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Heidelberger Brings Leftist Propaganda to Masses in SD Magazine!

Last updated on 2011.08.26

Hey, Mom, clear some space on the fridge! South Dakota Magazine published one of my essays!

Screen Cap: Cory's first column in South Dakota Magazine

If you want to read the whole thing, head to South Dakota Magazine. My column is the first of what should be an ongoing twice-monthly series (if I don't throw too many pies at the Legislature, of which editor Bernie Hunhoff is a member).

And for those of you fretting over liberal bias in South Dakota media, fear not! I hear that South Dakota Magazine will provide the perfect antidote in the form of conservative medicine from an esteemed fellow writer in the South Dakota blogosphere. Stay tuned! And thanks to South Dakota Magazine for the great opportunity to share my thoughts with more of my fellow South Dakotan.


  1. Ruth 2011.08.25

    Proud to be your mom! Yes, I will make room on my refrigerator for your articles.

  2. Joyce 2011.08.25

    This is great news and congratulations. We love the South Dakota Magazine along with Madville Times. You do write very interesting and well worded articles. Bernie has made a good choice for articles in his magazine.

  3. Katie Hunhoff 2011.08.25

    We're happy to have you as part of the South Dakota Magazine team! I'm looking forward to your next column.

  4. Patrick Leary 2011.08.25

    Yes, Cory, there definitely is a Left Wing in South Dakota. Most of them whom I know are on a government payroll, either federal, state or local school.

  5. Stan Gibilisco 2011.08.26

    Will your essays appear in the print edition, or only on the Web site?

  6. South DaCola 2011.08.26

    Cory, you should run against Noem. This Jeff Varilek-Matt Barth character has me a bit worried.

  7. caheidelberger Post author | 2011.08.26

    Yes, Patrick, and we're all coming to take your guns and your liberty and send you to a re-education camp on Gerry Lange's back 40.

    Stan, I think this is a Web-only venture. I still need to figure out a way to reach that vast inky-thumbed audience.

    And Scott, let's give the Barth and Varilek machines a chance. They're already throwing punches I like.

  8. caheidelberger Post author | 2011.08.26

    And thank you Joyce, Katie... and Mom!

  9. Michael Black 2011.08.26

    Cory - there is something odd about your picture in the column. It looks like a wide angle lens was on you camera making your head appear bigger than the rest of your body.

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