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DSU Launches New Comic Book Ad Campaign

I know my readers love advertising. I am thus happy to share Dakota State University's new comic book (ahem, graphic novel) ad campaign (brought to my attention by blog neighbor and DSU professor John Nelson).

First up, "Vampire," which takes 15 seconds of image noise to get around to actually talking about the product:

Second, "Techie," which gets to the point just a little more quickly:

"Technically, we're better." I rather like that turn of phrase. Dear readers, amateur marketing analysts all, what do you think? How well do these ads target DSU's audience and sell the university?


  1. Joseph Nelson 2011.10.29

    I now want to go back to Madison to get another degree!

  2. caheidelberger Post author | 2011.10.29

    Joseph! Before you make a final decision, consider Black Hills State. Advantage: free sunburn treatment. ;-)

  3. LK 2011.10.30

    DSU probably should have demonstrated a bit more research. It seems they tried to mix anime with traditional 4 color cape concepts.

    Purists in both camps might find the results off-putting no matter how technically competent the creators may have been

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