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Keystone XL Eminent Domain Makes Us All Indians

Last updated on 2014.07.28

Three weeks ago, I suggested that mutual opposition to the Keystone XL tar sands oil pipeline could restart Anglo-Lakota reconciliation in South Dakota. Lakota activist Debra White Plume recognizes the historical parallel that could join our hoops with the Lakota:

As the ranchers complained about being intimidated into signing an easement under the threat of their land being taken by TransCanada declaring eminent domain, White Plume's response was clear. "Those were the conditions we faced back in the era before treaties were made," she said, referring to the Fort Laramie Treaties, which are under constant violation by the US government and transnational corporations.

"I told them that they are now the Indians of today," White Plume said [emphasis mine; Jason Coppola, "Lakota Tribes 'Refuse to Cooperate' with Tar Sands Proponents," Truthout, 2011.11.02].

In the eyes of TransCanada and the rest of the corporatocracy, we are all dirty Indians.

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More evidence that we're all up against fork-tongued devils: Just last month, TransCanada's pipeline exec Alex Pourbaix said that moving the Keystone XL route was "impossible." Now scrambling to assure investors that the State Department's delay won't derail the pipeline, TransCanada's CEO Russ Girling says "We can re-route this pipeline quite easily."


  1. Bruce Whalen 2011.11.18

    Relations are not reconciled. After a similar alliance helped to defeat the DM&E Railroad attitudes soon returned to conflict. Deb White Plume will continue saying land west of the Missouri River is the Great Sioux Reservation and you will continue to say that same land is South Dakota, as stated in your first paragraph. During this alleged alliance Deb and others will temporarily appear to be mutual in agreement to strengthen a cause. Decide for yourself if it is worthy or not. Rest assured that ranchers will become a friend to the enemy of Lakota people if a serious discussion to restore the Great Sioux Reservation erupted. Be careful to make something seem that it is not. By the way - If you agree with Deb then show it by changing your Masthead to say the Great Sioux Reservation wherein Spearfish is Constitutionally located.

  2. caheidelberger Post author | 2011.11.18

    Intriguing suggestion, Bruce! Indeed, I have become even more of an occupier since my August move. If I cover West River and East River, should I change the masthead to read "Great Sioux Reservation/South Dakota"? (For now, I'll weasel out of my racism by claiming there's not enough room in my template for all that text.)

    Bruce, I don't predict that apparent collaboration against Keystone XL guarantees that we'll make progress on reconciliation. Recognition of common cause and joint political efforts are probably necessary but not sufficient conditions for bringing about the kind of culture Debra White Plume and I and other citizens can have an honest discussion about the status of the Black Hills and surrounding occupied (conquered?) territory.

  3. Bruce Whalen 2011.11.18

    Caheidelberger, okay then, let's somehow collaborate by getting a forum together. We can start with the term "conquered" to show how that might happen through conquest, either by war or treaty. I submit to Federalist Paper 75, which suggests that treaties are good faith contracts between nations whereas one nation will not establish and enforce laws on the other. And we should determine that in treaty those items not contracted are retained by each respective sovereign. Such as inherent powers. By the way, I don't think you are racist. We both could use lessons about the intent of that word. I submit we both are confused about factual history and its present outcome.

  4. caheidelberger Post author | 2011.11.19

    What kind of forum, Bruce? Do we need to put together a road show, hold some meetings? If we're talking symposia on Anglo-Lakota relations and treaty history, who are the best speakers to carry that message and lead useful participatory discussion?

  5. Bruce Whalen 2011.11.19

    Caheidelberger, not a roadshow unless progress suggests. Nice bold thinking though. I think something small yet possibly including Pod Cast and see if it grows from there. Hmm, "best speakers", good question. I prefer not to suggest names online and it would be a long list. Shoot me an email if you want.

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