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Posts published in August 2011

NoemSpeak: Killing Is Saving, Vouchers Aren’t Vouchers

Ignorance is Kristi Noem's greatest strength. If voters remain ignorant of her actual record, they can believe whatever she says about it. If voters look at the facts alongside her cynically deceptive spin, Noem loses to Barth, Varilek, or a…

Interim Committee Protecting Most State Sales Tax Exemptions

I learn from Facebook that the state legislature's interim committee on taxation sat down yesterday to look at state tax exemptions that we could close to fund education and other programs or even to ease other tax burdens. Apparently the…

Gov. Christie Says We Cause Climate Change

New Jersey Governor Chris Christie just joined Sibby's list of RINOs fronting for the New World Order*, declaring that climate change and human impact thereupon are real: Christie's come full circle on the issue. Last year, he told a town…

Right-Wing Fear, Gun Fetish Demands Carrying Weapons Everywhere

I shouldn't pay any more attention to The Right Side, part of Gordon Howie's pretend blog empire. Ed Randazzo has closed the comments, which means he isn't really writing a blog anymore. However, I keep an eye on his rantings,…

Madison Response to Demand for More Retail: Start Your Own Store

You may recall the discussion my Madison neighbor Ashley Kenneth Allen started earlier this summer about bringing more retail to Madison. Heartland general manager Mike McDowell invited Allen to come discuss the issue at the July board meeting of our…

New Job, New Apartment, New Utilities… Light Posting Alert!

My apologies, dear readers! Madville Times and family are moving into a new apartment, in a new time zone, with a new job that officially starts in 26 minutes. Hooking up new Internet access hasn't quite bubbled to the top…