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Foodies Fan Charlie’s Pizza; Gov Loves Heidelberger; WaPo Notes Blog

Here's a handful of happy recognitions:

  • Nathan Johnson has some of America's best pizza in his neighborhood. Food Network Magazine deems the the spicy meatball and sauerkraut pizza at Charlie's Pizza the best pizza in South Dakota. (See photo #41 in this online slideshow.) Sharing Johnson's disdain for sauerkraut, I'll happily sample the rest of Charlie's menu first.
  • Governor Daugaard has appointed my cousin, Elizabeth Heidelberger, to the Council of Juvenile Services. No word on whether that last name triggered extra background checks, but apparently my liberal ravings have not hindered opportunities for other Heidelbergers to serve South Dakota. Yay, Liz! (Gov. Daugaard also appoints Madison's Kelsey Lambert and Madison HS alum turned Minnehaha County states attorney Aaron McGowan to the Council of Juvenile Services. Kevin Bacon, come to South Dakota.)
  • Chris Cillizza has kept a running list of the best state-based political blogs on his Washington Post blog The Fix. This year, thanks to reader nominations, the Madville Times makes the list alongside South Dakota War College. Thank you, readers! (And at least Mr. Cillizza is picking real South Dakotans now; in 2008, he listed an astroturf blog by a paid writer from Virginia as South Dakota's best blog.)

p.s.: In just over seven months here on the new domain and WordPress platform, the Madville Times has logged over 336,000 views. Pretty cool! Thanks again, readers!


  1. LK 2011.08.03

    Congratulations on the Washpo mention. I expect your next post to contain the full text of your acceptance speech that thanks the academy and all of the little people that made this all possible.

    As a German who is less than fond of kraut myself, the fat and heat in the meatballs cuts some of the sharp flavor in the kraut. Even if you skip award winning pizza, the rest of the menu is excellent

  2. Nick Nemec 2011.08.03

    A well deserved mention. Keep up the good work. I'm proud to say "I read him back before he got famous".

  3. Chris S. 2011.08.03

    Congrats on all the good news and recognition.

    As for Chris Cillizza, it's not surprising that he previously listed an astroturf blog from Virginia as "South Dakota's best blog." He's known for sloppy, lazy, Beltway-centric reporting, earning Atrios's "Wanker of the Day" honor twice this week alone.

  4. mike 2011.08.03

    Great Cory!

    How is the War College still ranked as one of the best blogs in SD? It is totally lame and most people I speak with don't read it much anymore.

    The DWC used to be great but now it is pathetic (even when they post on it).

  5. dj59 2011.08.03

    Congrats, Cory! Happy to see that your mix of news, opinion and humor gets some recognition outside our great state - keep up the good work!

  6. shane gerlach 2011.08.03

    I must say I am impressed by your recognition. I now can say..."I knew him when..."


  7. kwn 2011.08.05

    Way cool! Most days I enjoy your blog - some days it gives me hearburn. :) Seriously - Congrats Cory!

  8. caheidelberger Post author | 2011.08.05

    Thanks, K... and funny: I hear Charlie's Pizza has that same dichotomous effect on some people.

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