffee

Husband: Please. (Pause) What happens when people go to Washington?

Wife: What are you talking about?

Husband: Kristi Noem voted to end Medicare

Wife: What?

Husband: Kristi Noem voted for the Republican budget that will end Medicare as we know it. Says here seniors will have to pay over six thousand more for the same coverage. The Republicans want to cut Medicare and still give tax cuts to multi-millionaires.

Wife: She didn't say she was going to do any of this during the election.*

Husband: They never do.

Wife: So let me get this straight Kristi Noem wants tax breaks for multi-millionaires but wants to end Medicare.

Husband: There's more. Kristi Noem also voted to cut incentives for South Dakota farmers and Ethanol producers but she wants to keep billion dollar tax cuts for oil companies.

Wife: I thought she was different.

Husband: Me too.

Announcer: Paid for by the South Dakota Democratic Party, not authorized by any candidate or any candidate's committee.

*One quibble: If you were paying attention during the 2010 primary, you heard Medicare privatization coming when Noem signaled she would support Rep. Paul Ryan's budget. You then heard her desperately deny that she ever said such a thing. Her revisionist flip-flop-flim-flammery continues even today, even after voting for Paul Ryan's Medicare privatization and free-market death panels.

This Democratic ad is a beaut. No personal stuff, all policy, and a clear distinction between who Noem pretends to be when she's campaigning and what she actually does in Washington.


  1. Bob Ellis 2011.07.12

    Your headline should read, "SD Dems Whine and Flail About Uselessly Regarding Noem on Medicare, Ethanol, Big Oil Subsidies."

    Most people understand that isn't a Marxist country, nor should it be.

  2. mike 2011.07.12

    Good ad and a good idea. The Democratic party is showing a lot of life and these ads will help build conversation about this issue.

  3. Matt Groce 2011.07.12

    Bob you're right. Most people understand that isn’t a Marxist country.

    We need Kristi to come out and say what she believes. Medicare is the work of Communists, and it's high time we destroyed it, social security, and all other government handouts to lazy, Marxist loving, wannabe Americans. If she doesn't show us the way... who will?

    God bless

  4. caheidelberger Post author | 2011.07.12

    "whine and flail about uselessly"? Actually, I thought the Dems were exposing Noem's pernicious lies. Bob, shoe, other foot.

    But this must be another Stephen Colbert post from Bob: in absence of logical rejoinders, shout "Marxist!" Funny.

  5. Chris S. 2011.07.12

    Shouting "Marxist!" means you've automatically won the debate. It's a known, given fact. Also too, Freedomâ„¢ and such.

  6. Steve Sibson 2011.07.12

    What the Democrats don't understand is that their "Big Government" set up the corporate welfare. And second, the national leadership of the Democrat Party are also in bed with big corporations, Google General Electric and Obama. If we want to fix the problem, we need to stop with the party based feud. The leadership of both parties tactic is to get our votes by painting the other side as evil. In reality, both party leaderships are controlled by the same wealthy ruling evil elit.

  7. Eve Fisher 2011.07.12

    Ah, the good old, pre-Marxism days before FDR and the New Deal, where people lived truly and righteously and didn’t suck off the government teat. Well, here's a few facts: before the New Deal, most people didn’t own a house; didn’t have any pension; didn’t have any insurance; and died in their 50's. Those who outlived their usefulness lived with their children, if they had any, or went into poor houses. Or they simply starved.

    Today, in order to reach that lofty goal of living without government support – i.e., no Social Security or Medicare – you would need savings of at least a million, in order to be able to have private health insurance, food, utilities, property insurance and taxes (or rent), and perhaps a couple of items of clothing. This costs a minimum of $2,000 a month, or $24,000 a year, and doesn’t leave any room for health insurance deductibles, gasoline, or other perks, by the way. In order to get that, you have to have – at 3% interest – at least a million in the bank. To get that million, you have to save at least $500 a month, every month, for sixty years. Which means that you have to have earned at least $30,000 a year after taxes, for sixty years. (And had no extra expenses.) If you have children, of course, you’re going to have to earn a lot more.

