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Posts published in August 2011

Powertech Closes Colorado Office, Says Focusing on South Dakota Uranium

Canadian uranium digger Powertech isn't looking too rosy for investors. After several months in which its stock price has tumbled nearly 80%, Powertech apparently can't even afford to continue leasing an old house in Wellington, Colorado, as a local office.…

Sunday at Roughlock Falls

Despite the fact that we aren't paying back rent to the neighbors from whom we stole this land, the Madville Times family is really enjoying its new digs in Spearfish. On Sunday, I went for not one but two trips…

Keystone XL: More Property Tax, Few Local Jobs

I've been reading the Department of State's Final Environmental Impact Statement on TransCanada's proposed Keystone XL pipeline. Numerous commentators are focusing their criticism on the FEIS's environmental analysis. I want to take a look at the section on socioeconomic impacts.…

State Dept Says Keystone XL Fine; 381 Go to Jail to Say Otherwise

The State Department has issued its Final Environmental Impact Statement on the proposed Keystone XL pipeline. Canadian oil giant TransCanada wants to build across the western half of South Dakota to ship up to 830,000 barrels of tar sands oil…

The Earth Moves in Junius, Too

Funny how this works: yesterday I mentioned my debut column on the South Dakota Magazine website. Then this morning I find another Black Hills denizen with Lake County connections writing on the same Web pages. Pat Boyd, once from Chicago,…

Where Are Tim, John, and Kristi? Report Your Sightings!

Senator Tim Johnson takes a little heat from the Aberdeen American News for telling the press not to publicize his visit to Aberdeen yesterday. I agree: Tim, you don't make my job easy when you create any appearance of keeping…

MHS Facility Committee Leaning Toward Reruns

One of my East River correspondents provides some impressions from the second meeting of the ad hoc Madison High School facility committee, a group of nine citizens convened by the Madison Central School Board to hash out a new plan…