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Posts published in August 2011

Obama’s Poll Numbers Bad; GOP Contenders’ Worse

The estimable Dr. Blanchard gets to dish out one of his pithier headlines in celebration of President Barack Obama's really bad poll numbers. Dakota War College's new and shadowy Bill Clay/Hans Grüber also finds the low Obama numbers trumpet-worthy. You…

Jeff Barth Launches Campaign Website, Urges Early Voting

Minnehaha County Commissioner and chess master Jeff Barth continues to press his first-mover advantage, launching the official website for his campaign to unseat Congresswoman Kristi Noem in 2012: Revision #1: Commissioner Barth, I appreciate your support for early voting. But…

What, Me Worry? About Rick Perry? Why Not?

Troy Jones says criticism of Rick Perry shows that we liberals are afraid of the Texas governor now focusing on answering God's call to run for President. Evidently the proper response from liberals to conservative candidates is to quietly accept…

Kristi Noem Copies Paul Ryan, Hides from Constituents

Congresswoman Kristi Noemeetings is evidently taking her cues from Congressman Paul Ryan from Wisconsin. The man who proposed the Medicare-destroying budget Kristi loves is holding no public town hall meetings during the August recess. Worse, according to Politico, Ryan and…

Gas Mileage: Finally Converting from Ethanol-10 to Premium?

Monday before last, I drove out to Spearfish and got a job. Last Monday, I drove out to Spearfish and got an apartment. This coming Sunday, I haul family, teacher shoes, and bicycles to Spearfish. Work starts this coming Monday.…

USA Today Reveals Madison Dairy Queen Success Secrets

Some day, expect DeLon Mork to write (or have ghost-written.... and DeLon, I know a literary guy who can help you with that!) a best-selling book on how to succeed in business. While we wait for that tome, USA Today…

After Oil, Keystone XL May Drain Ogallala Aquifer

One of the major concerns about TransCanada's proposed Keystone XL tar sands oil pipeline is the possibility that it would contaminate the Ogallala aquifer as it crosses Nebraska. (And remember, Keystone XL is eight times more likely to damage the…

South Dakota Dems Offer Free Pancakes Thursday!

Go ahead, Tim Rave. Just try shouting "Food for Votes." I knew Kristi Noem would be good for blogging. She's also handing Democrats easy campaign fodder. In response to the Congresswoman's $500-pic-and-pancake Minnehaha Country Club fundraiser with Speaker John Boehner,…