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Every Cyclist’s Dream: Crush the Mercedes in the Bike Lane

Fellow bicyclists, you should order yellow green and red racing jerseys with the name Arturas Zuokas on them. Zuokas is the mayor of Vilnius, the capital of Lithuania. Mayor Zuokas takes bike lanes and respect for parking laws very seriously:

It seems a tank is the best solution—I'll bet Stace Nelson has a shirt that says that. It's certainly not a comment I'd expect from a mayor riding a fold-up scooter.

That tinkering sound you hear is hundreds of bicyclists boxing up their bikes for the flight to Vilnius. Enjoy!

(Yes, the mayor's PSA is a stunt, with the Mercedes purchased specifically for this ad. But it's a good stunt, with great casting of the pudgy, gold-chained post-Soviet Mafioso.)


  1. Guy 2011.08.04

    Corey, we also featured this on our newcast this morning. I hadn't laughed so hard in along time when I first saw it.

  2. Linda McIntyre 2011.08.04

    Bike lanes in Europe are really taken very seriously. As a tourist who is used to walking anywhere I want on a sidewalk in the US, I got yelled at several times to "get out of the way" by a cyclist coming from behind me in the marked bike lane on the sidewalk. And I got!!

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