    Of course, everyone on this blog may be privately wealthy and doesn't have to worry about such things. Blessings be on your head. But the average South Dakotan isn't making that kind of money, can't save that kind of money, and, after working hard for forty to fifty years, will be left hanging high and dry.

  8. Bill Fleming 2011.07.12

    I think Kristi should hire Bob Ellis as her new campaign manager, memorize every word he says verbatim, and give weekly, table pounding fire and brimstone speeches. Compared to Ellis, she's just way too slick and laid back. She needs to get all fired up and stuff... like Bob.

  9. Dan 2011.07.12

    I guess a couple more lies and she will be comparable to Obama. Too bad hers aren't killing people.

  10. caheidelberger Post author | 2011.07.12

    Non sequitur, Dan: Noem's voting record remains unacceptable. As usual, Democrats present facts about Noem, and Republicans try to change the subject. Noem must really embarrass the people who voted for her.

  11. troy jones 2011.07.12

    I hope the Dem's spend all their money on it. Please borrow money too.

  12. Guy 2011.07.12

    Mr. Sibson writes: "The leadership of both parties tactic is to get our votes by painting the other side as evil. In reality, both party leaderships are controlled by the same wealthy ruling evil elite." I agree with Steve on this point and thanks for putting that truth out there. This is why I've been a political "Independent" since 2005. As Sibby, I began to realize this game along time ago.

    Ms. Fisher writes: "...before the New Deal, most people didn’t own a house; didn’t have any pension; didn’t have any insurance; and died in their 50′s. Those who outlived their usefulness lived with their children, if they had any, or went into poor houses. Or they simply starved." Eve couldn't be more clear about the truth of those days. These were also the days when business took great advantage of the working class. Many were exploited in unsafe working conditions and overworked so the big man could make a profit. The term "working stiff" definitely applied in these "good old days."

    Mr. Ellis states: "Most people understand that this isn’t a Marxist country, nor should it be." Bob is correct, but, his arrow misses the target since the post is about Representative Noem and her record or lack of.

    Corey, the Democrats are correct to point out the holes her record or lack of.

  13. Jana 2011.07.12

    I think that the Democrats should take a play out of the Wisconsin Republican plan and run fake Republicans. Think about it, people would have to actually listen to what candidates said and not just pull the D or R lever.

  14. caheidelberger Post author | 2011.07.13

    Troy, if the Dems are running a radio ad this early, it could mean the new boss is bringing in more cash than usual. (Yes, yes, it could alos mean we're crazy.)

    Jana, that plan would be all sorts of fun. But we Dems have been struggling just to get enough folks to fill our own slots on the ballot. (Remember last year, no challenger for Thune?)

  15. troy jones 2011.07.13

    My assessment is these types of ads are designed to motivate the base for them to write checks in the future. And, my assessment is this content wont be successful. So, again spend alot of bucks on this and mortgage the farm and house. ;)

  16. caheidelberger Post author | 2011.07.13

    Perhaps I've got my hopeful cart before the practical horse.

    Please clarify, Troy: do you mean you think these ads won't successfully motivate the base, or that even if we motivate the base, we still won't win in 2012?

