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Posts published in August 2011

United States Exceptionally Dumb About Evolution

Yale poli-sci and econ prof Chris Blattman finds this really cool chart plotting the relationship between national wealth (as measured by gross domestic product per capita) and belief in evolution: Only 40% of Americans deem true the statement that "Human…

Farm Subsidies Protect National Security… and Other Myths

Don Carr of the Environmental Working Group posts a fine summary of nine bogus arguments made in favor of farm subsidies. Among the myths, Carr tackles the assertion often parroted by Congresswoman and farm-welfare queen Kristi Noem that farm subsidies…

Republicans Preach New Voodoo Economics

"Rick Perry's an idiot," says former GHW Bush Treasury official and Reagan domestic policy adviser Bruce Bartlett. I avoid calling D-students idiots. But I will agree with The Economist's U.S. Editor Greg Ip that Perry and his fellow Republicans have…

MHS Renovation Committee Needs to Focus on Building, Not Campaigning

The Madison Central School District's renovation study committee had its first meeting Wednesday night. School board member Ryan Hegg, who sits on this committee, demonstrates in the paper that he's still focused on rerunning the old plan: We're trying to…

Rutland Defies Madison, State Order, Plans Three Madison Bus Stops

The Rutland School Board held a special meeting last night. The board discussed the state Department of Education's order that it pick up open-enrolling students at only one site in Madison city limits. The board then said "Nuts to that!"…

Stimulus Builds Conference Center, Jobs, Tourism, Hope in Howard

Oh, now I get what Sibby was talking about when he referred to the grand opening of the Rural Learning Center's Maroney Commons as "the communist takeover of Howard." The $6.5-million conference center, which has created a bunch of new…

Barth Calls Noem “Tea Party Fanatic”

U.S. House candidate Jeff Barth takes the first swing of the 2012 campaign. Joining around 75 fellow citizens at the free Dems pancake feed at Sherman Park yesterday, Commissioner Barth drew the following contrast between himself and incumbent Congresswoman Kristi…

South Dakota Loses Jobs in July: Daugaard Budget Cuts at Work?

Mr. Mercer notes a "hiccup" in South Dakota's unemployment numbers. After a mostly positive year, jobs in South Dakota dipped in July, from a seasonally adjusted 427,000 in June to 426,600 in July. I'd analyze the numbers, but the state…