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Pay to Play at Noem Hearings

Back in July, I noted with scorn that Congresswoman Kristi Noem likes to give big campaign donors choice seats at hearings on her pet issues. Now the AP picks up on the story and finds more evidence of that pattern at her big October dust-up:

In a July hearing for the House subcommittee on national parks, forests and public lands in Hill City, S.D., on a mountain pine beetle epidemic in the Black Hills, two of three non-government witnesses each gave $1,000 or more to her congressional campaign account. The other three witnesses worked for the U.S. Forest Service or the state agriculture department.

Earlier this month, two of seven non-government witnesses at a hearing on farm dust were associated with a total of $9,000 in campaign contributions, either by themselves, the lobbying group they represented at the hearing, or through their family and employees [Henry C. Jackson, "Witnesses at Rep. Kristi Noem Congressional Hearings Also Have Donated Thousands to Campaign," AP via Aberdeen American News, 2011.10.31].

Now if I were the Democratic equivalent of Tony Post, I'd be screaming about potential violations of the law and demanding that Noem's staff come clean. Unlike Tony, I don't need to manufacture a scandal to make my point. I can recognize that there is no law prohibiting campaign donors from also exercising their free speech in testimony before Congress.

I just wish Rep. Noem really appreciated free speech, instead of favoring those who pay for the opportunity to participate in the discussion of legislation.


  1. mike 2011.11.01

    Kristi Noem is elitest. She needs their money. I think it is fine they testify. I just don't think it reflects well on her. It also makes her look like she is in politically in bed with them.

  2. Donald Pay 2011.11.01

    Crony capitalism has been a long-standing problem in South Dakota. Noem is just playing the typical South Dakota political game. For a time the Republicans had figured out it looked better to use astroturf organizations--prop up some Joe Schmoe worker who slaved away at a crony capitalist enterprise to sit up there and give the crony capitalist view. Somehow Noem didn't get the memo.

  3. Joyce 2011.11.01

    Poor Kristi, she got her boobs in the wringer with this one.

  4. Thad Wasson 2011.11.01

    You weren't expecting someone like Debra White Plume to testify, were you?

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