  17. Vincent Gormley 2011.07.13

    Ellis is right. It's a Marxist country. He just got wrong Marx. "I read in the newspaper they are going to have 30 minutes of intellectual stuff on television every Monday morning from 7:30 to 8. to educate America. They couldn't educate America if they started at 6:30." "I must say I find television very educational. The minute somebody turns it on, I go to the library and read a good book." "Outside of a dog, a book is a man's best friend. Inside of a dog it's to dark to read". "Military intelligence is a contradiction in terms." "Military justice is to justice what military music is to music." "Politics is the art of looking for trouble, finding it everywhere, diagnosing it incorrectly and applying the wrong remedies." "Before I speak, I have something important to say." "I,not the events, have the power to make me happy or unhappy today. I can choose which it shall be. Yesterday is dead, tomorrow hasn't arrived yet. I have just one day, today, and I'm going to be happy about it." Groucho Marx So, Bob are the libraries crowded? Steve, Democrats are responsible for corporate welfare? Really? Everything was cruising along, folks were talking about how great life in America was, and then came a bad actor, followed by a former "spy director" whose answer to the economy was war and $6.00(cash) in socks at J C Penney. Then along came a Democrat who built a surplus, got things done that the previous administration couldn't. Only to have it destroyed by a vengeful, "dry drunk" who blew the whole wad on "freebies" for the "haves" and their corporations. Besides staring two off budget wars and convincing citizens who couldn't afford the little they had to think big and spend their future away. More than 200 years of history flushed down the drain and revised in a bunch of photo ops and some blog posts? Wow! I'm with Jana. Fake Republicans are plentiful. It's creative and it would be very educational. Civics anyone?

  18. Steve Sibson 2011.07.13

    "Steve, Democrats are responsible for corporate welfare? Really?"
    Yes, Clinton and the Bushs work for the same Capitalist/Socialist international cabal. You all need to get beyond the fake fight called politics.

  19. Bill Fleming 2011.07.13


    Great post.

    My request to you is that you use the "return" key on your computer to create more a more readable copy block.

    You've written something quite fun and well worth reading and disguised it in an intimidating looking copy block.

    You'll accent your humorous intent tremendously by putting a little air in your delivery.

    As you obviously know, humor is all about timing.

    It works the same way written as spoken.

    Just a thought.

    Thanks for the laughs!

  20. Bill Fleming 2011.07.13

    Vincent Gormley re-typeset (because I want to read it and laugh again):

    Ellis is right.

    It’s a Marxist country.

    He just got wrong Marx.

    “I read in the newspaper they are going to have 30 minutes of intellectual stuff on television every Monday morning from 7:30 to 8. to educate America. They couldn’t educate America if they started at 6:30.”

    “I must say I find television very educational. The minute somebody turns it on, I go to the library and read a good book.”

    “Outside of a dog, a book is a man’s best friend. Inside of a dog it’s to dark to read”.

    “Military intelligence is a contradiction in terms.”

    “Military justice is to justice what military music is to music.”

    “Politics is the art of looking for trouble, finding it everywhere, diagnosing it incorrectly and applying the wrong remedies.”

    “Before I speak, I have something important to say.” “I,not the events, have the power to make me happy or unhappy today. I can choose which it shall be. Yesterday is dead, tomorrow hasn’t arrived yet. I have just one day, today, and I’m going to be happy about it.”
    — Groucho Marx

    So, Bob are the libraries crowded?

    Steve, Democrats are responsible for corporate welfare?


    Everything was cruising along, folks were talking about how great life in America was, and then came a bad actor, followed by a former “spy director” whose answer to the economy was war and $6.00(cash) in socks at J C Penney.

    Then along came a Democrat who built a surplus, got things done that the previous administration couldn’t.

    Only to have it destroyed by a vengeful, “dry drunk” who blew the whole wad on “freebies” for the “haves” and their corporations.

    Besides staring two off budget wars and convincing citizens who couldn’t afford the little they had to think big and spend their future away.

    More than 200 years of history flushed down the drain and revised in a bunch of photo ops and some blog posts?

    Wow! I’m with Jana.

    Fake Republicans are plentiful.

    It’s creative and it would be very educational.

    Civics anyone?

  21. larry kurtz 2011.07.13

    one man's re-typesetter is another man's know-it-all.

  22. Troy Jones 2011.07.13

    Corey, I've already given more advice to the Dem's than I probably should have. I'm not going to tell you the flaw in this effort. I'd rather you guys take it to its logical conclusion- bankruptcy of the Democrat Party. :)

  23. caheidelberger Post author | 2011.07.13

    Vince, rock on! Bill, typeset on! And Troy, without your wise counsel, I guess we Dems will just go bumbling blindly down the path to bankruptcy, blinded by silly notion that pointing out Kristi Noem's really bad, anti-South Dakota, anti-working-man voting record would have any impact on the outcome of the next election.

