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Kumbayah Edition: Keystone XL, SF Event Center, Tea and Occupation

Bob Ellis wants to convince you that America is more disunited than ever, but I say nuts to that. The blogosphere is full of signs that Americans of divergent views can still find common ground:

  • Sicangu Lakota writer Vi Waln sees the Keystone XL tar sands pipeline as a threat to the Water of Life. Nebraska Governor Dave Heineman appears to agree: in a reversal of a position taken in August, the Republican governor is calling the Nebraska Legislature into special session to discuss requiring TransCanada to reroute its dangerous pipeline away from the Ogallala Aquifer.
  • Conservative Rev. Rep. Steve Hickey is joining the voices against Mayor Huether's proposed event center. Rep. Hickey is willing to link to evidence against the event center from somewhat more liberal blogger Scott Ehrisman. When Ehrisman and Hickey can sit at the same table, we might want to do an Apocalypse check. (Possibly on the downside: Hickey tempts Godwin's Rule by invoking Josef Goebbels.)
  • Conservative blogger Ken Blanchard takes a look at the Tea Party and the Occupy Wall Street movement and finds both "entirely genuine, composed of red-blooded American sons and daughters of liberty." Democrat Bernie Hunhoff agrees, praising both groups for rejecting apathy and making their voices heard.

Group hug, everyone!


  1. Michael Black 2011.10.27

    Cory, you are right that America has common ground: everyone hates Congress. The latest pollgives Congress an approval rating of 9%. My guess is that O.J. is better thought of than our elected representatives in Washington.

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