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Top South Dakota Brands on Facebook; Where’s Print Media?

Sheer envy: I clearly need to boost the Madville Times presence on Facebook!

9Clouds scours Facebook to find out what South Dakota brands have the best Facebook juice. The top ten companies based on "Likes" as of September 1:

  1. KELOLand News (still the biggest media gorilla in this state)
  2. South Dakota State University
  3. Wild Water West
  4. Sanford Health
  5. KSFY Action News (which just in time for this rating has switched Facebook pages...but in good news, switches to a page that drops the silly "Action News!" moniker... because really, think about: how much of what you see on the typical nightly South Dakota news broadcast constitutes real action?)
  6. Get-n-Go (really, people? It's just a gas station.)
  7. Washington Pavilion
  8. Tanka Bar
  9. Oh My Cupcakes!
  10. South Dakota Magazine

South Dakota Magazine beats all of our other print media... although some searching reveals that 9Clouds may have missed (or there may have been a Labor Day Like surge for) the Rapid City Journal, which this morning has 5150 Likes. That's more than triple the 1453 Likes hanging around the Facebook page of that Sioux Falls paper. Once again, the Rapid City Journal demonstrates its edge over its East River counterpart in engaging readers online.

Even the Aberdeen American News has more Facebook buzz than that Sioux Falls paper. My quick and non-exhaustive list of South Dakota print media's Facebook vibe (Likes in parentheses). And hey look: something Madison does better than Brookings!

  1. Rapid City Journal (5150)
  2. Aberdeen American News (1567)
  3. that Sioux Falls paper (1453)
  4. Black Hills Pioneer (1416)
  5. Watertown Public Opinion (1130)
  6. Yankton Press and Dakotan (1011)
  7. Pierre Capital Journal (673)
  8. Chamberlain-Oacoma Sun (624)
  9. South Dakota Newspaper Association (283)
  10. Madison Daily Leader (19)
  11. Huron Plainsman (9)
  12. Brookings Register (5)

For perspective, fewer people have clicked Like on the Madison Daily Leader's Facebook page than have joined the South Dakota for Herman Cain group.

I welcome additional South Dakota newspaper submissions for the list!


  1. Michael Black 2011.09.07

    I did not know the Madison Daily Leader even had a FB Page.

    I do a great deal of SEO work on my own website. Traffic and popularity do not necessarily make you more money. You have to be able to convert that traffic into hard sales. Just having people look at our pictures on the website does nothing for the bank account. Purchases need to be made. Money needs to be spent or I'm out of business. Depending on which stat program you choose to believe, we are seeing 300-600 visitors per day. We are in the top 13% of all websites.

    Print media is not internet marketing. Far more people will see my images in the Madison Daily Leader than on our website. I advertise with the paper because I can reach more people than the internet can in the local area. The internet may be cheaper BUT I don't necessarily know if my local market will see my ad.

    In other words, FB likes mean little right now to the success of your state newspapers. That may change in the future.

  2. Miranda Phillips 2011.09.07

    Don't underestimate the Argus' work via Twitter. The @argus911 account is outstanding. And don't forget Argus reporters provide that gorilla with news other than whatever one-sided Sanford story they're running. They should just pick up the paper and read it on-air.

  3. mike 2011.09.07

    Impressive work by the Aberdeen News and South Dakota Magazine.

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