  24. mike 2011.07.13

    I hope this ad actually goes on radio and isn't just a gimmick for those who get the party emails and facebook notices.

    My preference with this ad would have been to make it 30 seconds rather than go into ethanol bashing. One issue at a time.

  25. mike 2011.07.13

    Though I disagree with Troy. This ad or any ad going at NOem is better than no ad. Especially when it involved medicare.

  26. Steve Sibson 2011.07.13


    The "anti-working-man" rhetoric is theatre. What the Capitalist/Socialist international cabal really are is anti-middle class.

  27. mike 2011.07.13

    Does anyone know what the ad buy is on this thing?

  28. Vincent Gormley 2011.07.13

    Thanks Bill. This laptop is dying and the type set changed the moment I clicked on post. My apologies. I hope to be able to do something about it.

  29. Michael Black 2011.07.13

    The huge economic stimulus package passed by Congress softened the blow and the real financial pain that we should have experienced on the federal, state and local level. Those funds sheltered us from the effects of the great recession. Now that we have spent that money, we must face the hangover.

    Whether we would be better off without the stimulus we will never know. The stimulus funding did leave us ever more dependent on federal spending to make up the shortfalls in state revenue. Governor Rounds used the stimulus money to prop up SD's budget only to ultimately lead to a structural deficit this year and cuts in education that we all disliked.

    The feds can either borrow more money, raise taxes or not pay it's obligations. The first option kicks the can down the road, the second is very improbable and the last is almost certain with the current rhetoric and political division.

    I do wonder what will happen when tens of millions of Americans do not receive the checks they are expecting and we default on our creditors. Remember, we only collect 60% of the revenue needed to fund the gov't. Cutting spending by the other 40% will mean drastic changes in programs that do a great deal of good for our country. Paying and prioritizing those bills will be left up to the Department of Treasury since the Congress has not been able to deal with the issue or even to pass a budget.

    I look to the wonderful example provided by Minnesota to predict the future. No one is talking. Everyone is blaming the other side. The lawmakers are still getting paid. The supporting services for the poor are out of money. Businesses and professionals cannot get their licenses renewed. Parks are closed. Bond rating downgraded. Road construction has halted. Taxes are still being collected. Expected resolution...maybe next year.

  30. Steve Sibson 2011.07.13


    So in short what you are saying is:

    America is bankrupt.

  31. Michael Black 2011.07.13

    No. Politicians are gridlocked. We are at their mercy.

    Our Congress has grown spending that requires borrowing at a rate we cannot sustain. They have failed to pass a working budget and continue to fund gov't through a series of continuing resolutions.

  32. mike 2011.07.13

    I haven't ever figured out why Herseth didn't say to Noem. You've never balanced a budget without federal dollars. $3 million federal to balance your farm operation you ran and all of the stimulus money to balance the state budget.

    If Noem was taking credit for balancing the state budget with stimulus money I'm surprised Herseth didn't ever say "your welcome" in a debate.

    Noem has never balanced a budget. And she certainly is in favor of cutting Medicare.

  33. Tim Higgins 2011.07.13

    Corey, Corey, Corey

    Kristi did not, I repeat did not vote to end Medicare. The bill she voted for will not end Medicare for those currently receiving this benefit. Medicare will not be available for those individuals < 55 years. I repeat, anyone who is currently receiving this benefit will continue to do so.

    Medicare simply put is health insurance, you pay a monthly premium and you get this benefit, the same as private insurance. The same private insurance that Obama has stated repeatedly that he wants to eliminate. Where is your outrage with this?

    So you wanted health care reform, you got it through Obama care, don't worry all you who are under 55 there is Obama care.

  34. Tim Higgins 2011.07.15

    Oh wait a second, I forgot to mention something about Obama care. This great program cuts 500 Billion from Medicare. Now you have to ask yourself, just what party is trying to destroy Medicare?

  35. caheidelberger Post author | 2011.07.15

    Tim, there's a difference between seeking cost-savings and efficiency (Obama's plan) and privatizing the program (Ryan-Noem plan). The former tries to control costs to maintain Medicare as we know it. The latter ends Medicare as we know it and leads to millions of older Americans losing their coverage (remind me again, which private insurers will be able to offer comprehensive affordable coverage for senior citizens living on fixed incomes and incurring most of America's health care costs?).

  36. Guy 2011.07.15


    Kristi is not happy with the Democrats and probably Kristi is not happy with you in helping them as I assume from her recent take on "Republic Insider":

    “It’s not fair to be spreading untruths. One thing I told South Dakotans I would do is offer solutions and always tell them the truth,” she [Rep. Kristi Noem] said in addressing what she call's dishonest attacks from the Democrats.

  37. Guy 2011.07.15

    By the way, I did NOT say I agree with Kristi in the last comment. It was just an observation that she sounds like she is not happy nor is she appreciative of all this questioning from the other side.

  38. caheidelberger Post author | 2011.07.15

    "Everything they’re attacking me on is false and lies," says Rep. Kristi Noem of Democratic criticism.

    Yes, Guy. I did catch that in Denise Ross's post.

    Everything. Everything. I welcome anyone to point out how every criticism above, every criticism in the Dems' radio ad, and every critical blog post I have written about our Congresswoman are lies.

  39. Guy 2011.07.15

    I just responded to the "Republic Insider," telling Kristi to grow up. She's one to talk about "unfair" and "lies." Stephanie had the position for 6 1/2 years and Noem can't seem to take the heat for 6 months about whining. Oh

  40. Guy 2011.07.15

    I bet the media will now pay attention to the Democrat's attacks since Kristi is now making it an issue by complaining about them. The Democrats have been hammering away at her inconsistentcies for a couple months now with little attention from our so called media. No, they have been too busy running every cute Kristi soundbite they can get their hands on. However, now that she just had another press conference to whine about the Democrat's attacks, for sure the media is going to cover this and they will make sure Kristi is portrayed as the victim and the Democrats are evil.

  41. Eve Fisher 2011.07.15

    Kristi Noem is simply borrowing the Sarah Palin playbook - when anyone says anything "bad" about you, claim it's all lies.

  42. Tim Higgins 2011.07.19

    Spin it any way you want Corey, Obama is cutting 500 Billion from Medicare. Period , bottom line. Again the Ryan bill takes Medicare away from NO ONE that is currently receiving it. It does take Medicare away from those who are 55 and younger. And again why will they need private insurance, there is always Obama care

  43. caheidelberger Post author | 2011.07.19

    You forget, Tim, ObamaCare is all private insurance. There is no public option.

    Everything else you say is right, Tim. Obama and the Dems forged a plan to save Medicare. Ryan and Noem give up and take it away from everyone but the crucial current bubble of seniors and retiring boomer voters. Ryan's is a cynical plan to unravel our social safety net that banks on folks 55 and over saying, "Well, I've got mine, so who gives a darn about the next generation?"

  44. Steve Sibson 2011.07.19

    "who gives a darn about the next generation?"

    You can direct that at those responsible for the out of control spending which debt is passed on to future generations. This is the spot where Cory steps in with, Thou shall now covet.

  45. Eve Fisher 2011.07.19

    Everyone who's panicking about the current debt/deficit crisis: where were you from 2001-2010, when two major wars were being fought without being put on the books? Did you think they were free? $1.2 trillion and counting, which were never included in the budgets that President Bush submitted. How about the Bush tax cuts, that took away revenue while upping spending by that $1.2 trillion? But no one ever worries about future generations when it's war: that only comes up when it's a question of actually helping the poor. Between Charles Dickens and Aldous Huxley, the present has been fairly well mapped out.

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